Chapter 54

1748 Words
We are some of the first ones in the class and even our teacher is absent. He pushes our desks together and I grab his hand. Sometimes I have to make the first move in public, if I don't he will grab my breast, my butt or between my legs. "Give me a little kiss" he says as I copy todays work from the board and I lean over to peck his lips. "I don't want you to get like you did yesturday," I say worried. "I'm an Alpha baby and you're my beautiful Luna, and I'm making up for when I didn't have you and for when I lost you," I peck his lips again then I lean on his shoulder. "Hey guys," says Raegan with a smile. "Hi Raegan" I say as I look up from my work. "Hey Beta" says Zair as he rubs my back. I'm happy he doesn't mention what he overheard in Miss Pimms class. I know that Teagan is going to bug me, until I tell her and Ben will probably bug her until she tells him. I feel Zair kiss my cheek. "Let me know when you're finished," he whispers close to my ear. "Okay" I link as I continue to work without looking at him. I quickly finish my work, but I decide to read a little over my book. (I'm not being a mean girl, I just want to wait until our next class, since we finish our work faster and we'll have more time to 'talk'. He pushes my hair to the side and starts massaging my shoulders when he's done. "Thank you Zai, I needed this," I say as I close my eyes. "When we get to the house, I'll give you a better one," he says, before he lightly kisses my neck, causing me to hum. (It wasn't a s****l kiss but one of love and care) (This was him being my sweet mate, not a horndog) He puts his hand on my flat stomach and he rubs it. "I can't wait to see our baby," I say as I smile and close my book. "Me either," "What do you want?" I ask as I cup his cheek. "A healthy pup," he says with a smirk. "Me too," I say as I hug him and he chuckles as he squeezes me. "We should have gone to our tree," I nod. "But you would have taken advantage of me" "I'm fine, unless you take off your jacket... or talk about," he says the last part in a husky breath. I peck his lips and put his hand on my stomach. (Our pup will keep him calm, even if it's not a pup yet) He smiles. "Until we get home" I look at him shocked. "I know that smirk, baby" I stick my tongue out at him as I make a face and he laughs out loud and hugs me as the bell rings. "I'll tell you when I'm finished with my work, okay," I say as he continues to hug me. ''Remember, we're almost finished and we only have lunch and gym... then I have rehearsal," He looks at me with wide eyes and I try my best not to laugh. "Come on Yaya, skip rehearsal today," "No Zai, I skipped Saturday," "I like singing and I'm going to go back to doing karaoke, since I won't have school," "Are you discussing this with me, or are you telling me?!" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Both," I say while grabbing his hand, so that, he can calm down. "I don't want anyone looking at you, especially that bastard Daniel!" he whispers loudly. "Would you have told Yaya to quit,?" I ask knowing the answer. "Come on you two, let's get to class," says Mrs. Danial's as she walks past us and into the classroom. "Let's talk about this later, okay," (I hadn't noticed we were in our class) "I'll finish early," "Okay" he says before he gives me a small peck. "I love you!" I yell as he goes around the corner. "I love you, too," he says as he peeks around. (I'm happy to see that he has a smile on his face, even if, it's just a small one.) I quickly finish my work and I walk to his class. (I couldn't stand for him to be upset with me, even if, I was right.) "I'm waiting for you, Zai" I link as I stand with my back against the wall, wondering how he's going to come out. If he'll be still upset or if he'll agree with me. I hear desks moving and scraping the floor, and then the door flies open. "Amaya, baby," he says as he hugs me. "I don't want you to sing for any other man, than me," he says with a pout. "What am I supposed to do Zair, I love to sing,?" "It's not like anyone besides you and Alpha Daniel know who I am," "And, he doesn't have a chance because apart from the fact that we are happily mated and expecting a pup," "I have no desire for him or any other wolf, that's not you," He kisses me and I pull away and walk him towards the utility closet. His eyes light up, and he pulls me the rest of the way when he sees where I'm headed. He quickly closes the door and puts up a chair, then he unties my jacket and throws it over a chair. He pulls up my dress and bends me forward. "Zai, this kind of stuff needs to stay in our room" "Uh huh" he says as he continues to suck and lick. I grip the chair as he gets close to the forbidden place, and I'm surprised when he stops and pulls my panties to the side. Then I, grip the chair again, but this time it's because he is thrusting hard. I whimper and moan through our link, and he growls the entire time as he smacks and squeezes my butt. "You're amazing," he says as he holds me in the chair. "Zair, let's go before the bell rings" "Okay, baby" he says against my cheek, before he kissing it. We clean up the closet, and then we wait on everyone in the cafeteria. "Where are your books?" I ask, now noticing he came out of his class empty handed. "I'll have someone to bring them to me" "Did you break any desks or anybody?" I laugh. He smiles. "No, I just had a desk or two in front of me" "Any students sitting at those desks?" I ask with a smirk. "I made it to you, didn't I,?" "Yes, you did" I say before I kiss him. Our friends come in smiling and sit with us. "Let's go get our lunch out of the office," says Zair to Raegan. "You still didn't tell me," says Teagan nudging me, not being able to wait. ''Teags, I had it all wrong, you're the horndog," I link, causing her to cackle loudly. "Hey, what's so funny,?" asks a jealous Ben. "Nothing Benny, just girl stuff" He raises an eyebrow. "He knows when you're lying Teags" I link. "It's her private stuff Benny, I can't tell you" He links her something and she smirks and blushes. "What did he say,?" I link, curious to know why she's blushing. "I'll tell you later," she says. "Later," I laugh. "Let's say it at the same time, but only linking Teags," "You got it?" she nods and giggles. Zair sits next to me and looks from me to Teagan, and then he looks at Ben. "What's going on,?" "They won't tell me, because I'm not a girl," he says in a mocking feminine voice, that sounds nothing like us, or any girl and we can't help but laugh. "Is my voice like that?" I ask jokingly. Then I clear my throat. "Man, that would be hilarious!" laughs Ben along with everyone, except for Zair. "No it wouldn't,'' ''I would still love you, but you wouldn't be allowed to talk... especially when we get intimate,'' he says with a freaked out expression, causing us to laugh harder. "Give me a kiss babe," I say in my deepest voice, causing him to chuckle. "Not even close," "I was pretty close," "Nope" says Raegan. "Fine, I give up," "Some girls can do it, but you can't," he laughs. "Here's your book Zair" says Stephanie interrupting our laugh session. "Thank you, but I told Jason to bring them," he says while looking at my glare. "I didn't tell her baby,'' ''I don't even talk to her and I never have," "I'm going to kill Jason," "Where the f**k is he,?" "Don't bother, I won't kill you because I trust you," "But... if you ever do cheat on me, you will both die," I say with a straight face. "Baby, I'll just kill the guy and lock you away from the light of day, and the rest of the world," he says as he smiles and hugs me. Ben cackles as Raegan and Teagan smile with wide eyes. "Sorry Alpha, he got called to the office, so he asked me to bring it," "Thank you, and thank him for me as well," he says as he hugs me tighter, when I tense up from him talking nicely to one of my enemies. "Why didn't you get our Beta to handle it,?'' ''You know I don't like her," "No I didn't," he says with innocent looking eyes. "Well you should have, because if they hang around Tammy, then they don't like me," He growls. "You can't do anything now'' ''You already thanked her and sent her on her way, making your Luna look like an i***t" I say as I fold my arms. (I might be over exaggerating, but I still don't want him talking to them) ''She's the real mean girl," I say as he hugs me and kisses my pout. "Yes Alpha," says Stephanie as she stands in front of us again. "You are to first address your Luna before me, and if you have anything to tell me or to give me, you will give it to her instead," "Do you understand,?" he asks in a stern voice, but I feel like he should have used his Alpha tone. "Yes sir, Alpha... Luna," she says as she bows to me and then him.
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