Chapter 32

1436 Words
After lunch we go back to his room to play video games. "Do you remember what happened the last time, you cheated,?" I ask as I grab at his controller, as he tries to keep it away from me. "Yes, I got a kiss, after I tickled you," "So, win, win for me," he says as he grabs my controller and holds it away from me. "I forgot about the kiss, I just remember the part where you ended on the floor, with the look of shock on you face," I didn't really forget the kiss, I'm only messing with him. "I had a smile on my face, because I got to kiss you," he says as he puts my controller down on the floor. "Don't tell me you don't want to play, because you can't beat me," "Typical Alpha," I say to mess with him even more. ''You forgot about our first kiss,?" he asks as he crawls on top of me as I lay back. "I- uh" "Let me help you remember," he says before he presses his lips against mine. "I remember Zair, I was only playing with you" I breathe out, after he pulls back to let me take a breath. ''That's good baby," he says before he starts kissing me again. He pulls my shorts off and then his. Then he takes off his shirt and before he takes off mine, and he bites his lip as he rips my panties. I don't say anything, because I want to feel his body against mine, just as must as he wants to feel mine against his. After we finish making out, I get up to grab the controller, so that I can watch television, since he can't play video games without cheating. How the heck was he going to teach me how to play, if he can't stop kissing me? (Maybe this was his plan from the start) I feel his hands grab me from behind and he throws me back on the bed. "Where are you going beautiful mate,?'' ''We're not done yet," he says as he pins me to the bed. ''Are you not happy,?" I gasp, as I look down to see that his member has made it's way out of his boxers, and it's less than an inch away from me; causing me to get wet. He follows my eyes and his chest grumbles and his eyes darken. It jumps and lightly hits my lips giving me tingles, and a small hum comes from my throat. "Alpha" I whisper to calm him, but it only causes him to growl, making me wetter, and I know that he can tell, because his eyes get even darker. He closes his eyes and inhales, smelling my arousal, and I turn to crawl up his bed and he growls louder. Then he licks my butt and nips at it, lightly biting. I moan after he spreads my legs to lick up my juices, and I stifle my moans as I raise my hips up slightly, so that he can have better access. He gets on his knees behind me and grabs my hips to lift me to my knees. Then he rubs his member on my butt. ''Zai'' I whisper, as he rubs it back and forth across my slit, but he doesn't answer. I grab his covers and I close my eyes tightly, to prepare myself for him. But instead of his member, I feel his lips, as he licks and mouths, sloppily sucking at my clit, making slurping noises. "Zair baby" I whimper as I squirm, but he has my legs in a tight grip, to hold me still, even though I wouldn't try to move even if I could. One minute I'm on my knees gripping the sheets, and the next I'm straddling his face, as I hold on tight to his hair. I stay like this until I get weak, and then I tense up as I c*m and fall forward. I lay on my stomach, as he climbs up next to me and hugs me. Then I move over to kiss his chest and we stay like that until we fall asleep. "So are we going out tonight, or what?" asks Ben, waking me up. I forgot about our plan to show Zair the truth about Yaya and Pinky. "Yes, tell Teagan to bring my makeup and an outfit, and also a change of clothes," I probably should have just linked her the last part. "You sound like you just woke up, sis," he says and I imagine his face as he chuckles. "Just tell Teagan," I say before I close our link, feeling embarrassed. "Zai, the guys are coming over in a little bit, so we need to get ready" "Only if you spend Monday night with me" he says. "Okay'' He didn't say which Monday. "Really,?" he asks surprised. "Yes" "I'm going to keep asking you to spend the night, until, you finally move in with me," he says as he hugs me. I might not be able to spend the night each time you ask me to, but I'll try" ''Now, I'm going to take a shower" I say as I slide of the bed. "Do you need me to show you how to turn it on,?" he asks as he sits up. "No, I think I got," I say as I scurry into the bathroom to close and lock the door behind me. When I'm finished, I ask if he has any lotion that doesn't smell like a man. (He didn't) "So now, I have to smell like a boy?" "No, you'll smell like me," he says as he pulls me into his lap. I wore a towel until Teagan came and he let us borrow his room. Well actually, it was just me since she was already dressed, but she wasn't dressed as Pinky. She, had on a cute spaghetti strap lavender dress with a cream colored sweater and cream colored sandal heels. While I'm getting ready, we talk about how much fun I've had getting to know him a little better, outside of school, and how, I can feel our bond getting stronger. I can't imagine what he'd do if I told him that I want to be marked soon. I would most likely be marked and mated within the hour, or maybe not, he seems to have some control over his wolf. (Well sometimes he does) I step into a pair of my black vegan leather pants, then I pull on a royal blue, sequin crop top that he's seen me wearing before. Next I put on some natural looking make and red lipstick. "I'm ready," I say after I put on my black vegan leather cropped jacket and my black stilettos. "Why didn't you straighten your hair,?" asks Teagan. "Because, he would immediately know it was me" I say as I look into the mirror and smooth my curly hair into a high ponytail. His eyes widen as his jaw drops, when I walk into the living room, and at first I thought that he had figured it out. But then, he stands and walks over to wrap his arm around my waist, and he reminds me that I am staying the night. "I remember'' I say as I playfully roll my eyes. "Man look at that ass," he links, as he lightly squeezes it. "We're going to have some fun later," he says... to my butt. (My mate, is having a conversation with my derriere) "Let's hurry, Zai," I say pulling him out of his 'deep conversation'. I tried to get the guys to go on without us, but Zair was being stubborn. He wanted me to ride with him, so we changed the plan again. "Are you nervous to see her?" I ask. "No," he says as he shrugs, but I can tell that he is. "Well, I heard that she was coming back full time," I say to mess with him. His eyes get big. "So she'll be there?!" he asks while looking over at me. "Yes, she will" He looks back at the road. ''So, you were fine when you thought she wasn't going to be there,?" "Is that why you agreed to come?" "Yeah, kinda, but mostly because I wanted you to spend the night," I decide not to mess with him anymore, I already hurt him and I never want to hurt him again. That's why I'm telling him now because I don't want us to have anymore secrets, or lies between us.
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