Chapter 57

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It was finally Saturday and Goddess did we have a busy day ahead of us. I had to go to rehearsal, and then, we were going to see my parents to tell them about our pup. They will probably be hurt when they find out we waited to tell them. I know should have told them earlier, but it's just now occurring to me, how special this will be for them. I'll let them come with me to my first doctors visit, and maybe that will help them to feel better about finding out later. I decided to make us a huge breakfast, because we usually eat next to nothing. I make my famous blueberry pancakes, while Zair is on bacon and scrambled eggs duty and his mom makes homemade hash browns. After we ate Zair and I went to my rehearsal. When we arrived Teagan and Ben were waiting by his car. We walked in together, and they sat with us, as we waited to be called. Ever since Rodick found out that I was mates with Zair, he hasn't tried to be smooth with me and I really appreciated it. He is still a gentleman and he's always charming, whether it's a role or not, so hopefully, I don't have to worry about Zair getting mad and interrupting our rehearsal. "I'm so excited everyone, we have a few more rehearsals before our first show!" says Mrs. Wyne almost singing. (Which she does when she's really excited) I'm kind of excited too, but I'm also, kind of nervous. I don't only have to sing in front of his parents, and who knows who else. I have to act and they will know it's me. (I can't hide behind Yaya this time) "You're going to do great!" says Zair with a knowing smile. "How do you always know?" "You look like you're ready to bolt for the door'' he says with a smile. "You know me so well" I say with an embarrassed smile as I shrug. "Just take me with you," "Always" I say as I grab his hand. Rehearsal went a little longer than usual, because we did a couple walkthroughs, of the most important scenes. They didn't tell us, but they at least had snacks set up, because, it was way past lunch time and we were still going. Zair tensed up when I kissed Rodick, even though, we didn't kiss on the lips. It was Rodick's idea to kiss the side of my lips, and I was so happy that I didn't have to kiss him. I couldn't help but smile, which Zair took as me being eager to kiss Rodick, until I explained to him Rodick's idea. Besides that, he did good at the beginning of rehearsal and I never closed my link, because I knew, that it would anger him even more. I was so tempted too though, especially since, he kept linking me and reminding me, that I owed him some 'alone time' with his special friend for his good behavior. (We're the heck is the rest of me supposed to go?) "I guess we'll see you guys later," I say to Ben and Teagan as we walk down the steps of the school. "Maybe we can get together tomorrow," says Teagan. "Yes, let's go sing at the bar," The guys look at each other. "You guys should be used to it, Zair you stalked me for weeks and maybe months," I laugh as I grab Teagan's hand and walk with her to Bens car. Ben laughs too, as he, follows close behind us. "You said you didn't laugh at me," he says with an embarrassed smile. "I didn't, I was a little freaked out, and mad that I couldn't hit you, because, you would have known it was me" "I laughed sometimes" admits Teagan. "Man did I laugh!" laughs Ben. "I won't hit you, because, it will make Teagan mad, and she, just started talking to me again" "And also, because I finally have my Luna, but man, do you know how to get under my skin," he says as he raises a fist, wanting to give a cackling Ben a good beating. Teagan giggles and tells Ben not to provoke Zair and he chuckles and shakes his head. "Come on Alpha Zair, we need to talk with your in-laws" I say as I grab his arm. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "Bye guys, we'll see you later," I say as Zair pulls me to his car. "It'll be fine, they won't have time to get mad, because they'll be so happy that you're pregnant with their grandpup," says Zair trying to ease my anxiety. I nod and exhale as we pull into the driveway. We barely get out of the car before they walk towards us. (I guess it's been a while) My dad is probably hoping that I'm coming back home. "We miss you so much Amaya sweetie, you need to visit more," says my dad. "I promise I will" I say as I hug him tightly and he kisses my cheek. It hasn't been that long, but I guess he was used to seeing me everyday. My mom hugs me and tells me that they love me. "We have something to tell you both" I say as we walk up to the house. "Are you coming back home?" asks my dad. Zair pulls me back and whines from his chest. "Sorry Alpha," he says as my mom glares at him. She grabs his hand and pulls him ahead of us, linking him, who knows what. "You're mine" he says as he hugs me. "He didn't mean anything by it, he just misses me" "I know, but I just don't want to think of you not being with me," "I will never, not be with you" I say before I kiss him. After we sat down in the living room, we talked about our wedding, and how, my mom and his, were to plan everything for us. I was so happy that we were on the same page. I want to get married, but I don't know about that kind of stuff and it's a bit frustrating just having to look for regular clothes. I can imagine how they will be looking through the different hues of pink, yellow, and red to even find a color. I get a headache, just thinking, about it. We tell them about my show and my dad gets excited, but he looks a little disappointed, when I tell him about us moving into our own house. "My mate is buying me a house," I say trying to let him know that this is something to be excited about, since he thought that Zair was a player at first. (I know so did I) "That's great you two, you're growing up so fast," "It was his idea, soon after I moved in with him... maybe even before" I say as I smile at him. "Where is it?" asks my dad. "We're still in the pack dad," I laugh as I get up to walk over to hug him, then I, kiss his cheek. Zair smiles and I'm happy he isn't jealous or worried. "Yeah, I decided to get her a house, since she's giving me a pup," says Zair with the biggest smile. My dads eyes get big. "Really sweetie?!" asks my mom, as she looks from him to me. "Yes," I say with a big smile that matches Zair's. My dad squeezes me as tears run down his face. "Are you happy daddy?" I ask worried. "He is," says my mom as she sits back down to hug us. "I want to go with you for the first appointment, even if I have to stay out in the waiting room" she says. "You'll both be in the room with me," I say as I hug my dad a little more. "What are we celebrating?" asks Tye as he walks in. "Nothing, we're just taking about how you're going to be an uncle'' I say nonchalantly as I shrug. "Really, you're joking?!" he asks as he walks over to us. "Nope, it's no joke," says Zair. "My baby sis is having a baby," he says as he hugs me, then he turns to hug Zair. "Wow, congratulations Zair," "I never thought that when you used to bug me about my sister, that you'd turn out to be her mate and now she's having your pup," I look at Zair with a smirk. "You never told me that you nagged him about me,'' ''And you, didn't tell me either," I say as I look at Tye. "Well I kept begging you to let me be your friend, and then to give me a chance to be your mate," "Damn sis, I still can't believe you had the Alpha begging," laughs Tye. "Tye, leave them alone," says my mom scolding him. "I'm, sorry" says my brother after he's done finding joy in having his little sis, bring down an Alpha. "I'm not, I got my Luna," he says as he winks at me. I smile and shake my head. He's always going to remind me of how he knew that I would be his, both as Yaya and Amaya.

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