Chapter 21

1744 Words
*I wave goodbye to Teagan as I walk towards the woods. Asha seemed to be in a better mood, and she didn't talk about finding our mate, or how much of a wet blanket I am for not wanting to find him. "Hey Yaya it's me Zair, we have to talk" I hear Zair say as he links me. "About what, Alpha Zair,?" I reply. "About us," "What about us?" "Well, I know that I promised we'd be together and I promised you'd be my Luna, but... I have to break my promise" "What do you mean,?'' I ask, as if, I'm surprised. "Are you breaking up with me, before we even get started,?" "I'm sorry Yaya, I just found my mate," "That's why, I can't go on with my promises, because she will be my Luna," "Oh... you're sure she's your mate,?" "Yes, I get tingles whenever I touch, or kiss her and the connection that I feel with her is so much stronger than the one that I felt with you," "Oh," "And you're sure,?" (Could he be lying, just to spare her feelings?) "Yes, I am 100% sure," he says with a chuckle. "Oh" "Well, I guess I can't compete with your true mate," I say, as I try not to let him know that I am freaking out from this new information. (I guess I kind of knew it, I was just in denial) "Will you still come to see me?" I ask to see if he is really done with her. "I told her that I wouldn't, so I, can't," "Well, I'm happy for you Alpha," "Thank you, Yaya" "FYI, my name isn't Yaya" "What is it,?" He asks before I close my link and to my surprise, he doesn't try to get through to me. (He really is finished with Yaya) I think to myself, as a smile spreads across my face. "So now, you know," says Asha "Yes, I think I already kind of had an idea of who it was, I was just prolonging it," "I don't want to leave my family, so I'll pretend that I don't know for a little while longer," "Take all the time you need, I just don't want to hear about human mates," I laugh. "Deal" She tells me about when she first found out that Zair was my mate, and she suggests things that I can do to get over my jumpiness, so that, I can stop hurting him. Well, it doesn't hurt him, but I still don't want to be so jumpy. "What are you smiling so big for,?" asks Tye as I walk into the kitchen. "I had a good run, and me and Asha are friends again'' "How can you not be friends with your wolf,?" "We had a disagreement, because I didn't want to find my mate, and because I wanted a human mate instead," His eyes get big, hardly anything surprises my brother, so this is big. "Why would you want a human mate, you're an Alpha female?!" he asks almost angrily. "It would be less of a headache, and I don't want to leave my friends and family," "If I have a human as a mate, he won't force me to move out until I am ready," he smiles and shakes his head. "You'll feel different, when you finally find your mate," "That's, what I'm afraid of," "You know who your mate is, don't you,?" I nod slowly, and I try not to smile. "I don't want him to know, that I know, at least not for a while" "It's, Zair," he says with a smile. "How did you know,?" "Because he let you drag him across the living room floor and he had a smile on his face," "That is not what happened, you are definitely your mothers son!" I say, as I cross my arms across my chest. He laughs. "I'm only, joking,'' "I could tell by the way he looked at you and by the way you acted towards him, even though, you tried to keep your cool,'' ''I could still tell little sis," he says as he pokes at my stomach, causing me to smile. "I also heard you tackled him in the forbidden place," I laugh. "This is not the imperial garden, and I only went to find you, because you ditched me for some girl," "You'll understand when you're older," he says with a smile. "I don't want to Tye," "Why can't I just hold his hand and hang out, then at the end of every day I'll come home to be with my family, at least, until I turn 30," he laughs loudly and pats my shoulder. "I promise you'll be fine, you're already starting to accept him, and I'm, sure he will give you all the time you need and if doesn't," he holds up his fist. "Thank you, Tye," I say as I hug him. "Now you'll need mom to have the talk about mates," "No Tye, I'll learn from school!'' "It's not the same, but it's up to you," he says as he shrugs. "Good, I want to keep my innocence for a little while longer," "If it was up to me, you'd keep it forever," Why can I talk to him about this stuff, but when it comes to other people, I can't, not even my mom. I give him another hug then I go upstairs to shower. A part of me wants to go sing tonight, but I can't, I need to study my lines for the play. I would ask Tye, but it's a love story. "Zair, can you help me to read over the play after school tomorrow" "Of course, I will," "Thank you, for asking me," he replies almost immediately. "Thank you, for agreeing to help me," "I'm doing it for selfish reasons, because I really want to see you," I shake my head as I smile at his corniness. ''So you'll follow me home after school?" "I'll meet you there, because I have to do something first," "You're not going to see Yaya are you,?" I ask, pretending to be jealous. Actually, I am jealous that it may be another girl, but I'm just using Yaya's name, because I know it's not her. "Are you jealous,?" he asks with hope in his voice. "No... I'm not," He chuckles. ''You just let me know when you are on your way, okay," "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow" he says sweetly. "Okay, bye" I say, as my heart flutters. (I don't want to feel this way) I think to myself, as I lay on my bed and start to doze off to sleep. "Wow sweetie, I can't believe you beat Teagan, you've been doing great!" "I feel like I should reward you," I laugh and hug him. "I went to sleep earlier, than I usually do," "Maybe being Yaya was using a lot of my time and energy" "So you're not being Yaya anymore?" "Of course I am, it's just that with the play, I won't have time," "So... who did you get,?" "Guess'' "You wanted to be the fairy godmother," "Nope" "Aww sweetie, I'm sorry, who did you get,'' "Cinderella" he laughs at my frown and smiles and hugs me. "That's great news, your mom will be so happy!" "Did you change your mind about who you wanted to be?" "No, Mrs. Wyne, thought that I'd make a good Cinderella, and no matter how much, I begged, she wouldn't let me out of it" He chuckles. "Good, that means she sees your potential,'' ''You're always holding back, or doing, just enough," "Because, I don't like being in the spotlight" "What about when you sing karaoke on stage?" "That's not me, that's Yaya, no one knows, so I don't have to worry about all eyes on me, all of the time," "And we can't talk about Yaya here anymore" "Why not,?" "Because Alpha Zair has taken a liking to her and tomorrow he will be here to help me practice my script," "That's interesting," he says with a raised eyebrow. "Well, I have to go,'' ''I love you, and I'll see you later!" I say before I give him a kiss on the cheek. Teagan walks into the door and I push her out. "My dad is about to start with the questions!" I say as I pull her to my car. "We'll talk when you get home," says my dad through my link. "No dad," "I promise to tell you and mom later... as in, not today later," "Fine, but don't take too long," "Thank you, dad," I blow out a breath as I get to my car. "Man, I knew everything would be different, when I, got a mate," I say as I put on my seatbelt. "You found your mate?!" "Well, he found me" "Actually, he goes to our school and you know him as... it's Zair" she looks at me with a huge smile. "Yay, we can double date!" I shake my head as I pull out of the driveway. I pull up to the school and he looks anxious to see me. I feel the same way, but everyone doesn't have to know. "Hi guys, how are you,?'' I say as Itry to walk past them. He grabs my hand and pulls mebback towards them and into a hug. Teagan giggles as she looks on. "Zair, there are so many people here," I say through our link. "Fine, but, I'm following you," "Let's get your books out of your locker" he says. "Okay," I say as I wiggle out of his grip. "Can I kiss you?" he asks as he waits behind me. "Later, okay" I whisper as I look around. "Promise me,'' he says as he turns me around, then he looks at my lips. "I promise" I say as I step back away from him. "Let me walk you to class," I nod and we walk to my first period. When he leaves me at the door, I call his name and I blow him a kiss, when he turns to look at me. He smiles and catches it, then he, puts it in his pocket and he walks to his class. Is he saving it for later? I think to myself. I bet if Yaya would have done it, he would have flipped to catch it, so that he could kiss it.
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