Chapter 2

940 Words
Shay's Point of View I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I slowly sit up and look around for any sign of Zane but he's not in the room. I get out of bed, and I almost fall to the ground, my legs feel heavy, like tree trunks. I slowly move again looking for my clothes. There's still no sign of Zane after I got dressed so I walked downstairs looking for him. On my way to the kitchen I run into Jake, Zane's best friend and future beta. I smile. "Hi, have you seen Zane?" He smiles at me nervously and moves to block my way. "He's not here, he left." I frown. "He left? Where did he go?" "I.." Before he could continue I hear something from the kitchen. I see him nervously looking from me to the door and I try to move past him. He blocks me again and shakes his head. "Shay, leave it. You don't want to do that." A feeling of unease settles over me as I see the guilt in his eyes. I push him out of the way and head into the kitchen to find Zane making out with someone else. I stood there and stared at him. Not sure what to feel. I was shocked; confused; hurt and angry. The anger won. "What the hell is going on Zane? What is this?" He lifted his head, glaring at me. "Can't you see you're interrupting us?" "Excuse me? That's all you got to say to me?" I stood there trembling in rage, how could he do this. After last night.. I feel my heart constricting in pain. He sigs annoyed and straightened himself before he turned to face me. "Last night.. It should have never happened. It was fine, you're a great lay but I don't want or need a mate. I just wanted to experience being with you once. Your the one girl no one has gotten into bed, and then you turned out to be my mate. I couldn't let the chance go by." I stood there as he ripped my heart out. My hand flew to my mouth as I bit my trembling lip trying not to cry. I saw Jake coming into the kitchen. "Zane, come on don't do this." Zane frowned at his friend. "Stay out of this, it has nothing to do with you." Jake goes to say something again but I stop him with my hand and give him a small smile. Then I turn to Zane. "So you used me for one night of fun? Screwed and played me just for the fun of it?" I saw him flinch and look away. "Shay.. don't." I laughed sarcastically. "Oh now it bothers you. I can't believe I was this stupid. I actually believed you. Everything you said last night." I give a bitter laugh this time and shake my head. "I'm so stupid.." I mumble, wiping the tear that escaped of my cheek. I see Jake trying to approach me but I take a step back and shake my head. "No don't." I take a deep breath and compose myself. "Okay, do it." I say looking at Zane. He frowns. "What?" "Reject me so we can get this over with." I see the shock on both his and Jake's faces. "I.." He hesitates frowning. He clearly didn't expect this. What did he think? That I was going to beg him? I scoff internally. That would never happen, my father is an Alpha, he taught me to handle myself with pride. And I deserve more than this. "Come on Zane, I don't have all day. You said you didn't want me. So let me go." He looked at Jake who only shook his head. "This is your mess. Figure it out." He muttered before he left the kitchen. I looked at Zane again. "I'm still waiting." I sighed annoyed. He frowned at me again before he shook his head. "I, Zane Adams, from the Blood Moon pack reject you, Shay O'Connell, as my fated mate and future luna of this pack." I felt the tug at my heart and I gasped bending over. I saw Zane trying to reach for me but I shook my head and moved away from him.. I slowly straightened myself. "Don't you dare touch me. Ever again." I threatened him. I took a deep breath. "I, Shay O'Connell, accept your rejection, Zane Adams of the Blood Moon pack, as your fated mate and future luna." I gasped again as I feel the bond snap, the pain this time almost knocking me on my ass. I see him clutching the counter, pain written over his face. I steady my breathing. "One day Zane.. You are going to regret this.. I hope you have a happy life." With that I turn around and rush out of the kitchen. Trying to get away before the dam burst, I won't let him see me cry. I rush out the front door, and I see Megan and Jake standing by his car. I walk over to them slowly arching my eyebrow at her. She just smirks and shrugs before she wraps her arms around me. "Are you okay?" She asks and then immediately shake her head. "Stupid question. I'm so sorry sweety." "It is what it is I guess." I shrug. I look up at Jake. He gives me a sad smile. "I'm sorry, I don't know why he would do this." I shake my head. "It's fine. It's not your fault." He nods his head. "Come, let's get you girls home."
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