Chapter 6

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"Holy f**k," Miracle muttered. They stood in front of Ashton's house as their mouths dropped to the floor. "That 'house' is a whole castle!" They walked up the front gate and Skylar pressed the doorbell. Not even a second later, they heard an old man speaking. "Who is it?" They all looked around confused. "Um, we're Ashton's friends," Skylar replied, still looking for the source of the voice. "Names?" "Skylar, Parker and Miracle." The voice on the other side hummed and the door opened. "You may come in. The young master will be there in a second." "Young master?" They all wondered. They all looked at each other and nodded. A minute later Ashton jogged up to them. "Hi. Welcome to my house." He grinned when he saw Skylar. "And yours when we get married." Skylar rolled his eyes as they all bowed. "Thank you for having us, young master," they all said in sync. Ashton groaned. "Don't even think about starting. C'mon. I have a few guestrooms where you guys can change." They walked for a while and Parker and Miracle were gawking the whole way. They stopped in front of the door. "Room 1. Miracle." Miracle walked into the room and she gasped. "Holy fuck." Ashton closed the door and they walked to the next door. "Room 2. Parker." Parker opened the door and sighed. "Rich people with their money and pretty rooms," he mumbled under his breath. Parker closed the door and Skylar followed Ashton who was walking a completely different direction. After going up the stairs and making a lot of turns, they stopped at a room with double doors. "Room 3." He opened the room and Skylar looked a little shocked. "My room." "Why does your room have 2 floors?" Skylar questioned. Ashton sat on his bed and he looked up. "The second floor is a personal library." "Nerd," Skylar muttered. "What?" "What?" Ashton shook his head. He pointed at a door. "There's the bathroom. But you can change here if you want to," he smiled innocently. Skylar threw his bag his way, but unfortunately, Ashton caught it mid-air. With a red face, he stomped up to Ashton and snatched his bag out of his hands. He walked to the bathroom. "Call me if you need anything!" Ashton yelled. Skylar closed the door and jumped a little when the light turned on by itself. He squinted his eyes a little and looked around. He changed into his swim trunks and one of his dad's t-shirts to cover up his body. He put his clothes in his bag and opened the door. He was greeted with Ashton who was already wearing his swim trunks. He lay on his bed, reading a book with glasses on. Skylar cleared his throat and tried to cover his face with his hair. Ashton looked up from his book and smiled. "You wear glasses?" Ashton nodded and used a 50 euro bill as a bookmark. He put his glasses on the nightstand next to the bed and jumped off of it. "They're only my reading glasses," he replied. "Let's go. You can leave your stuff here." Meanwhile Parker opened the door and looked around. He walked to Miracle's room and knocked 3 times. "Yes?" She asked. "It's Parker. Can I come in?" Miracle opened the door. Parker looked at her and her body. "How are you so buff? You're not Jojo buff, but still a little buff. I can even see the outlines of your abs. And then there's me. Still with a little belly fat." Miracle giggled. "Because I go to the gym almost every day with my dad." "But why?" She started playing with her fingers. "Well, because my dad wants me in shape," she replied, telling half of the truth. "But why are you going almost every day then? You don't have to go every day to stay in shape." Skylar and Ashton walked up to them and Miracle let out a quiet sigh. "What's up?" Ashton asked. Miracle shook her head and grabbed Skylar's hand. "Show the way to the pool, young master." Ashton sighed and they followed him to the pool. After a few minutes, Ashton opened the door and the smell of chlorine hit their noses. "CANNONBALL!" Someone yelled and they all saw a big splash. "ADRIAN WHAT THE HECK!" A shrill voice shrieked. Adrian laughed. "Don't be such a baby Lexi," he grinned. Lexi splashed him in his face. He wiped his face and narrowed his eyes. "Oh, this is war!" He splashed her back and they kept that up until Ashton whistled. They stopped and their faces brightened. "ASH!" They cheered. They got out of the pool and raced to him. Ashton let out a loud laugh as he ruffled their hair. "Hey, guys." He glanced back to the others and cleared his throat. He turned around and motioned them to stand in front of him. "I forgot to tell you that I have siblings," he laughed awkwardly. "This is Adrian." He waved. "And Alexis." She smiled. "They're twins." "Hey," they both greeted them at the same time. "These are my friends. Miracle." Miracle smiled and winked. "Parker." Parker grinned. "And Cher- um, Skylar." Skylar dropped his cold demeanor and a little smile spread across his face. Adrian blushed and whispered something in his sister's ear. Alexis looked at Adrian and she turned to Skylar. "He thinks that you're cute," she smirked. Adrian hit her hand and glared at her. "Lexi," he hissed. Skylar walked up to Adrian and patted his head with a smile. "Thank you for the compliment." Adrian didn't want to die of embarrassment and jumped back into the pool. Parker and Miracle both turned to each other and they both had a mischievous glint shining in their eyes. They both ran to the pool and also jumped in it. Ashton glanced at Skylar who was watching Parker and Miracle acting like kids. "Do you also want to dive in or do you want to sit somewhere?" Ashton asked. "Sit somewhere." They walked to the chairs and Alexis trailed them. They sat down and she sat next to Ashton. "How do you know my brother?" Alexis asked. "Do you go to the same school as him? Where did you meet? Do you like him? If yes, how long have you two been togethe-" Ashton clasped his hand on Alexis' mouth. "Sorry. She's normally not like this," he apologized. Skylar shook his head with a smile. "We've met at school. Yes. At school. Yes. We're not together though," Skylar answered. Ashton looked dumbfounded and Alexis gasped. "Why didn't you ask her out?" Alexis demanded. Skylar's eye twitched when he heard 'her'. "We've already been on a few dates," Ashton defended himself. "There just wasn't the right time because there's always an interruption." "They're talking about me as if I'm not even here." "Ask her now," she ordered. "You're in for a surprise." Alexis looked confused. "Huh?" Ashton's eyes met Skylar's and smiled. "So Cherry, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked. Alexis' eyes were bulging. "Boyfriend?" "Yeah, why not." Ashton's face lit up and he lifted Alexis from his lap. He went to Skylar, grabbed his face and kissed him. Skylar wrapped his arms around his neck and did his best to keep up with the pace. Alexis hid her eyes behind her hands. The others were too preoccupied to notice them making out. They pulled apart and they both were trying to catch their breath. Ashton kissed his forehead fondly. Alexis peeked behind her eyes and gasped loudly at their flushed faces. "BOYFRIEND?!" She yelled. Ashton shushed her and she clamped her hand on her mouth. "Sorry." "Cherry's a guy. Not a girl. A guy," Ashton explained. Alexis had disbelief written all over her face. "You're lying." Ashton lifted up Skylar's shirt. He pointed at his chest. "See? Guy." "Ace what the hell?" Ashton ignored him and ogled at his abs. "How didn't I notice that you got abs? Do you sport?" Ashton asked. Skylar shushed him. "Yes I do, but don't let Parker hear you," he whispered. "Why?" "He gets really salty when he sees me all fit. Because he says that it isn't fair that I have a fast metabolism and I have abs," he explained quietly. Ashton turned to Alexis. "Lexi, can you keep a secret?" She nodded. "Don't tell dad and Adrian that Skylar's a boy, okay? Because if you tell him, he won't give me the company in a few years and then Adrian will get it." Her face scrunched up and she nodded. "Yeah, sure. I don't want that that i***t gets the company in a few years. He'll ruin it." She paused to think. "What about mom?" "Dad's on a business trip right?" She nodded. "Then I'll tell her later." "Tell me what later?" A voice asked at the door. Ashton tensed up and they all turned to the woman at the door. She was dressed in a business suit with black heels. Skylar unconsciously rubbed his feet when he saw the heels. Her makeup was perfectly done and her long, brown hair was put into a tight bun. Her golden eyes scanned the room and stopped when she spotted Ashton. She walked up to them and smiled. She kissed Ashton's and Alexis' cheek. "Hello Ash, Lexi." She looked at Skylar and frowned a little. Skylar stuck his hand out. "Skylar Kennedy." She took his hand and shook it. "Wow, you have an iron grip. Nina King," she smiled. "Are you the girl Ashton keeps talking about? Are you his girlfriend?" She asked excitedly. Skylar shook his head. "He's my boyfriend," Ashton replied. Nina blinked. Her brain was processing everything for a few seconds. She let out a loud squeal. "Really? Oh my gosh, you look so much like a girl! You're so cute, I could eat you up!" She paused and studied his face and body. "How would you like to model for me once? You can even wear one of my dresses and no one could tell the difference." Skylar tensed. "Thank you, but I decline your offer," Skylar replied. Nina pouted. "Aw, but you'd look so cute," Nina pouted. "But I understand where you're coming from. Not everyone is comfortable cross-dressing. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me. Are you staying for dinner?" Skylar glanced at Ashton. "Um, I can't today. I have things to do in the evening." "Can you come on Friday?" She asked again. Ashton glared at her. "Don't push him. If he isn't ready, he isn't ready," Ashton said, hiding Skylar behind him. Skylar peeked his head behind Ashton with a flat look. He pushed Ashton aside. "I can talk for myself." He turned to Nina. "I have to ask my parents first." She clapped once with a grin. "Then it's settled. I'll tell the chefs right away to prepare things for Friday." She started walking out of the pool area. "But-" She was long gone when Skylar wanted to remind her that he had to ask his parents. "I can guarantee that they'd say yes," Ashton assured. "I hope that they do," Skylar sighed. The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. Parker and Miracle went home first because Miracle had to go to work and Parker offered to drop her off so he can go home to game. Skylar fell asleep on Ashton and he thought that it would be a good idea to drop him in the pool. "3, 2, 1," Ashton whispered and dropped him. Skylar fell in the pool and his eyes shot open. He swam to the surface and he rubbed his eyes. "Hello?" He asked. Ashton almost died of cuteness. He held his hand out. "You can use my bathroom to shower if you want to," Ashton offered. Skylar nodded, still half awake. He pulled him up and Ashton wrapped a towel around him. He picked Skylar up and carried him bridal style to his room. "Let me prepare the bathtub for you. Don't go anywhere." Ashton went inside the bathroom and Skylar stared at the carpet. He walked to it and lay on it. "So cozy," he mumbled and fell asleep. Once Ashton was done, he walked back and saw Skylar passed out on the floor. "Baby, wake up," Ashton whispered, shaking his shoulders lightly. Skylar's eyes fluttered open. "Baby?" Skylar asked confused. Ashton's cheeks flushed and he scratched his neck. "Your bath is ready. Do I have to help you bathe too?" Skylar shook his head. He stood up and closed the door. "Don't lock the door. There's a chance that you'll fall asleep," Ashton called out. Skylar listened to him, stripped out of his clothes and slowly stepped in the bathtub. "So warm," he moaned. For a few minutes, Skylar was trying to stay awake. But he failed. Ashton put his book down when he had a gut feeling that something isn't right. He stood up and opened the door of the bathroom. In there, he saw Skylar asleep in the bathtub but luckily, his head wasn't underwater. "Cherry, wake up." Ashton sat him upright and kissed Skylar's cheek. Skylar slowly woke up and nuzzled in Ashton's chest. Ashton chuckled. Skylar frowned and looked up to meet piercing blue eyes behind glasses. "Clark Kent?" Skylar asked dumbfounded, still half asleep. Ashton smiled and took off his glasses. "Superman?" He gasped. Ashton rolled his eyes and put his glasses back on. "Do you want to sleep on my bed?" Skylar hummed. "Get out of the tub then." Skylar abruptly stood up, not caring that he was fully exposed. "Do you have a towel?" He asked, rubbing his eye. Ashton didn't listen to him and was full of admiring his body. "Is that for me?" Ashton blinked and looked at what he was holding. "Uh, yes. Your clothes are in the wash. They should be ready in an hour or two." He handed him the shirt and Skylar put it on. The shirt was too big for his slender frame. "It's too big. It feels like I'm wearing a dress," Skylar mumbled. "And where's my underwear?" "In the wash." Skylar sighed. "Guess I'm going commando for now." Skylar scurried out the bathroom and jumped on Ashton's bed. Ashton followed him and lay next to him. Skylar wrapped his arms and legs around Ashton. Ashton grabbed his book and smiled. "I'll wake you up when your clothes are ready." He kissed Skylar's forehead and Skylar smiled a little.
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