Chapter 56

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The next day after school, we met up with Teagan, Ben and also Raegan at a local burger joint, so that he could talk with Teagan. (Hopefully this works) "Hey, guys and gal" I say as we sit in a booth with our friends. They say hi as Teagan giggles. Then her face changes when Zair asks to talk with her in private. "I promise I won't freak you out" "If you don't want to go, you don't have to," says Ben as he rubs her back. "It's okay Benny, I'll go'' she says with an awkward smile. "You can come too, if she wants you too" He looks at her. "No, I'll be fine'' she says quickly as she gets up and follows Zair to a corner. "She just doesn't want you to be a horndog like your Alpha, and don't worry,'' ''I will never tell her anything else and I'm sure she won't ask," I say as we watch him talking to her. "Is that all, she's freaked out about,?" He chuckles. "Yes, and I was too, but not as freaked out as her'' "What did he do to you,?" "I will never tell another soul," I say as I look from him to Raegan as they look at me expectantly. "Do you want to end up like Teagan,?" "That won't happen to us," laughs Raegan. "Well I'm still not going to tell you and he better not, either," "I can't have you guys terrorizing Laney and Teagan," "After all, men are some of the worst gossipers, so all of the wolves in our pack will know by the end of the week" "The other packs will know that our pack is ran by some horndogs," They laugh, and I feel my mate putting a hand on my shoulder as Teagan sits. "Nah, they would come from all over to sing karaoke and to ask me for tips" I roll of my eyes as he sits down, then he wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek. When he pulls back, I start to think about how comfortable he is with his sexuality. Maybe it's because he is an Alpha and they just come out that way, or maybe he's just done it so many times. (I can't help feeling sick) ''I need to ask you something when we leave here" I say when he asks if I'm okay. I wonder how many other girls he's done like that. If he has, I'll never kiss him again and I'll cut my tongue out and burn it. We finish our food and talk more about when we should go back to the karaoke bar to sing. ''You're going to sing, even though, you're pregnant,?" asks Raegan. "Yes, lot's of singers do it and it's not like I'm going on tour" "The play will be over in a couple of weeks and I love to sing, and it's, not like a lot of people know who Yaya really is," I say before wondering why I'm explaining myself to my Beta. "Okay Luna, just making sure the future Alpha is good," he says with a smirk. I smile. "Thank you Raegan, he or she is fine" "I go to the doctor Monday with my mother-in-law" ''I can't to wait Amaya, I bet it's a boy," says Teagan. ''I know, I'm still so nervous and I will probably be until it comes" I say truthfully. Zair pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my head. "You'll, be fine baby" "I know, I love kids," "It's just that it's our pup and it will be with me all day, and not just for a couple of hours" "I'll have to feed it, clothe it, bathe it and who knows what else," "Baby, calm down, you know our mom's will be there, to help us" "Yeah, I guess I forgot that they were young parents too" "Do you think that I'll be more like your mom or mine?" "Please don't be like mine" "Zair, you have the sweetest mom, she just cares so much about you,'' "I know, but it can get annoying when you're growing up to be the Alpha, and your mom pops up at school to have lunch with you" "It was cool in kindergarten, but not in middle school" "She would wipe my mouth with a napkin and kiss my cheek, and she would tell me that the other kids were jealous when they laughed" he says the last part while shaking his head. "Oh my Goddess, I thought it was so sweet, Zair," "She would comb your hair down, when you had it all spiky," I laugh. He smiles at me. "You remember,?" "That means you liked him," laughs Ben reminding me that we are not alone. "No, but he was a cute brat" I say looking at my beaming mate. "Well you do know a lot about me" "Oh be quiet," "I know everyone in the pack, because I grew up with you all" "Tell me something about me" says Raegan. I think hard, but I can't think of anything. "Well I know that you three have been friends since you were pups and you're always in the same homeroom" "Does the Alpha do that?" "I mean your dad, did he set that up?" I ask trying to change the subject. "Baby don't be embarrassed," "Zair, it's obvious that you're cute, but I didn't have a crush on you, until like a few weeks ago," "When you kept saying how cute he was, even before you knew he was your mate," laughs Teagan. ''Fine Teags, you were right," she claps her hands. "I knew you liked him!" "I didn't want to admit it to myself or to anyone else," "Now look at you, can't keep you hands off of me," "Yeah, don't talk like that around Teagan" I link. "I guess our fun with making our Luna squirm in her seat, is over guys,'' ''We'll see you tomorrow," he says as he starts to clear our trash off of the table. We say our goodbyes and head to his car. ''You've never done that with another woman have you?" I ask as I watch him drive, afraid of his answer. ''Done what?" "Have you had anymore special friends, that belonged to other girls?" "No baby, I love you so much that I can't control myself around you" "I want to touch and taste every part of your body, and I want to make you happy,'' he says as he looks at me. I'm relieved because I can tell that he's being truthful. "Even though, you were always covered up, I could always tell you were hiding some goods" I roll my eyes, but I still smile. ''That day we went to The Red Claw... when you were Raegan's date," he says with dark eyes as he remembers. "Hey, finish the story, and you tried to set me up" I say as I grab his hand. He smiles guiltily. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you, while you were dancing in those tight black pants," He smiles as if he was remembering. "And when you were dressed as, Yaya in those tight leather pants, they fit like a good leather glove baby," "Are you going to wear them Saturday,?" "On second thought wear some sweatpants," "I will not,'' I say as I cross my arms. "If you want I can wear jeans that are not as tight, but I am Yaya, so I can't dress like me" "Fine, but I'm going to be at every performance, okay," "Okay, Zai" "Most of my songs will be to you, anyways" he smiles. "Do I inspire you?" I smile and nod as I grab his hand off of my leg. "All the time,'' ''Everything about you is perfect, and I'm happy that we're mates" I smile as he rubs my hand across his face, then he kisses it. (Im so excited to be going back to the bar, that I might just go shopping for a new wardrobe, so that I can reinvent her)
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