Chapter 53

1673 Words
The next morning I woke up good and refreshed, because we went to bed earlier. Zair felt that our pup was extra tired and making me tired (Even though it's technically not a pup yet) I can't wait for rehearsal today, because I really do love to sing and it's been a while. Well it feels like it's been a while ago, even though, I sang last week. (I just really love singing) Maybe now since I won't be going to school, I can go back to the bar. (But how can I sing without pinky?) I'm sure he'll be okay with it and I still sing to him when he asks me to, but he usually doesn't let me finish, before he kisses or squeezes me into a hug. I'm pretty sure he would love for me to be able to sing to him as he makes love to me, but I can barely breath at times. I put on some jeans and a DBZ t- shirt, since my mate can't seem to keep his hands to himself when I wear my shorts, even though, they're not really short. He looks at me and spins me around, then he, smacks my butt as he bites his lip. "Zai, I thought these were covering me up enough, to stop you from transforming into a horndog," I laugh. "You said, you like when I'm a horndog" his says as he grabs my hips and grinds on me. "I do, but it's hard to concentrate when you're feeling up my legs," I say as I wiggle out of his arms. "Can you get our breakfast and wait in the car, I have to pee,?" I say, hoping I don't look or sound suspicious. "Okay, baby whatever you want," he says before kissing me. I quickly go to the bathroom to relieve myself. Then I go to the closet and change into a cute dress, that my mom bought for me. (She felt that I needed more womanly things, since I was now Luna) I put on a striped colorful maxi dress, that had thigh length slits on each side, then I put on some golden sandals. I grab my jean jacket, in case I want to cover up at the last minute, then I walk to the kitchen. "You look beautiful Amaya," says his mom. "I'm surprised, he's not stuck to you," she laughs. "I changed when he left the room,'' ''I'm going to surprise him" I say smiling shyly. "Oh, how sweet," she says as she gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I sit down in the car and I take out my phone and start scrolling, pretending not to notice him staring. "Let's go Zai, were going to be late," "We're not going to school," he says as he slides his hand through one of my slits and grabs my leg, then he leans over and bends down to suck on it. He slides his hand up my dress and rubs the front my panties. "Zai, you can wait until we get home" I breath out as I grab his hand, that won't budge. "If you wait, I'll let you do whatever you want to me" He pulls back and looks at me with wide eyes. "Anything I want?!'' he asks to make sure he heard me right. "Yes... but you can't touch me at school," I only say this, because I know he won't make it, and I have plans to make sure that he doesn't. "Baby, this is going to be so hard,'' ''Just look at your ass in this dress," he whines as he helps me out of the car. "Don't over exaggerate," I say as I cover my butt with my hand as he grabs the other. "Hi guys, bye guys," he says as he pulls me past our friends and through our fellow students. He makes everyone get out of the boys restroom, and he tells a few guys to guard the door. "Look at this, baby," he says as he cups my butt, then he squeezes it. "Let me kiss it, and I'll be okay," "No you won't, Zai," ''You need self control," "I'll never be able to resist you," he says as he massages it. (What a great idea this turned out to be) I turn and slowly lift my dress in the back, then I lean forward slightly, as he kisses and sucks on it. (I thought he would at least be able to make it half of the school day.) "You said just kissing," I say when he tries to do more. "Baby, I want to eat you up," he groans. "Lets go," I say as I push my dress down, then I grab his hand. He pulls me close to his body and kisses me before turning me around again. ''Zair,, I wanted to be cute for you and you're ruining it," I say as he sucks on my butt, while I stand with my arms crossed, waiting for him to finish or for his lips to get tired. (Whichever comes first) "The boys restroom will smell like a girl," "No it wont," he says as he pulls back. Then he grabs some air freshener and sprays it around, before scenisng me. He smacks my butt as I walk towards the door. "Don't you even think about running," he says as he walks behind me. Hearing him talk like this turns me on, but he never gives me a chance to be a horndog and right now is definitely not the time to make a move. Ben and Raegan are standing outside the restroom on guard smiling. "Nothing happened'' ''Your Alpha is just not used to seeing me in a dress," I say as he grabs my hips and follows me closely. "You look nice Luna,'' ''Right Ben,?" says Raegan. "You're not about to get my head knocked off by the Alpha or Teagan," he says shaking his head. "Let's get to class, guys," ''And you... put your jacket around your waist, unless I'm with you," "Oh yeah, I forgot," I say as I slide off my jean jacket to tie it around my waist, then I turn to kiss him. "Bye Alpha, Zair," I say as I wave. "That doesn't count in the restroom okay," he says as he waves. "Okay, if you say so," I say as I back into class. Of course we're late and everyone stares at me and whispers. "Calm down everyone,'' ''We all know she's beautiful but you're embarrassing her, and she's already taken fellows," says Miss Pimm embarrassing me even more. "Hey, hot mama," says Teagan as she smiles at me. "Hey Teags, I feel like a fool for dressing like this now," "I did it to impress Zair, but he, could barely stop kissing my-" I look at the guys and they pretend not to listen. "He won't stop kissing my ass," I link to her. Her eyes get big. "He kisses your butt?!" she whispers aloud. "Teags!'' I say as the guy look at me. "Sorry, but this is something new for me," she links. "Me too and he doesn't just kiss it," I look at Reagan and Ben how both have wide eyes. ''I can't tell you, because you will tell Ben," "I won't, I promise," she links with wide eyes, wanting to know. I look at the guys as my cheeks get hot from embarrassment. "Later" "Tell me," she says sitting on the edge of her seat. "Let me finish my work first" "Okay," she nods. "Get to work you two, Beta... Gamma," I link when I feel them still staring at me. "Sorry, Luna," says Raegan. "Yeah, sorry," says Ben as they get back to their work. I blow out a soft slow relieved breath and I quickly finish my work. "Are you finished,?" asks Zair. "You know I am, but I will see you next period," "You're just going to be bored," "And you won't be able to control yourself Zai," "I'll try," "I just want to kiss it once more," "Zai, I live with you... you see it all the time," "I know, but it's dressed in new material and colors," he whines, causing me to chuckle loudly. I ask to be excused when everyone looks at me for laughing. I don't tell him that I'm coming out, because I want to see his surprised face. "Baby," he says as he pulls me in for a hug, then he gives me a kiss. "Just kiss me, the bell is about to ring,'' I say as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Okay, but that ass is mine, as soon as, we get home," he says as he grabs my butt and squeezes. "I can already taste it," "Well you won't be kissing me, until you brush your teeth" I say as I pull back to walk to my locker after our kiss. "Why are you acting like a mean girl,?" he asks with a smirk. "What do you mean... mean girl,?" "You always let me do what I want, but now you're acting like Yaya" he chuckles. "I don't let you do everything that you want," "Well except for that, but I'm doing it today if Yaya let's me," he teases. "I'm not acting like Yaya" I say as I playfully poke at his chest. "I just didn't expect you to go all crazy, over seeing me in a simple dress,'' ''It's not even short," "Baby, you're gorgeous in anything and now, you have my ass on display, and expect me not to want to touch it," "But you can see it," I say as I tighten my jacket, because he keeps lifting it up, to grab my butt. "See, I barely got to touch it, mean girl," he whines. "You rub it all night," "Now come on, you can touch it after you finish your work," I say as the bell rings.
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