Chapter 40

1297 Words
"Is everything okay with you two,?" asks Mrs. Wyne as we walk in. "Yes we're great," I say with an embarrassed smile, as I, think about the last time they saw us. They probably heard us arguing and they also saw me knock him down another time. "We've got to get you some shirts that shows off your mark," says Zair. I smile and shake my head. "You just sit and remember, no trouble," "Okay, baby," he says as he grabs my hand and kisses it. Rodick's eyes get big when he sees me, probably because, he can most likely smell Zair's scent from across the room. (He covered, me in it before we walked in) Mrs. Wyne has me and Rodick to read our lines, and to practice the waltz first, because, she says that we might not stay for the entire rehearsal. I squint my eyes at my smiling mate. (He doesn't care, he wanted everyone to know about us, and now they do) "Milady, you go away for a few days and you come back mated to him,?" says Rodick when we finish reading our lines. ''Yes, he's my mate," I say with a smile. He nods in understanding. "You know, sometimes, I think this 'true mates' thing is stupid," "Why can't I like a girl and she like me?" "I'm personally into chosen mates," "But Rodick, you will hurt your true mate," I say surprised by his confession. He shrugs. "I don't think you feel anything, if your bond hasn't started to pull you yet, at least, that's what I think'' "That's your problem, you don't think," says Zair from behind me. "I don't want you talking to my mate, trying to confuse her," he says as he stands behind me with his chest on my back. "Zair, he's not confusing me, please have a seat,'' ''I don't want you to get sent out'' "You'll come with me, if they do won't you,?" "Yes, but I really want to do this play," "I even learned to do the damn waltz," I say causing him to smile. "Okay, but just recite your lines, don't talk too much with this guy," "Okay, Alpha," he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, and he sits on the first row with his arms crossed. Teagan waves her hand in front of his face and he smiles. I see her talking to him and he relaxes a little. I link Teagan to thank her, then I turn and shrug at Rodick. He smiles and we read our lines again. "Despite the drama that was surrounding you," "The two of you still managed to do excellent," says our music teacher. I look at Zair and he holds his hands up and smiles. "Let's see, if you're still light on your feet as you do the 'damn waltz'," she says with a chuckle. I look at Zair. "I love you" he mouths. I smile and playfully hold up a fist. "Are you ready, Milady,?" asks Rodick. "Yes, I am," I say as I put one hand on his shoulder, as my other hand waits on him to hold it. He chuckles and grabs my hand. We dance and sing our duet as we glide across the floor. ''You sound beautiful, Aya," he links as I sing my part. "Thank you, Zai'' I link as I continue to sing. "I am so excited for everyone to see you guys!" "Hopefully, we can have everything ready before the Mayor's birthday," "If so, he and his wife will see you perform, before the rest of the town," says Mrs. Wyne. I look at Zair and he's frowning. "You're so, cute," I link. He smiles, even though he fights it. "I'll see you tomorrow," says Rodick as he leaves. "Okay, bye Rodick" I say as I wave. "Let's go Teags," I say, as I grab her hand, while Zair pulls on mine other one. "Ben is coming for me," "Okay, well we'll wait on him," Just as those words leave my mouth, he pulls up. "You were supposed to be waiting," I joke, when he gets out and rushes over to open the door for her. "So how did I do?" he asks as we make our way home. "I guess Mrs. Wyne has a lot of patience," I say as I grab his hand. "I just hate how you look and smile at him," "Zai he's funny, and he never does anything inappropriate," "When the play is over, I won't see him as much" "Does that make you sad,?" "Zai, I only love you," I say, as I put his hand on my thigh, hoping to calm him. "But you like how he sings and everything else about him," he says, as he moves his hand up my leg and squeezes. "But I love everything about you, even your horndog ways," "Really baby,?" "Yes," I say as I nod. I climb into his lap, when he parks and we make out a little. "Lets go inside before your parents see us," "You're my mate, that's the equivalent of a wife,'' "I still want to marry you though, but I'm just saying, stop acting like a scared teenager," "But, I am," I say with a smile. "Well I'm not scared, just nervous" "Well don't be, everyone knows we're together," he says as he grabs my butt and lightly squeezes it. "Okay" I breathe out. We ate dinner alone, because, his parents were still getting things together for the ceremony. "I am so nervous," "Why do we need to have a ceremony everyone already knows,?" "Baby, I want everyone from other packs to see my beautiful Luna," he says, as he, looks into my eyes and cups my chin. "Let's take a shower, then we'll sleep, since it's getting late" "I have a new room, a new closet, a new bed and a new alarm that tells me when to sleep,'' I joke. He smiles, embarrassed. "I'm not used to having anyone sleep with me, and I want to hold you all night," "I used to eat dinner, then I'd play some games until I started to lose, because, my eyes kept shutting," I smile as I try to imagine him nodding off to sleep. We take a shower, then we play a few rounds of Kombat Mortal. "You won't be teaching our pups to play," I laugh after he cheats again. "Baby, I can't wait to have pups," he says as he drops the controller and tackles me. Then he cuddles me and smells my scent. "I can, we still have so much to do," "Have you been taking something,?" he asks with a smirk. "Like what?" "You know, so you don't get pregnant," My eyes get big. "No... but it's fine" "I haven't had my first heat yet," he doesn't say anything, he just hugs me. "Should we stop having s*x until I talk to someone, because now I'm not sure?" "If you want we can skip school and go to the pack doctor tomorrow," "But I, really don't want to stop making love to you" he says before he kisses my shoulder. "I guess, I'll ask my mom after the ceremony" "Or you can ask my mom, she's probably here now," "No, it's embarrassing enough trying to ask my mom," "She already knows, she's probably heard you," I look at him with wide eyes. "I'm joking," "I better stop playing with you before you cut me off" he says as he lays on top of me. ''Why don't you want a pup?" "Because we're still immature," "Not all of the time," he says as he rubs my cheek. After taking our clothes out for the next day, we go to bed.
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