Chapter 23

1690 Words
*"Now you're giving me orders,?" "You don't tell me what to do, because you're not the Alpha yet," I say as I cross my arms. "Hey Zair, how you doing,?" "I'm pretty good Mr. Rick, how are you,?" "Yep, about the same," "Sweetie, you better not let your mom hear you talking like that," Says my dad as he squeezes past us, causing Zair to chuckle. "Why didn't he say anything?" I shrug. "He probably want's to wait until I tell him" "I told him to give me time to process everything, before they start asking questions" He nods and smiles. "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow," "What about your kiss,?" I ask as I walk over to the lean against the railing. "Do I still get my kisses tomorrow?" "I guess, if you want them" "Of course I want them," "I want all of them," he says before he pecks my lips. After he leaves, I clean up our mess and I take my book up to my room. Then I go help my dad make dinner, and I am so relieved that he doesn't mention Zair. I guess he is waiting on me. I get him to show me a couple of steps from the waltz and it seems easy enough, if I can stop stepping on his toes. "Since you're waking up so early, I might need to start making you a good homemade breakfast" says my dad as I walk into the kitchen. "Nah, I'm up extra early, because I was ordered to do so by Alpha Jr." I say, as if, I'm being obligated. (As if I don't want a kiss by him too) "You call him that?" he chuckles. "Sometimes, when he annoys me, or when everyone throws themselves at his feet," "He's not the Alpha yet, and he still answers to his parents," "You are your mothers daughter," "No dad, Tye is like mom, and I am more like you," He smiles and hugs me. "Good morning, family!" says Teagan as she walks into the kitchen. "Good morning Teags," says my dad. "Good morning, short stuff," I say as I go to hug her. ''Let's get going," "Why do we have to get to school early?" "I'll tell you in the car, bye dad" "I'm still, waiting," he says with a smile. "I know, soon I promise," I say as I pull Teagan to the front door. "Zair want's me to show up, so that I can kiss him, before anyone shows up at school" she looks at me with wide eyes. "And, you're just going to do what he says,?" "Well I told him that I would give him a lot of kisses today,'' ''And he, knows that I won't kiss him in front of other people, so he, told me to come early," I say as I shrug. She smiles. "I can't believe you're doing all of this,'' ''You must really like him," I face palm. "It does sound stupid, now that I think about" "It's not stupid," "Let's go get a breakfast sandwich" I say, as I drive past the school and my mates shocked face. "Aya, where are you going,?" "I'll be back," Teagan giggles as she waves at Ben. We pull up to a fast food restaurant and then we go inside. "Come on Teags, what do you want?" "I already ate" "Just get a coffee then," "I haven't had one of these in a while" I say before I bite into my sausage, egg, and cheese croissant. "You ditched me, for a sandwich,?" asks Zair from behind me. "It's a pretty good sandwich" I say as I hold it up to him. He smiles and takes a bite, then he sits down next to me. "Are you guys going to get something to eat?" "I just want to taste your lips," he links as he stares at me. I avoid his eyes and continue eating. Teagan goes with Ben to the counter to get something to eat and Raegan trails them. I peck Zair on the cheek, then I look at my sandwich. "Are those the kinds of kisses you promised me,?" "I don't know how to kiss Zair," "Then let me kiss you," he says as he rubs my cheek. I close my eyes as I enjoy his touch, and he leans over to kiss me. "Why don't you come to my house after school?" "I can't, I have rehearsal after school" "Can I go with you?" "You can, but it will be boring" "Plus today, I have to practice the waltz, which I need a lot of practice to master," He watches my lips as I talk. "But, it's a good thing that my dad can teach me" "I could learn and teach you too," he says excitedly. "Nah, we would be stepping on each other's toes," I laugh. "I kept stepping on my dads poor feet," "I don't care if you step on me, because I'll be close to you," "Actually, the waltz isn't that type of dance'' "It isn't close up like the salsa, or the tango" "Good, that means Rodick doesn't have a reason to be close to you," "Is that why you want to come with me,?" "One of the reasons, yes," "But the main reason is because I want to be close to you," He says as he rubs my lips. "I wish you would let me touch you," "I'm not ready for that yet, Zair" ''I know, and I will wait for as long as I have to, so don't worry," I lean on his shoulder after he wraps his arm around me, surprising him. He squeezes me tighter and kisses the top of my head. "You smell beautiful, Aya" he says as he smells my hair. "Hey, they're taking a long time to get their food," I say as I turn to look for them. "Why are they sitting over there,?'' "Did you tell them to sit over there,?" he smiles. "I wanted some alone time with you" "Alphas!" I say as I shake my head. "I'm not, that bad," "I won't tell you what I really think of Alphas, because you're my boyfriend and I don't want to hurt your feelings," "But yeah, they are really not nice people," He laughs. "My dad is the only Alpha, that I have ever met that doesn't act all macho all the time," I say before I take a sip of my juice. He laughs. "Tell me, what you think of Alphas?" (Great, he didn't catch my slip up!) I think to myself. ''They are possessive, spoiled brats that take and rarely give, and... I'll stop there" I end it there, when I see his facial expression change. Did he finally notice my slip up? "My dad, isn't like that," "Well, I've never really met your dad, so he gets a pass'' "Am, I like that,?" "You are, sometimes'' "I'm not that possessive, or a spoiled brat, I just go after what I like,'' he says as he squeezes me. "Have you forgotten that I've gone to school with you for years?" "I've seen your little tantrums'' ''How you would leave class when you wanted to, and you talked back to the teachers," I say with a small smile. "That was when I was younger," "You know, a lot was happening to my body and I felt like I had to prove myself, because I was the Alpha's son," "Aww, really,?" "I thought you were just doing it, because you could" I say as I caress his cheek. He leans over and pecks my lips, and then he pecks them again. I sigh as my eyes close. "When are you going to visit my house?" "I have to be honest'' ''It's not the first thing on my list to do," "Why not,?" he asks surprised. "Because of what you did to me, in my living room'' ''I don't even want to imagine what you would try to do to me there," he chuckles. "We'd just play video games... at first," he says with a smirk. I gasp at his confession. "What would you do,?" "Never mind, I don't want to know" I say putting my hand up. "That's good, because, I want it to be a surprise'' "Oh my Goddess, I'm never going to your house," "You'll have to eventually come," "Yeah, when I'm 30," I say to test him. "I will wait for you as long as you want, but you'll have to at least move in with me before then," "I will go crazy, if I have to wait that long, still having to visit your parents house to see you," ''Is that what you want?" he asks as he looks into my eyes. "No" I whisper. He attacks my lips and hugs me close to him and I have to push him away, in order to catch my breath. "I'm sorry, just please don't make me wait that long for you," "I was only teasing you'' I say as I punch his stomach. (Not too hard) "Zair, what time is it?!" I look around and see that our friends are gone. "Did you tell them to leave us,?" "I forgot about the time" he says with a smile, causing me to believe that this was planned. "Your Alpha, is showing" I say as I stand to throw away the trash. He laughs and walks up behind me, to hug me. "Don't be angry, Aya," "I'm not angry" "This won't be the first time that I've shown up late, but you have to let me know before you keep changing my plans," "Well we already had plans, for this morning and you changed them," he says without missing a beat. "That was different," "How so?" he asks as he opens the door to lead me outside. "I was still going to let you kiss me,'' ''It just wasn't going to be when you wanted it," "But you didn't tell me of your change of plans," "Fine, it is the same," I say as I open my car door.
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