Chapter 36

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"I heard about the tammy incident and trust me, she is being punished," he says as he looks me in the eyes to show his sincerity. "Thank you, Sir," I say as Zair pulls my chair closer to him, so that, he can side hug me. As we finish eating, we talk about how we met and about my brother, and how he's a great trainer. Then, we talk about how I flipped their son for kissing me. "Dad, you want her to kick my butt?!" whines Zair when his dad asks for a demonstration. (Of course I don't do it, I laugh, but I don't do it) "I was desperate for her to accept me," he chuckles as his parents and I continue to laugh. "You shouldn't have been surprised with who her brother is," says his dad. ''Yeah, he told her that he didn't give me a hard time, because she knew how to take care of herself,'' "I'm sure you have a huge boy problem, because of how beautiful you are," says his mom surprising me. ''Well none so stubborn as Zair" "After you beat a couple of them up, the news spreads, and you don't have to worry about it anymore," They nod and Zair holds me tightly, as he thinks about other wolves trying to hit on me. "So Amaya, what are your plans after you graduate,?" asks his dad as his mom brings over the cookies. "Well I'm sure you know, that me and a friend have a business in town,'' ''My mom runs it at the moment, because of school'' "It's a karaoke bar, and it's very popular, so people come from all over to sing there," I add, proud of it's success. "She has an amazing voice," says Zair, as he smiles at me and cups my chin, causing me to blush. "Thank you, Zair" I say shyly. "Well maybe we can hear you sometime" says his mom. "Of course, anytime" I reply. "They're doing a play at school and she's the lead, Cinderella," "That should tell you how good she is," "Zair, you're embarrassing me" I whisper, not used to so much attention. He side hugs me and kisses my forehead. "You know what your singing does to me," he says. "Now I have to hear you sing," says his mom. He tells them about Yaya and how he fell in love with her, leaving out the begging and embarrassing parts of course. ''So, you fell in love with your mate as Yaya and again as Amaya,?" asks his mom with a smile on her face. "Yep, I told you that I'd get my kiss didn't I,?" "I also told you, that I could make you happy," "Zair, now is not the time to throw your victory in my face" I say, as I avoid everyone's eyes. "You're right baby, but I just still can't believe it!" he says as he pulls me into his lap. "Zair, calm down," says his mom. "Alphas," I link to him, before he kisses the crook of my neck and causes me to laugh. "Trina honey, I know he's our son, but he's a man now, so you have to back off a little," "Only a little,?" Asks Zair as he keeps his hold on me. "Zair, you're an only child, so you are her baby," I say with a smile, finding it sweet. "I know but I'm not a baby anymore, and I haven't been for a long time," "Just let her baby you a little, we're leaving soon anyways" I link. "Okay fine, but don't try to feed me," he says to his mom as he laughs. "You're such, a jokester" I say as I put a cookie to his mouth. Then I pull it back, when I remember all of the cookies he's already eaten. "I didn't mean you,'' ''You can feed me baby," I chuckle and shake my head as I feed him. "I want to save some for later" I say after he gets to his fifth cookie. "Okay baby, we'll buy more tomorrow," "You have a serious sweet tooth," I say surprised. Guys don't usually like sweets, at least not the ones in my family. "I know, this will hold me until we get to the room," he links. I blush as I take a bite of a cookie. We help his parents to clean the kitchen, and to put away the food, then, we go back to our room. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" he asks as I pick out my clothes for school. "Not really" "You can always flip me if you need too," he says causing me to chuckle. "That won't be necessary, since we're mates, and I don't have to worry about you cheating on me" "I will never cheat on you, and any female that gets close to me will be banished," he says as his eyes get darker. "Zai baby, maybe you can give a warning first," "After you are named Luna, there will be no warnings," he says as he cups my face. Then he leads me to the bed and we cuddle. "Let's, sleep," he says after he gives me a soft kiss. "Okay" I whisper with my eyes already closed from our kiss. I step into some jeans and I pull on one of his shirts. (at his request.) "It's been a while since I've worn jeans to school" I say, as I plait my hair. He lifts the shirt just over my butt and pulls my jeans down a bit and he lightly bites it. "We're going to have some fun tonight," I laugh and pull down the shirt. "Baby, we we're just talking, don't get jealous," he jokes. I chuckle, as I put on my shoes. "Who are you getting ready for,?" he asks as I put on some lip gloss. "I don't want other wolves looking at you Zair and I'm wearing your shirt," "Baby, I told you, I only love you," "Yes, I fell in love with Yaya first, but I told you, I felt more of a connection with you," "But that's, because, you saw me more, as our bond got stronger," He hugs me. "Wear whatever you want, I just want you to be happy, okay," I nod as he bends down to kiss me. All eyes were on us as we walked over to our friends, and I was hit with a strong feeling of nervousness. "Hi guys," I say nervously, as Zair tightens his grip around me. I can feel his pride and happiness. "Luna," says Raegan with a smile and a bow. Big Ben is also smiling. "Sooooo... is Alpha Zair a horndog,?" he laughs, not being able to hold back. "I guess he has a nice balance" I say slightly blushing. "I'm just saying this to our friends, you are definitely on some other level of s****l perversion," I link to my mate as I laugh. "If you keep talking like that, we're going back to our room to hibernate and we're not coming out for weeks," he reply's. Let's get to class," I say to change the subject, then I, grab his hand and lead him to my locker. "I love that you run with me now, instead of leaving me behind," he jokes. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him, as I smile embarrassed at the memory. He grabs my butt and pulls me towards his body. "Zai," I gasp. ''Uh, excuse me" says Teagan with a smirk. I forgot that our lockers are close. "Sorry, Teags," "Get a room you two," cackles Ben. "I tried," "Zair!" I say as I playfully hit his arm. "We need to get to class" I say still blushing and embarrassed. Zair stood outside of my first period class holding me. "Class doesn't last that long and we have next period together," I poke my lips out, and he bends down to kiss and suck on them. I feel my knees get weak, and he catches me and pulls me closer to his body. "Fine, but you owe me later,'' he says when he pulls back. He pecks my lips once more, and then he smacks my butt, as I walk into class. I sit down just as the teacher comes in, and Ben keeps turning and smirking at me. This is so uncomfortable. I somehow feel like he's my brother, and so it feels creepy. So I link my secret weapon and she gets on to him, as I smile and sit back to enjoy our lesson. "Hey, we should go to the beach this weekend or the next," says Raegan. "Lainey wanted to go and she told me to ask you guys," "Sure, it's been a while since we've been to the beach right Teagan,?" "Yes, I'd say about a year, so not that long" "Wow, it seems longer," I say as I think back. I link Zair the details and he is really excited. Me and Teagan make plans to go shopping for our swimsuits. (with our jealous makes of course)
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