Chapter 55

1689 Words
Let's go to the gym" I say while getting up from the table. I stand by the door and wait for Zair. "What's wrong baby,?" "Nothing, I'm thinking" "Did you not like how I handled that,?" "If you want, I will make them all grovel at your feet," he says as he hugs me from behind. "No, I just... I don't know Zair," "I wish you wouldn't talk to any other girl that isn't me, my mom, your mom, and Teagan and you said you'd banish them," I say as I walk and pout. Ben laughs and I glare at him, but not with a serious glare, which causes him to laugh harder and Teagan gets on to him. "You told me not to banish anyone," "I know but, it's hard seeing you talk to someone that likes you," I whine, then I squint my eyes as he smirks at me. "What?" I ask. "Oooh, Alpha's got a point," says Ben with a smirk. "Yeah, it is the same reason he always get's jealous," agrees Raegan. (Why the heck are they ganging up on me?) "You know your little friends, Roger and... Rodick," he says, in almost a snarl. "But I don't like them, like that," "Uh huh" he says with a smile. "It's not the same," "Isn't it?" he says as he and the guys nod with matching smirks. "I don't think we need to ask our friends," he says with a sly grin. "Teags," I say. "It is a little," she says as she holds her little fingers an inch apart. "Fine, come here Teagan, let me tell you why it's different" I say as I grab her hand and we speed walk to the gym, since running will excite our mates too much. She giggles as our mates growl and hurry after us, and I laugh and walk faster through a bunch of band students, that lucky for us fill the hallway. We're small enough to weave through, but the boys aren't, so we easily get away. I walk her to the girls locker room, because they can't enter and I blow raspberries at Zair every time he tries to talk with me through our link. "Amaya Marie Thomas, get out here!" he yells from outside of the girls locker room. "Okay, I'm coming," I say about to go to him. (Man his dominant voice is definitely a turn on) "Wait you didn't tell me!" says Teagan as she grabs my arm. I think for a minute if I should still tell her. (I have tobor she'll never drop it) "He is obsessed with my butt... the size, the feel, the shape," "Sometimes I think he loves my butt more than me, and other times I'm sure of it" I say causing her to laugh. "I'm on my way, I'm just changing my clothes, Zai," I say sweetly through our link. "But you said he doesn't just kiss it,'' ''What else does he do,?" she asks with her eyes wider than before and her smirk even bigger too. I whisper in her ear, then I run out of the locker room embarrassed and into my mates hard chest. "I guess you missed me," he says as he hugs me and I nod as he pecks my lips. "I sure did" I say as I hug him and he lifts my chin to kiss me again. "What did you do to my mate?" asks Ben as he hugs a shocked Teagan. "Teags, I didn't want to tell you, but you're so nosey" I link as I rub her back. "Do you want to sit down?" "Bring her some water, please," I say to some students that stare at us. She drinks the water and looks at me. "I'm fine" she says with her eyes still wide. "Good, you had us worried" says Zair and her eyes get bigger as she avoids his eyes. "Yes... I'm fine" she says before clearing her throat. ''You broke my mate," says Ben. "No she's fine, she said so" I say as I grab her hands and move them around, as if, she's swaying her arms. "Hey, Benny!" I say pretending that she's waving at him, causing him to laugh and her to giggle. "You can only call him Ben or Gamma," says Zair as he grabs me from behind and pulls me close to him. "Let's go around the gym a couple of times" I say as I turn to him. ''Okay, then we'll play basketball, and you can tell me why Teagan is looking at me, like I'm the crypt keeper," he says with a smile. "Uhhhh," I look at the door and wonder if I can make it to the car before him and lock myself inside. "You can try it, but you don't have on real shoes" He says with a smirk probably hoping I try it, just so he can catch me. "I'll tell you when we get home" I say as I turn to walk to avoid the subject. He walks up behind me and wraps his arm around my shoulders as he agrees to wait. Then we get our laps over with. After our walk, we play basketball and the guys and Tegan join us, but she still doesn't look at Zair, even when he passes her the ball. "What did you tell her, Yaya?" he asks as he walks me to the locker room. "I'll tell you after rehearsal, on our way home, but let me drive" I say with a smile, since he called me that name. ''Is it that bad,?" he asks with raised eyebrows. "Well I guess it was for her,'' She just can't seem to get passed it. She tries to avoid his eyes and when she does look at him, it's one of shock and disbelief. (I hope she's not imagining him doing the deed) My poor Teagan is probably scarred. (She definitely won't be nosey anymore) He looks at me as if he wants to say something but I quickly peck his lips before I run into the locker room. "I can't tell you anything else Teags,'' She shrugs with nothing to say. ''Try not to act so weird around him, because he wants to know what I told you," I say feeling like a kid about to be grounded. "I try, but it's hard not to feel weird, when I know he's trying to munch on my bestfriends buns,'' she says causing me to cackle, but I shush her when I see a couple of prying eyes and ears. We finish showering and then hurry over to our rehearsals where Zair is waiting on me at the door and Ben is with him. Teagan runs to him and I stroll up to my awaiting mate. "Sup, bro bro" I joke as I hold my hand up to fist bump my Gamma and my mate. Well I fist bump Ben, but Zair pulls me into a hug, crashing me into his body. "You're so rough, sometimes," I link, not wanting to scar Teagan any more than I already have. "Only when I feel the need to remind my mate who this belongs to" he says while lightly tapping my butt. Teagan's eyes get big and she hurry's into the music room, pulling Ben behind her. "What did you-" I peck his lips and hurry into the room to take my seat. Mrs. Wyne doesn't bring up the fact that we skipped rehearsal Saturday. I guess she figured we wouldn't come, since we had just had our mating ceremony. I say 'we' because we're pretty much a package deal and I doubt that Zair would let me rehearse alone, since he is so jealous of Rodick. Everyone was excited when Mrs. Wyne finally told us the dates that we would be performing. I was happy when rehearsal ended, without me having any trouble from Zair and Rodick. Well, Rodick is always respectful, even if, he doesn't like someone, but my mate, curses and always shows his disgust openly. "So, are you ready to tell me?" he asks as we wave goodbye to our friends with Teagan only looking at me. "We're not in the car yet," I say as I hurry towards the car. I get in on the drivers side and hold my hand out for the key as I wait for him to get inside. He laughs as he gets in and hands me the keys. "I'm waiting, Yaya," he says as I start the car. "I told Teagan about your relationship with your special friend" "What friend,?" he asks in a confused tone, that sounds like he's ready to defend himself. "The friend that I'm sitting on," "Oh, my pride and joy," he says with an eye gleaming smile. "Zai!'' "What about our pup and me,?" I laugh. "I love our pup and you baby," "You and my special friend are one in the same and I would give my special friend up for you baby, but lucky for me, I don't have to'' he says as he grabs my thigh. When we get home his mom is cooking in the kitchen, so I help. "Zair she can't move around with you holding on to her" "Why can't she,?" "She's doing fine, and you're the one complaining" "Zai, don't back talk your mom," "I'm just stating a fact baby," I roll my eyes and shake my head as he kisses at my cheek. "You're such a brat," I link causing him to laugh. We have a small snack with his mom and we tell her about my upcoming play. Then we go to our room and lounge, and we talk more about me freaking Teagan out. "I'll talk to her" he says shaking his head with a smile. "Don't you try to give her any tips," I say as I squint my eyes. "Heck no, I don't wanna even think about her, or what she does with Ben," "This, is the only thing on my mind baby" he says as he grabs his 'most prized possession'.
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