Chapter 1

880 Words
Shay's Point of View "Come on Shay! Please!" Megan begs while I shake my head. "No. I don't want to go. I'm tired just go without me." I say continuing to walk home. "Please, I don't want to go alone. It will be fun." "You know I don't like going out to parties." I grimace. We had just gotten out of school, it was the last day before the vacation starts. Exams were tough, all I wanted was to curl up in my bed with some snacks and a good series to binge watch. I never go to parties. I don't like all the noise and the people. Megan, on the other hand loves to party, but she never wants to go alone and always drag me with her. Just to dump me once she meets someone there. "I know, but you need some fun. Come on, exams are over and summer starts today. Let's kick it off with some partying." I sigh. "I'll think about it." She smiles triumphantly. "Yes, I'll start putting together your outfit. You"ll love it!" "I haven't agreed to go with you yet, Megan." I say arching my brow. "We'll see." She shrugs her shoulders while smirking at me. I shake my head and sigh. Knowing she is going to get her way, just like all the other times. 4 hours later I'm standing in front of the mirror in my room, looking at myself. As always Megan nagged and pleaded until she convinced me to go to the birthday party of the neighboring pack's next Alpha. "I can't go out like this!" I look at the outfit Megan put together for me. "Why not? You look amazing?" "I just can't.. It's not me. The jeans are to tight, and the shirt shows way to much skin." Megan laughs. "Oh come on Shay! Stop being such a prude. You look seriously hot. The boys won't be able to take their eyes off you. Who knows maybe you'll find your mate tonight. Now stop staring at the mirror and come. We're gonna be late!" ------------------------------- I'm sitting outside drinking some water and looking at the sky, away from all the noise. As usual Meg is on the dance floor with some guy leaving me to myself. Honestly this always happens. I don't know why I keep letting her talk me into coming to parties. I shake my head at myself. Suddenly I am hit with the most amazing scent ever and my heart starts racing. I knew what it was, have been waiting for this exact moment. My wolf started pacing around in my head encouraging me to follow the scent. As I turned around our eyes meet. And my breath hitches in my throat. I stood there staring at him. I have always thought he was gorgeous but nothing could compare to how attractive I find him now. My mate, the birthday boy himself. Zane.. Tall and very muscular with dark wavy hair, a strong jawline with a prominent nose. And those eyes, not really brown or yellow.. It looks like molten gold drawing me in. I've always liked those strange, captivating eyes. "Mine!" he growls as he strolls over, taking me into his arms and kissing me. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back. "I've been looking for you." He says after pulling away to breath. Kissing down my neck. I let out a soft moan. "God, you smell amazing Shay." He groaned before he kissed me again. He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. Cupping my cheek. "I've always thought you were pretty. But now.. Your breathtakingly beautiful." I smile up at him with my cheeks tinted red. I've been told I'm pretty before, but hearing those words from him, my mate, it is a whole different feeling. I don't really have much experience with guys. Never dated. I have always waited for my mate, not wanting anyone but him. "Thank you. You're very handsome yourself." I say shyly touching his cheek. He laughs at me and hugs me closer. "Your shy, it's cute. I'm not used to shy girls. And coming from you it's amusing. Where is the fierce, confident Shay from school?" I blush again. "I'm not used to being this close to guys, especially cute ones that just kissed me." I say with small smile. He laughs again stroking my cheeck, down to my neck. I can feel my heart racing and he smirks. "Do I make you nervous little mate?" Little mate, the corners of my mouth twitch at the nickname. I nod slowly. "A little yes. Do I make you nervous?" I ask, putting my hand on his chest. I can hear it beating fast. "You make me very excited." He growls huskily and pull me closer. I gasp as I feel his throbbing erection against my stomach. And I look down with big eyes, swallowing nervously. Zane laughs again. "Come on little mate, let's go upstairs to talk yeah?" I nod with a smile on my face and let him pull my away. I can't believe it, I actually found my mate. For once coming to a party with Megan paid off. If I only knew then what I know now..
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