Chapter 22

1985 Words
*As I take my seat, they all look at me, as if, I had walked into the wrong class. I wave. "Hi guys," They smile and Teagan giggles. Is it obvious that we're together? Wait, are we together? (He still didn't tell me that he talked to Yaya, and I, talked to him last night) Maybe he's waiting to tell me. (Damn it, I'll never make fun of my mom for being jealous again, because this sucks!) I think to myself as I finish my assignment, then I think about how my life is going to change. How did I end up being the Alpha's mate. I'm sure there were so many girls praying to the Moon Goddess for this, but she gave him to me. The same way that Mrs. Wyne, gave me the role of Cinderella, when so many other girls wanted it. "Just be happy that it's not an old pop belly Alpha," says Asha. "I am happy Asha, but how do I know that he is?" "Are you okay,?" asks Teagan snapping me out of my conversation with Asha. "Yes, why?" "Because the bell rang and you're still here" she whispers. I look around and see that almost everyone is gone except for me, her, Raegan and Ben and two other students. "I was talking to Asha," "Well, let's go," She says as she grabs my book for me. "Where were you?" he asks as I walk into the hall. "I was in class," I say a little sarcastically. He smiles and holds his hand out for me to grab. I grab it and he pulls me close to him. I don't know what to do, or how to feel right now. What do mates do when they just become mates? Everyone is going to flip when they find out, especially, Tammy and her friends. I took their Alpha and their dream role. ''What's wrong,?" he asks. "Nothing, I'm just thinking" "About what?" "About us!" I blurt out, then I face palm. "What about us,?" I look around as people stare at us. "Are you nervous about what they will think?" "A little" "Don't be, you are their Luna, and if anyone says anything to you let me know,'' ''I don't care if I'm in a meeting with my dad, you are the most important thing in this world to me," he says as he looks into my eyes surprising me. "Zair I..." "Don't say anything now, let's get you to class" he says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Okay" I say as he leads me to my locker for my book for next period. How long was I just sitting there thinking? I think to myself as I take my seat. "Let me know when you're finished," he says as he sits down at his desk. I nod and get to work. "I'm finished," I say, as I, turn to him. My eyes get wide, as he gazes at me causing me to blush. (How long has he been staring?) He slides his chair and desk closer to mine, and he holds his hand out for me to grab it. "Everyone is busy" "Can I have a kiss now?" I look around and see that everyone is indeed busy. "Just a quick one," He smiles and leans over and I close my eyes and he pecks my lips. He chuckles when he sees that my eyes are still closed. "Are you sure you just wanted a quick one,?" he asks with a smirk. "I don't really know about kisses" his eyes darken. "I'll show you everything, just ask me, okay," I nod as I nervously bite my lip. He uses his thumb to pull my lip out of my teeth, and then, he gives me one more peck, but it's not as quick and I sigh when he pulls back. He smiles and grabs my hand, then he kisses it and holds it over his chest. (This feels so weird, but I kind of like it) He didn't want to let me go, when the bell rang for the next period, and I have to say, that it makes me feel special. I give him a peck on the cheek, and he dances down the hall to his next class as I laugh and shake my head. (Okay, I'll let him be my mate) I think to myself as I take my seat. The rest of the school day went by pretty much the same with me kissing, or hugging him whenever no one was looking. Teagan rode with Ben because they were going on a date. They invited me, but I needed to study my lines and to practice the damn waltz. My dad knows how to dance, so I'll, get him to teach me. I don't know if Zair knows how to dance, but I, think my dad would be happy to teach me and it will also stop him from asking so many questions. After my run with my new best friend Asha, I go home to take a shower. Then I grab some snacks and drinks. I don't know what he likes, so I grab snack cakes, two kinds of juices, cookies, soda, bottles of water and three kinds of chips. I watched television while I waited for him and I was about to doze off, when he linked me that he was pulling up. It's a good thing, that I didn't cook or the food would have been cold. "If you didn't want to come, you could have just told me" I say as we sit in the living room. "I definitely wanted to come," "Trust me, if it wouldn't have important, then I wouldn't have been late," "Okay, well I have snacks if you want, or I can make you some other snack or something else," "I'll take a kiss, if you'll give me one," he says as he slides over next to me. (Is this why he agreed to come?) I think to myself. "Okay, but I need to study this," "I know, it's just that you smell amazing and I missed you," he says as he leans towards me. He kisses me softly, as he, gently holds my face in his hands. Then he lightly sucks when he pulls back, causing a little moan to come from my throat, surprising me. He smiles and rubs my lips with his thumb. "Here, take this!" I say as I fling the script at his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm trying really hard," "You're doing great, at least, you didn't have to pick me up off of the floor," he chuckles. I smile and point to the book. "Even though, it would be much more fun to spend my time kissing your beautiful, soft, pouty lips, I'm here to help you with this," he says as he holds up my script. "Just promise me, that I'll, get a goodbye hug and kiss," "Okay, I promise" he smiles and pecks my lips softly again, then he, opens the book. "Where do we start?" I turn to the page. "Do you want to help me with the stepmother too, or just Prince Charming?" "Whatever you need me to do," I smile. "Okay, you can be the fairy godmother too,'' I laugh as I stand. He jumps up after me, and starts to walk towards me, until I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "Read please," "Oh yeah, Cinderella, not the big bad wolf," "You dork," I say as shake my head and smile. I laugh as he does the role of the stepmother, and then I try not to get so into his role as Prince Charming. He takes full advantage of the kissing the scenes and even makes up some of his own. "You can't kiss him," he says after we pull back from a kiss. "But it's in the script, and there are only two, and they won't be like the ones you're giving me" I say with a smirk. ''What if he tries to kiss you like that,?" "Then I'll hurt him!" I say quickly. Angry at the thought of someone besides him kissing me. He smiles. "That's my girl," "You protect these lips, because they're mine now," he says as he looks at them. "Okay'' I whisper as his face get's closer to mine. I hear the front door open and I push him on the couch. "Hey, guys!" says Tye as he walks in. "Oh, it's just you," I say relieved. "Hey," says Zair from the couch looking amused. "Yes it's me, why what's wrong,?" "Nothing" I say while looking over at Zair. "We're just going over her script," says Zair as he get's up to shake Tye's hand. "Cool, I'll be in my room, if you need me," "Okay" I say as I sit on the couch and face palm. "I don't know how to get past this," He sits next to me and grabs my hand. "Listen, I don't care if you have to beat me up, as long as I get to kiss you and be close to you," "But why?" "Because, you're amazing Aya," "But I'm, not" "You have so many pretty girls after you" "But I got one that is beautiful inside and out," "The moon Goddess hooked me up," he says before he kisses my hand for the millionth time. "Can I have another kiss?" he asks when I don't say anything. I nod and I close my eyes. He leans me back on the couch, as he kisses me and he slides between my legs. "Zair" I whisper. "I won't do anything,'' "I just want you to get used to feeling my body close to yours," he says before kissing me again. I push him on the floor, when he grabs one of my breasts. "I'm not ready for that, Zair," "I'm sorry," he says from the floor. "I just really want you, to be mine already, Aya," "It's getting late," I say as I sit up. "f**k, I messed up, I'm sorry," " he says as he gets on his knees. Then he grabs my hand and kisses it, before he rubs it on his face. "I'm, okay," I say as I caress his face with both of my hands, then I bend down to peck his lips, so that, he knows that I'm not angry. Before I know it, he is back on top of me, pulling soft moans from my throat. "Please" I breath out, when he pulls back, so that, I can catch my breath. He pecks my lips and then he slowly sits up as he looks into my eyes, but I look away, so that, I won't get pulled in by his gaze. Then I lean back on the couch as I finish catching my breath. "My dad will be home from work soon'' I say as I continue to look up at the ceiling. "Look at me," "I can't" "I'm sorry, for taking advantage of our bond, Aya," "I'll try to take it slow," I look at him and he smiles, which brings a small smile to my face too. "I'll see you tomorrow Zai" I say as he walks down the steps to his car. "Wait!" he says as he runs back up. "One more, kiss," "Just a little one," I say not trusting him or myself. "Are you sure?" "Just do it," he pulls me close to him, by my waist and I push him back, when I see my dad pull up. "I want my kiss," he says, when I try to push him away again. "I'll give you extra kisses tomorrow, just go!" "I'm reminding you, if you forget and I want my first one, bright and early, so get to school early and you can't make any excuses,"
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