Chapter 37

1743 Words
As soon as I walk out of class, Zair grabs me and kisses me. "I missed you too, Zai," I say as we turn to walk towards my locker. Although, people stared at me and murmured, it didn't bother me like it did before, because I was more confident of his love, and I wanted everyone to know that we were mates. That is until I hear what they're saying. "Look at that slut," I hear someone say. "She stole Tammy's mate," says someone else, and before I can began to process their words, or feel any type of way I hear Zair's thundering growl causing me to jump. He quickly grabs my hand when he sees that he startled me and kisses it. Then he looks over the hallway filed with shocked students. ''If anyone lies about or disrespects my Luna, "YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES!"' He says in his Alpha tone, causing both wolves and humans to cower and bow, then he hugs me and kisses my forehead. "Let's go to class," he says as he spins me in front of him, so that, he can put his hands on my waist. "That was so hot hearing you in Alpha mode, and even more so, hearing you stand up for me," I say beaming. "I wont allow anyone to hurt or disrespect you," he says as we enter the classroom. "You are definitely getting anything you want later," I say as I try to walk a couple of steps in front of him, so that he doesn't get a hold of me. "You're going to get it later," he links. "Hi,'' I say to Raegan, as I avoid eye contact with Zair. "Hi," he says as he looks back and forth from me to Zair. "Hello everyone!" says Mr. White saving me from an awkward moment, and I blow out a relieved breath. "I love you" I link, when I feel Zair looking my way. "I love you too, but you're still going to get it," "Don't worry, you'll enjoy it," he adds, causing me to feel tingles in my pelvis and my panties to get wet. "f**k it, we're going home for lunch!" he says. "I can't wait for school to end, and we just started," "I want to be with you too" I admit, as I feel tingles envelope my body, just thinking about it. "But we have to at least try, to make it," "Is everything okay,?" asks our teacher after Zair growls lowly. ''I need to be close to my mate," he says as he moves his chair over closer to me. ''Alrighty, then," says our teacher Mr. White, before he goes back to teaching. Zair grabs my hand and starts rubbing his thumb over my knuckles and we stay like that for the rest of the class. "This class will go by fast, and then we have lunch and gym," I say to my mate who is not letting me go. I get on my tippy toes and I poke my lips out, making a kissy face to make him laugh. "Let's just ditch," he says with pleading eyes. ''Okay, but just this class," "Yes, baby!" he says as he picks me up and spins me around. ''So....'' was all I got out before he pressed his lips against mine, and I moan and melt into his arms. "Zai, we have to go, because if Mrs. Danial's sees me, I'll be in trouble," He pulls me to an empty classroom that is rarely used, then he locks the door and walks me over to a desk. What are we doing here, is what I want to ask as he smiles shyly. He pulls off his shirt and puts it on a desk, then he unbuttons my jeans and helps me to wiggle out of them. I jump a little at the coldness of the desk, then he slides me to the edge. He sits down in a chair and spreads my legs and starts sucking and sloppily mouthing at my c******s, as I fight to control my moans. When it gets harder to keep from making noises, I lightly pat his head. "I can't stay quiet, try something else," "Okay baby, we'll finish this part up when we get home," he links, before he takes his time licking me clean, as I moan and squirm. I tug at his underwear after he stands and he pushes down his pants. "Is this what you want,?" he asks as he pulls it out of his boxers. I nod and whisper. "Yes" He sloppily kisses my lips and slowly slides in, causing me to moan not so quietly. "Zai, I don't know if I can do this baby," He continues to thrust in and out of me slowly and I put my arms behind myself on the desk to hold me steady. ''Try to moan through the link our link only," he says as he starts going faster. I start moaning and groaning through our link, but it was so intense that a couple of whimpers escaped me mouth. "I think I'm going to c*m," I breathe out. "Okay, baby," he says as he goes faster. I dig my nails into his back and he groans as he tightens his grip on my thighs and clenches his jaw. As we catch our breaths, he cups my face and kisses my softly. (And I'm ready to take a nap) We put our clothes back on and we clean up, then we go outside to sit under a tree, and I fall asleep in his lap as he rubs my back. I wake up when I hear the bell ringing and I slowly sit up. "Are you sure you want to finish school, we can go home, and it'll just be you and me?" "We have school for the rest of the week anyways," He says as he grabs my hand. "Come on Zai, the rest of our classes are together, and we're almost done for today," I say not wanting him to get used to ditching. That would be a bad example for other wolves, if the Alpha can't even stay in school. ''Okay, I guess I won't be a brat," he says with a smirk. (He must have overheard me calling him that before?) I think to myself. As we walk back into the school our friends are walking past us. (And guess who's smiling) They all are. "Hey guys, where have you been,?" asks Ben, smiling cheesily. "Just getting some fresh air," I say as Zair hugs me from behind. ''Come on guys," he says before they could say anything else. "Leave her alone and don't tease her," "We're mates now, so we're going to be doing this a lot, and I know that she's your friend, but wanting to know about her s*x life, needs to stop now!" ''Are we clear,?" "Yes, Alpha," they reply, and I don't think that I was supposed to hear them. I turn to squeeze him into a hug, and he wraps his arms around me and lightly kisses my forehead. Then he walks me to the table and leaves with Raegan to get the food from the office. I guess he left Ben to watch over me. When we were outside, he had Raegan to order a couple of pizzas for our lunch. Teagan, and I laughed at the big pile of empty boxes left behind. I don't know how many Big Ben ate, but it was more than three. After lunch we quickly head to the gym and I grab a basketball. I really want to learn, and I don't just want to be good, I want to finally be able to beat my brother. "I'll teach you the basics,'' he says as he dribbles the ball through his legs. "Show off!" I say as he does it with such ease. The last time I tried, I got it, but it did not look as smoothly as he looks when he does it. He chuckles and runs over to peck my lips. ''Here, you try," he says as he hands me the ball. I try to pass it through my legs and it rolls across the floor. I guess I've gotten worse, if that's even possible. He runs after it and brings it back to me. "Okay now spread your legs... but only for me," he says with a smirk. "Zair," I say, happy that no one was around to hear. ''Okay, enough joking, bend your knees," he says while showing me the stance I need to be in. "I already know how to stand, but the ball won't listen to what I'm wanting it to do," I say causing him to laugh. "Just try, to remember that practice makes perfect," "Now try to throw it at a certain spot on the floor and throw it hard enough to get a good bounce," he says, as he, bounces an imaginary basketball between his legs. I smile and pucker up for a kiss and he happily kisses me as he hugs me. I bounce it between my legs like he showed me, only slower and with less confidence. "Yay, I did it!" I say as I hold my hand up for him to high five me. "Okay, good job baby," "Now do it again and try taking a jump shot," he instructs as he hands me the ball. (The confidence he must have in me) I pass it through my legs again, and I take a shot, and surprisingly it goes in, after going around the rim a couple of times first. "See, you're going pro!'' he jokes as he goes after the ball. "I don't know about that," I say with a huge smile for having made a shot, after successfully passing the ball through my legs. (I must have some luck) He teaches me a few more moves, and I get the hang of passing the ball through my legs. (Hopefully it sticks this time) When we're finished we, join our friends on the bleachers. "So which is better love or basketball,?" asks Ben jokingly, while laughing. "Teagan'' I say with a smile. His face turns red, as he looks at her and she wags her finger at him. I smile as I relax into my honey's chest, as I, sit between his legs.
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