Chapter 35

1753 Words
When I walk into my house, with Zair close behind me, my parents are in the living room watching television. "Dad... mom, we need to talk with you" I say as we walk over to them. "Okay, sweetie," "What's going on,?" she asks as if she doesn't already know. "Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, I'm here to ask for permission to take my beautiful mate home to live with me," he says surprising me. (We were just supposed to tell them that we're mates) "Sorry, I'm so excited, that it just came out," he links as he lightly squeezes my hand. My dad gets up to hug me and kisses my forehead. "My baby girl," he says, as he looks into my eyes, as a tear runs down his cheek. "Don't cry daddy, you'll make me cry too," I say as I hug him. "Rick, she's still in the pack, so we can see her whenever we want," "I'm happy, but still," he says with a tearful smile. "Amaya said that it would take her... a couple of weeks to officially move in with me," he say with a sad smile. "No, I'm going with you today," I say as I turn to look at him, and he looks at me with raised eyebrows shocked. My mom is right, I can always see them, and I can't stand to see sadness on his face. He hugs me tightly then he pulls back and pecks my lips. "I love you," he says as he squeezes me again. "I knew he loved you," says my mom with a smile as she hugs us both. "You can always come back if you need too," links my dad. "Thank you, daddy," I reply, before I turn to hug him again. Tye walks down with a huge smile on his face. "Welcome to the family brother-in-law," "Thanks, Tye," he says while giving him a bro hug. "I have to say, I thought that you'd give me a hard time," he says to Tye. "Me too," I say as I punch him for not helping me when we were training, even though, I didn't tell him that I was mad. (I feel like he should have known) "I trust you Amaya, and I knew it had to be something about him, since you let him walk you home, and you only flipped him instead of kicking his but," he laughs. ''You wanted him to make it hard for me?!" he asks with a sad surprised look on his face. "I did at first, when you annoyed me and after the club," I admit while shrugging. ''But not just you, any guy that would have tried to talk to me," I say to assure him. He hugs me and kisses my forehead as I hug him back. "Hey what are you going to do about the bar?" asks Tye as he helps us to pack up my stuff. ''Nothing, mom will keep running it until me and Teagan graduate, then we'll do our part," "You need to turn it into a dance club," "As a matter of fact, one of my friends has a business offer for you guys," "Okay, tell me the time and the place and I'll be there" I say as we stuff more clothes into Zair's car. ''We'll be there," says Zair, causing Tye to laugh at his jealousy. "Yes, we'll be there," I say as I side hug him. Tye helped until some girl called him, then he said goodbye, hugged me and dipped on us. My dad told me not to pack everything, in case I come back. I guess he heard about the Tammy rumor too. (Who could have told him?) I think to myself. We hug my parents before we leave and say our goodbyes. ''So... you own the Karaoke bar?" he asks with a smirk, as we pull out of the driveway. "I'm part owner" "It belongs to me and Teagan, but my mom thinks that it will distract us from school, if we have the responsibility of keeping it up," ''Since you love to sing, why not do it as a career?" he asks. ''It's too much work, and I wouldn't see my family," "I want my privacy, kids and a somewhat normal life," he smiles at my answer and I can feel his content. "I'm sorry, that I kind of used our bond to get closer to you," he says as he grabs my hand. "I was just so drawn to you, and you kept pushing me away," "That's okay, it actually helped me to open up to you a little more," "I never thought that I'd ever let a wolf touch me, but our bond helped," "I felt like the closer you were to me, the more I wanted to feel you," "Don't think that I'm easy, just because I gave up my body without fully knowing you," he says jokingly, causing me to laugh. "I guess we'll have to get our own place after a while," he says as we pull up to his house. I nod, even though I don't have a problem with living with his parents. We unpack and fit my things in his room rather quickly, then we climb into bed. "In a month or two we can start looking for a home of our own" he says, as we grab some snacks off of the night stand and turn on his game station. "Give me a minute," I say as I put the controller down. Then I slide off of the bed and I change into a light grey tank top and some black jersey shorts, so that I'm comfortable and not drowning. He pulls me into his lap to straddle him. "You do own short shorts," he says as he grabs at my butt, as I try to remove his hands, while I giggle and squirm in his lap. "I only wear this stuff at home, you know how I feel about horndogs," "I'm only a little bit of a horndog, but only for you," he says as he inhales my scent. "Zair, you're all kinds of freaky," I say, causing him to laugh. "You're more like a professional horndog," I laugh. He growls lowly. "But you like it don't you?" "Yes" I moan as he grips my hips and grinds against me. "You might not like everything that we try at first, but you will eventually," I look at him surprised. (Does he plan on doing that stuff to me again?!) "You'll like it, I promise," he says as he chuckles at my shocked expression. ''Let's go slow, okay," I say a little nervous that he might try it now. "I will baby, we'll go slow" ''I'm so happy you came with me," he says as he hugs me. "I couldn't stand to see you suffering, Zai," "My beautiful Luna" he whispers. I smile and I enjoy being close to him, as he caresses my cheek. "What time is dinner?" I ask as I start to feel hungry. "I guess it's about time" he says as he holds me tightly. "Shouldn't we help your mom,?" "Okay, we can help her" "You get anything you want baby, at anytime you want it," he says as he looks me in the eyes. I smile and peck his lips. Then I put my hands on his shoulders and I stand up, so that I can look for a pair of his shirts. He gets up after me to get dressed as well. "Do you mind if we help you with dinner,?" I ask. "Of course you can help Amaya," "How good are you in the kitchen?" "I usually help my dad since my mom works late and Iguess I'm pretty good, at least, I've been told that I am," "Okay, can you cut up some onions, broccoli, and mushrooms, and then sauté them in butter?" I nod and walk over to the sink to wash my hands. "Zair, wash the rice pilaf and put it in the pot on the stove," "The chicken is almost done and when the rice is done, I'll put some rolls in the oven" Zair and I make chocolate chip cookies for desert as the rest of the food finishes cooking and he eats five, even though, they are really huge. Then we sit on the living room floor to play checkers as we wait for his dad to arrive. "Zair, you cheat at checkers too,?" I ask with squinted eyes. He smirks and finishes crowning himself another king, after he, illegally grabs my pawn. "Zair, play fair," says his mom as she walks in from the kitchen. ''Mom, this is between mates,'' he says as he grabs my hand. "Come, sit in my lap" he says as he helps me over into his lap. ''Your dad is home!" says his mom excitedly, forgetting about scolding Zair. "Wait baby, he still has to get out of his car and walk up the steps," he says, as he holds me in his lap, stopping me from standing. ''Zair we'll have all night to cuddle" I whisper. "And I don't want me sitting in your lap to be the first impression" "He is still my Alpha, and I should at least stand to show respect," "I am your only Alpha, baby," he says as he helps me to stand. "He is your father-in-law and nothing more," he says as he looks into my eyes. "Okay" I say as I nod, understanding. He pecks my lips and hugs me. "So this is your beautiful mate,?" asks Alpha Calvin from behind me. I turn and see that he has his hand out for me to shake. I smile and grab his hand. "Nice grip, Amaya," he says with a smile. Zair grabs my hand from his dad; causing him to laugh and hug him. "My son, you have your mate!'' he says while still hugging him tightly. "You're quite lucky, she comes from a good family and she's quite the firecracker," he says, finally pulling back. "Yeah she told me about the pigs," he says as he side hugs me. "And I know her brother and that she's an Alpha, but why didn't you tell me,?" "Son, her parent's didn't want anyone to know, and I had no idea she was going to be your Luna," "Let's take the conversation to the table," says his mom and I'm so thankful because I'm starving.
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