Chapter 5

2090 Words
"YOU!" They both said baffled. Roy cleared his throat. All of them turned their attention to him. "As I was saying, meet the Alaric's." He motioned to Skylar. "This is my son, Skylar Kennedy." He paused and looked at Miracle. "How do you know Skylar?" "We met at the amusement park. He and his friend Parker went on a ride and the picture that they took was hilarious!" She laughed. Her dad put his hand on her shoulder. Miracle looked at it and smiled up at him. He stuck his hand out. "Call me Scott." Skylar took his hand and shook it. Scott smiled as Skylar's face had no emotion on it. Roy poked his ribs and he hissed. "Act normal for me," Roy glared. Skylar sighed. "Sorry about that. He's having a bad day," Roy assured Scott. Scott chuckled. "It happens to the best of us." He glanced at Miracle who was looking at a picture of Roy and Skylar on the wall. "Why don't you show Miracle around?" Roy suggested to Skylar. "I have to finish talking to Scott about some things." Skylar nodded and they both got out of Roy's office. Skylar tilted his head a little to meet her eyes. "What do you want to see?" He asked. She shrugged. "Maybe someplace to eat?" Her stomach growled. Skylar chuckled. They got into the elevator and Skylar pressed the button for the break room. They stood there in silence. "Wouldn't it be cool if the elevator played Wii music?" Miracle asked. Skylar sighed as he massaged his temple. "Yes, Pa-" He stopped talking and coughed awkwardly. "Miracle." "You wanted to call me Parker," she stated. The elevator door opened and she gasped. "So much FOOD!" She ran around as she grabbed a few slices of pizza, some nachos, a bag of M&M's and a sprite. Skylar grabbed a bag of chips and sat down in front of her. "Yeah," he replied, combing his fingers through his hair. "He said that once when we were in a hotel." Miracle looked up from her food. She swallowed it. "He said what?" She asked. "About the Wii music in the elevator." "Oh yeah." She popped an M&M in her mouth. "How is he? Does he know about your job?" Skylar leaned back in his chair. "He's good. Still a pain in the ass, but good. And by the way, he blushed when I told him that you called him hot." Miracle nodded in approval. "Okay, okay. My plan's going smoothly," She whispered under her breath. Skylar heard every word that she said, but played dumb. "What?" "What?" She asked back. Skylar shook his head. "Never mind. This is maybe a personal question, but where's your mother?" Miracle stopped chewing and looked down at her plate. "Shiiiiiiiiit," Skylar thought. He took a handful of chips and stuffed it all into his mouth to shut himself up. "She's living on Curacao with my sisters. They broke up when I was little and a few years ago I got to know who my real dad is. 'Cause she had a boyfriend and I thought that he was my real dad. So two years later after the whole dad thing, I decided to go and live with him. My mom was cool with it, but I still get texts from her that she misses me there," she explained. He swallowed the rest of the chips. "Ah. Okay." He fixed his gaze to the chips. "Do you know how they broke up?" A 'tch' escaped from Miracle's lips. "I don't know what to believe. My dad said that my mom cheated on him and she went to the police and told them that he threatened to kill us. So he had to go to jail for 3 days and she took almost everything with her." She paused and took a sip of her drink. "And then my mom said that he cheated on her. To be honest, I believe both of them." "Why?" "Because I don't know how my mom was in the past and the thing about my dad cheating could be true. That SOB is still a cheating bastard. But I can't say s**t, because I still live under his roof." They kept quiet for a while. "Wow," Skylar muttered. Miracle looked at him and smiled. "So what about you?" "Well, everyone thinks I'm a girl except my dad. My mom dresses me as a girl. I had long hair. Remember?" He played with a strand of his hair that was covering one of his eyes. "There's this dude at school who likes me, some people want me. The usual," Skylar replied. All the things that he said registered in Miracle's mind. "Wait. Does someone like you? Is he hot? Wait. Someone wants you?!" She screamed. Skylar shushed her. "Yes and yes." The elevator door opened and Roy and Scott walked out. "I knew that you'd be here," Scott said, shaking his head. "Always thinking about food." "Look who's talking. Mister 'I'm still hungry' after eating a lot of food. You're worse than Goku and Luffy combined." Scott rolled his eyes as Skylar and Roy perked up. Roy smiled. "I think you two are going to be great friends." One month later "Hey. My name's Miracle Alaric. I'm 17 years old and I just moved here from Curacao," she grinned with her headphones around her neck. There were a lot of whispers going around the room as she smiled at Skylar and Parker. Skylar gave her a small smile and Parker turned red but returned the smile. A girl raised her hand. "Yeah what's up?" "Why did you move here?" "That's a good question. I have my reasons," she winked. The girl's cheeks tinted pink and she dropped her hand. The teacher coughed. "You can sit wherever you like. Today you all can learn for the next test." "Sweet," she grinned. As she was walking up to Skylar and Parker, Parker leaned to him. "She's a f*****g goddess," he whispered. "Tell her then." She sat in front of them and turned a little in her seat. "Sup." Skylar waved a little as Parker couldn't get a word out of his mouth. Skylar poked Parker's ribcage. Parker flinched and sat up straight. "H-hey," he stuttered. "Nice weather we're having huh?" "Nani? b***h, it's cold as f**k outside." Parker perked up as Skylar smirked. Miracle and Skylar high fived under the table. Flashback to yesterday They both walked to their car to go home. Miracle grabbed Skylar's hand."What does Parker like?" She asked. Skylar thought for a while. "He really loves anime. He's a weeb. So if you make any references, he'll get them." "Bet." Back to the present "You like anime?" "Is grass green?" Parker's face lit up like a lightbulb and he was freaking out internally. "Naruto or Dragon Ball Z?" "Tch. Easy. Dragon Ball Z." Parker narrowed his eyes and Miracle did the same. "You prefer Naruto, huh?" "Yes." They held a staredown and Skylar quietly watched them. They both turned to him. "Naruto or Dragon Ball Z?" They both asked. Skylar rubbed his chin. "One Piece." They both sighed. "I'm joking. Hunter X Hunter." They both were satisfied. "I can live with that." Parker nodded in agreement. "Don't you think that Skylar looks like the real-life version of Yuri Plisetsky and Kurapika?" Parker asked Miracle. She looked at Skylar for a while as he brushed a few locks of his hair from his eye. "Oh, s**t. He does." She saw Ashton who was giving her and Parker a nasty glare. "Who's that fine piece of ass who keeps glaring at me?" Skylar frowned a little and followed her gaze. His eyes landed on Ashton who was watching them. "That's the guy that I told you about yesterday." She eyed him and Skylar. "I ship it." "She must be a fujoshi," Skylar and Parker thought. "And yes. It's true." "Hm?" "I can see it written on your face. Yes, I am a fujoshi." They all kept quiet. Parker motioned Skylar to talk to him and the both turned around. They kept their voices low as she fiddled with her fingers. They turned back to her and Skylar cleared his throat. "We've made a decision." It was quiet. "We don't care." Parker laughed and Miracle glared at them both, hitting Parker's arm playfully. "But that Ashton guy. I think I saw him somewhere." Skylar leaned in. "His last name's King. His dad's a billionaire." "Well damn." Time skip to lunch "And then it was like, ZOOM, BAM, WOOSH, BASH!" Parker said, trying to explain it as well as he could to Miracle. "Yeah, yeah. And I felt like, like, GWAAAH!" Miracle replied, stretching her arms up. Parker nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Ashton, who sat next to him, looked confused. "Um, what are they doing?" He asked as they kept on going about the movie. "Remember that other movie we were supposed to watch?" He nodded confused. "They're talking about it." Ashton furrowed his eyebrows and looked at them again. "But how?" Skylar shrugged. "I can follow them easily." Ashton played with Skylar's hair. "Because you're as weird as them." Skylar glared at him. "Am not." "Are too." "Am not." "Are too." "Am-" Skylar let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't have time for this." "Why did you cut your hair? I liked it long," he sulked. "It would've been nice to pull during s-" Skylar's face became red and he pushed Ashton off of him. "Don't say that s**t," he hissed. Ashton let out a little chuckle as he nuzzled his nose against his neck. A few tables next to them, Nash and Tyler were watching everything. "Well, there goes 500 bucks," Nash sighed loudly. He rested his head on the table and his lips stretched into a small smile. "But at least he's happy for once. The last time I saw him this happy was when he was, 14? I think?" Tyler scoffed. "Well, one of us could still win. We can tell his dad about Skylar." Nash smile instantly turned into a scowl and Tyler was greeted with a murderous glare. "Don't f*****g think about it," Nash snapped. "I know that you're only his friend for his money." "No, I'm not," Tyler lied. Nash narrowed his eyes and Tyler kept his face cool. Nash let out an exhausted groan. "I still don't trust you." Nash's eyes wandered back to them. "And Skylar could be scary when he wants to." Ashton was still snuggling against him like a big puppy as Skylar was acting like there wasn't a big leech on him. "Ugh, just kiss already!" Miracle groaned. "I'm dying for some action here. And they are too." Parker looked around. "Who are?" "They are," she replied, mentioning the fourth wall. They all looked confused and their eyes were everywhere, searching for what she was talking about. "Oh my GOD. ARE Y'ALL BLIND?" Her hands were on her head as she screamed in frustration. Everyone turned around to see the owner of the voice. When they saw her, she cleared her throat and acted as nothing happened. "So yeah, we need some action. Call me when anything happens. I'll be ready with my camera crew." Skylar sighed, Parker chuckled and Ashton's mind was still taking everything in. "What just happened?" Parker asked. "Just leave it." They all kept quiet until Ashton got an idea. "Do you wanna go to the pool tomorrow? I have a huge one at my house." "First of all, I don't want to and second of all, it's cold outside." Ashton smirked at the last part. "Who do you think I am? It's an indoor pool." Parker and Miracle scoffed. "Rich people," they both said and high fived each other. "I'm not going." Ashton thought for a second. "They can go too," he offered, but Skylar shook his head no. "OMG Sky SAY YES!" Parker screeched. Skylar still kept quiet. "I'll buy you 2 bags of skittles." Skylar perked up a little. He puckered his lips a little. Ashton saw that opportunity to peck his lips and he smirked. Skylar's ears tinted red as Miracle started taking pictures like crazy. "This is one of the best days of my life!" She cheered as Parker tried to calm her down. "Now it's definitely no," Skylar hissed, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. "Aw c'mon Cherry. I'll make it 3 bags." Skylar grumbled some curse words under his breath. "Fine."
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