Chapter 38

1844 Words
"Maya!" calls Roger, in an almost panicked voice as he steps in front of us. "Hey, Roger," I say as as I wave. Zair holds me tighter. "Can I talk with you?" "Sure, talk," "Alone," "My mate, is not going anywhere with you, alone!" growls Zair. I pat his leg. "Calm down, Zai," "I'll talk to you over there, but not alone" I say pointing to the next set of bleachers. Is this going to be our meeting room? I think to myself. "Okay," he says as he holds his hand out to help me. "Thank you, but I got it," I say when Zair growls. He looks at me, but he doesn't say anything. I can tell by the look on his face that whatever he has to say is not good, because he doesn't have his signature sly smirk. "Are you okay,?" I ask worried. ''Maya... I love you," My eyes get wide. "I tried to wait on you, but then, you started to hang out with those weirdos," "And, now... you're mated to him," I'm shocked he has said so much. "I don't know what to say, Roger,'' Sure I had a little crush on him, but I never saw us together, especially since, he was always joking in a pervy way. "I know that there's nothing I can say to change your mind and you look so happy," "Just, let me know if it doesn't work out,'' ''I would hug you, but your mate doesn't seem like the jealous type," he jokes. "I don't blame him," he says with a small smile. ''If it makes you feel any better, I did have a crush on you, when I was younger," I say with an awkward smile. His smile gets bigger. "I'll see you around beautiful" he says with a wink, as he turns to leave. "We can always be friends!" I yell. "I'd like that," he says as he turns to look at me, then he, walks towards the exit. (I stand still, trying to process everything) He didn't really let me say anything. (Not that I could have) Tye would beat him to a pulp for even thinking of looking at me, let alone talk to me. As I turn to walk to the bleachers, I run into my mates chest. "Zai," I say as my eyes meet his. "What did he want,?" he asks, after he pecks my lips. I bite my lip nervously, not wanting to start trouble. He's already a jealous, possessive Alpha and he's still insecure about my feelings. (Who am I kidding, so am I?) "Tell me, Aya," he says as he gently lifts my chin, so that, I look into his eyes. "He told me... that he loves me" I whisper as I shrug. "I knew it!'' he says with clenched fists. "But, he also said that I look happy with you, Zai," "What else did he say,?" "He said that he was waiting on me, but then I started hanging around you weirdos," "He said it not me, although, I'd have to agree," ''You guys are pretty weird, which is probably why you liked me,'' I joke with a smile as I poke his abs with my finger. He smiles as he grabs my hand and wraps my arms around his waist. "I didn't know he felt that way, but you're the only guy that I've ever loved," I say when his smile is not as big and genuine as it usually is. He leads me to the bleachers and sits down before he pulls me into his lap, and I cup his face to softly kiss him. He takes over our kiss and pulls me closer to him, kissing me with so much passion, that I moan in his mouth while also wetting my panties. I pull back when I feel his member grow under me, then I lay on his chest and I look over to our friends. They are all smiling, but thankfully, no one says anything. After school, we make our way over to the mall, so that we can buy our swimsuits, since rehearsal was changed to Wednesday. "I can't believe that Friday is our ceremony" I say as he parks the car. "Are you nervous,?" he asks as he grabs my hand. "Very," "Why,?" "You heard them talking about me,'' "Who knows how many people think the same way, and you can't beat everybody up, or, banish them," I say with a small smile. "Who says I can't,'' ''I don't want any bad apples in the pack anyways, and if they can't respect their Luna, they'll be sent away," "I don't think they're bad, just confused," I say as I put my other hand on top of his. "They will soon find out the truth, baby," ''Hey, are we going inside or what,?" asks Ben as he knocks on the window. ''I was talking to my, Luna," he says as he get's out of the car. Teagan opens the door for me and grabs my hand. "Thanks, Teags,'' I say as I step out. Zair walks over and hugs me, as if, he hadn't seen me all day. We split up after he's given me enough kisses, and scented me, then Teagan and I try on different bathing suit styles, while the guys probably shop at a game store. (We couldn't trust our horndog mates to behave with seeing us like this) 10 swimsuits later, and Teagan chooses a purple and lime green monokini, and I choose a royal blue halter bikini top and ruched boyshorts. Then we get a couple of sexy undies and lingerie sets to surprise our mates from the shop next door. As we look around for our mates, we run into Luna Trina and my mom. "Hi girls," says Luna Trina as she hugs me. We greet them both and me and Teagan hug my mom. "We were dress shopping for your mating ceremony," says my mom. "Would you like to see the dress,?" "No, I trust you two, and I want to be surprised," "Well hello ladies," says Zair as he and the guys reach us, then he grabs the bags and reaches for my hand with his free one. Our mom's smile at each other and then at us. "Our babies are all grown up and in love," says his mom. "Yes they are," says my mom. I blush and grab on to his arm, as I smile shyly. "Mom's not in front of our friends," jokes Zair in a fake whine, causing everyone to laugh. (I wish I could kiss him right now for being so cute) I can't believe how much I've changed in such a short time. (I like a boy and I want to kiss him... and I want him to touch me) "Hi there,'' ''We've never met before, but I'm Raegan Jefferson... the Beta," says Raegan to my mom as he holds out his hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you young man," she says as she grabs his hand. ''I'll actually be 19 in a couple of months," he says with a smile, as if that makes him somehow older. "Well, isn't that nice,?" she says as she pulls her hand back. "It was nice seeing you ladies, we'll let you go," "We're planning a trip to the beach, so we have a couple more stores to hit," says Zair as Ben and Teagan snicker. His mom also tries to hide her smile. We kiss our mom's goodbye and Zair pulls Raegan, as he watches my mom walk off. I only smile as I shake my head. (Beta... he must know that my dad is an Alpha) We look through a few more shops and he bought me some woman's clothing, since I usually buy from the boys section, if it wasn't something for Yaya. (Which I didn't tell him) Then we get some Chinese food from the food court. "So... is your mom dating anyone,?" asks Raegan. "Yeah, my dad!" I say as I laugh with everyone else. "I figured," he says a little disappointed, as if he had a chance. "Dude, you embarrassed me in front of my mother in law!" says Zair. "Sorry, she just looks amazing," he says as he stares at his plate, as if he's remembering her face. ''Don't worry about it," "My brother has beat up lots of his friends for trying to hit on our mom, so she's used to it by now," ''And your dad doesn't get jealous,?" "I don't think so, but she does" "She doesn't really give him a reason to be jealous, and her link is always open" "But he's always teasing her, to make her jealous," I say as I smile. "Once he pretended another woman was at my house, she sped home from work so fast," I laugh. "He's definitely jealous, if she, has her link always open to him, and especially working in a place like that,'' ''Hey, the bar is a respectable place," says Teagan. "Yeah, some of our outfits are a bit risqué, but we have to stay in fashion,'' ''That's why, my mom and Teagan choose the clothes," I add. ''Pinky, you can't keep dressing like that," says Ben, as if, a lightbulb had just turned on, and he remembered her outfits. "Hey, hey, hey,'' ''If you could wait and get on to your mates in private, we'd appreciate it," I say, as I look from him to Zair with a pointed finger. Teagan laughs and so does Raegan. "I told you baby, you can wear what you want, but you might not make it out of the room with it on,'' he says with a sly smirk, then he high fives Ben and Raegan. "Wolves," I say, as I try not to smile. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek. "I want to see what goodies you bought," he links. "Goodies,?" "I saw you... coming out of a certain store... with that pink bag," he says in a seductive voice. "Just some silk boxers," I lie as I shrug and try not to blush. "Well we'll go back later, okay," "Okay" I say, as I nod. He gives me a little kiss and pulls me closer to him, and I lay on his shoulder. When we get home, I put our things away and I wait while he takes a shower. He wanted me to take one with him, but I had to hide the surprises, since I didn't know if he was a snooper. Which he probably isn't, because he seemed to believe me. I just hope he doesn't ask me to wear the silk boxers. I did buy a couple of pairs of lacy panties, so they will distract him. It wasn't too late when I got out of the shower, so we put on a movie, but we didn't really watch it. We were too busy making out, and we did the deed before we went to bed.
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