Chapter 41

1150 Words
I wake my sleeping mate with kisses and he smiles and hugs me. "I will never get tired of you waking me up" he whispers. ''I must really love you, because, when I lived with my parents, I never woke up on my own, either my dad, Teagan or Tye would have to wake me up," "I could wake you up some, baby," "I'm fine, I have slept in enough'' ''Now let's get up and get ready to run," I say as I tap his chest. He groans as he rolls out of the bed behind me, and I show him his running outfit for the day. He smiles and shakes his head. "You're perfect baby" He says as he grabs the shirt, then he put's it on. School was pretty much the same, me convincing him to go to class and him trying to get me to ditch. We got in trouble for making out in the hall when everyone was supposed to be in the lunchroom. "No one, is going to tell me when and where to kiss my Luna'' he links to me, since I cover his mouth with my hand, so that, he can't argue with the teacher. "At least all he caught us doing was kissing" I say with a smile to cheer him up. He smiles and kisses me again. "Let's go wait for everyone in the gym," he says as he pulls me through the hall. "Okay, but not so fast, my legs are shorter than yours" He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Zai, put me down, you'll definitely get us in trouble if you carry me through the halls like this" He lightly smacks my butt, then he lowers me to the floor. I hurry to change, then I grab a soccer ball and challenge him. "Hey, you might lose, I had a pretty good coach," he says as he kicks the ball. "What kind of kick was that,?" I laugh. ''I didn't want to kick it to far into the bleachers" he says with a smirk. "Yeah, sure," I say before I run to get it and I try it again. "This time, kick it straight to me" "Baby, lets play basketball," "You know how to play basketball" "And you know how to ride my d**k, but I'm not going to stop you from doing it," "Zair!" I yell surprised as I look around. He smiles with raised eyebrows, then he runs when I walk towards him with my fist raised. "You better be happy, no one heard you, you horndog!" I yell as I to run after him, as he chuckles and weaves through students. "You are so going to get it, Zair!" He stops and turns around. "Why'd you stop,?" I ask as I walk closer to him. (He's still going to get it) "Because whatever you're giving me, I want it," I try not to smile as he opens his arms and walks towards me. "No," I say as I pout and cross my arms. He runs over to me and hugs me, and I, punch him playfully in the stomach. "What if someone would have heard you Zai,?" "Baby, I am aware of who is around us at all times," "I have to make sure no one is checking out my Luna," "So you knew no one was listening,?" "Yeah, baby," "You sound, like you're lying'' I say with a pout causing him to chuckle. "I promise" he says as he looks me in the eyes. "Okay, I believe you," I say as I lean into his hug. "Hey, you two need to be running laps!" shouts the Coach Crank from across the room. "Now, he wants to be a coach again," I say as we run, even though, this isn't our class. "I guess we can go home, since we've done our exercise for the day" he says as we walk around the gym at his request. "No, because that wasn't our period, so he might not grade us on it'' "I'll talk to him," "No, Alpha Jr., don't start ordering people around," "Lets walk a little more, and then we'll sit on the bleachers'' I say as I caress his cheek. He grabs my hand and kisses it, then he puts it on his chest. "How about we sit down now?" he asks after pecking my lips. "Okay'' he smiles and leads us to the bleachers. "Hey slackers," says Raegan as I sit between Zair's legs. "You guys skip half of lunch, and then you sit out in gym," "We actually joined the class last period, because we're thinking about changing classes" I say jokingly. "You wouldn't miss the opportunity to see my handsome face" he says with a smirk. "We already have almost all of our classes together'' "Keep it up and you'll have none, because you'll be dead," says my jealous mate. "Zai, he's only teasing you," "See, Luna gets it," he says as he sits down. "Hey, we finished early, you still have work to do," says Zair, as he pushes him with his foot. "Zai, you can't treat our Beta like that," "Why not, he's trying to piss me off,?" "Go exercise Raegan, I need to talk to Alpha Jr.'' "Man, are you going to get it," he chuckles, as he stands and walks off. He walks over to tell Ben and Teagan and they laugh. "Zai, you can't beat on our Beta and Gamma," "If they don't like it, I can give the positions to someone else, that won't try to piss me off,?" "Alphas," I say surprised he's willing to let his friends go. "I can't be that bad, beacuse they keep doing it," I peck his lips, not being able to handle his cuteness. ( I like that he feels the need to explain himself to me) "That's not how you punish," says Ben. "Punch him in the face!" he yells causing us to laugh. I shake my head as I smile. "Hey they hit me too, so you need to get on to them, so punch him in the face," "You see Teags, I told you," "Wolves," I tell them about the time that Pinky got mad at him for hitting Ben, and they laugh. "You were going to beat up an Alpha for me Teags,?" she nods shyly, as he hugs her. "I had to hold her back," "We thought she was mad, because I was hitting on her woman," laughs Zair. "No, she was mad because you were hitting on her man," laughs Ben. "Get it, because I'm her man?!" I smile at him as Teagan cackles. I was so happy to be home. We helped his mom with some of the last minute decorations for the ceremony, and then, we ate dinner and went to bed since it was late.
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