Chapter 4

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"And then they were like, BOOM! BASH! WOOSH! BAM!" Parker told Skylar, enthusiastically moving his arms around and punching the air. The whole way to the amusement park he was talking about the movie. Skylar chuckled and looked around. The sun was shining and most of the families thought about going to the amusement park today. There was a lot of chattering, kids yelling and their parents happy that their kids can waste their time and energy on the rides. "Yeah, it was cool." The smell of cotton candy hit Skylar's nose. Skylar stopped walking and looked around. He pointed at the cotton candy stand. "Do you want some?" Parker's face lit up. "Hell yeah!" The went to the stand and Parker ordered one blue and one pink. When the cotton candies were done, Parker gave him the pink one. "Why pink?" Skylar questioned. "You know that I hate that color." "Hate is a strong word. Try 'really dislike'." Parker ate a piece of his cotton candy and tried to take a piece of Skylar's. But Skylar swatted his hand away. They walked around searching for something fun to go on. "Hey, Skylar." Skylar looked up to Parker who was watching some kids running around. "What's going on between you and Ashton?" "Nothing," Skylar replied as he fixated his eyes to the Ferris wheel. "b***h don't lie. I saw and observed you and him talking. I know there's something going on." "Tch. As if." Skylar rolled his eyes. "It's serious." "Explain bitch." Parker thought for a while until he snapped his fingers with a grin. "When he talks to you, you look at him like when someone buys you a bag of skittles." He raised an eyebrow. "You don't even look at me like that," Parker added. Skylar sighed. "Let's go on that ride." He pointed at a random rollercoaster. Parker watched the ride and smirked. "I hope that you're not scared of it." On the ride "This was a bad idea," Parker said, nervously looking around as it slowly went up. "I'm gonna die!" Skylar slapped the back of his head. "No, you're not. You agreed on this ride." They stopped at the very top. Skylar glanced at Parker who was pale. He held his hand out but Parker slapped it away. "I don't need you- AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The rollercoaster went down at top speed and Parker let out a high pitched scream. Skylar sat quietly next to him, squinting his eyes a little because of the wind blowing in his face. "SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU'RE MAKING ME DEAF WITH THAT LITTLE GIRL SCREAM OF YOURS!" Skylar yelled to him. Parker put his hands on his eyes and he kept on screaming. The rollercoaster stopped at an angle of 90 degrees. Skylar grabbed his phone and started filming Parker. "Is it over?" Parker asked, still covering his eyes. Skylar looked down and back at Parker. "Yes. You can open your eyes now." Parker dropped his hands but kept his eyes shut. "Sky, I swear to God. If your lying-" "I'm not lying." Parker hesitated but opened one eye. When he saw the ground he gulped. "S-sky- AAAAHHHHHHHHHH," Parker screamed. Skylar was laughing while filming him. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" When the ride was finished, Parker leaned on Skylar to help him walk straight to the exit. It was a weird sight, seeing a 6'4 guy leaning on a 5'4 boy for support. "I don't feel so good," Parker croaked. Skylar looked at his watch. "We have an hour left to do something." "Why?" "Don't you remember? I have to go get a haircut with my mom." Parker groaned. "Can I go with you guys?" Skylar shrugged. He noticed the picture booth. "C'mon," he grinned as he pointed at the picture booth. Parker silently begged him to not go in there, but Skylar dragged him. They got in line and saw a dark-skinned girl around their age next to them laughing at their picture. "That's the best one yet!" She laughed. Skylar looked up and saw Parker screaming while he was filming him. He chuckled. The girl heard him chuckling. She turned around and saw them. "Great picture," she grinned. "Thank you." Parker, who was still leaning on to Skylar, couldn't get a word out. He was enchanted by her laugh. Skylar poked him. "Um, yeah. Thanks," he said as he blushed a little. He scratched his curly brown hair. "I'm going to the bathroom." "Mhm." Parker left. The girl stuck her hand out. "Miracle." Skylar grabbed her hand and shook it. "Skylar." He looked at her eyes and smiled a little. Her left eye was green and her right one light blue. "Your eyes are very beautiful." She grinned and her dimples were deeper this time. "Thanks. I also want to say that your boyfriend is so cute," she smiled. "Who? Parker?" She nodded. Skylar burst out of laughing and Miracle looked confused. "He's not my boyfriend." "But you look so cute together." "I'm a guy." She looks a little shocked for a second but she didn't care. "And? That doesn't mean s**t. I've had a few girlfriends of my own," she shrugged. Skylar smiled and noticed something. "Where are you from? I noticed that you have a strange accent." "Oh, I was born here, but we lived in Curacao for a few years. My dad had to go for work." "Cool." It was Skylar's turn and he paid for the picture. They kept on chatting about her moving here and he got to know that she's starting at the same high school that they're going to next month. Her phone chimed and she muttered some curse words. "I have to go. Bye," she said. Skylar waved and looked at his watch. He had to go too. "And tell your friend Parker that he's hot as hell," she added. He chucked. Parker walked up to him and looked around. "Where did that girl go?" He asked. "She had to go." Parker sighed sadly. "But she said and as I quote 'tell your friend Parker that he's hot as hell." Parker's ears became pink. "What happened to you back there?" Skylar asked. Parker stopped and looked up to the sky. "I've met a goddess," he replied, wiping a stray tear away. "She's so beautiful. Do you know her name?" "Miracle." "She's definitely a miracle," Parker murmured. "We have to go." Reaching the exit, Skylar randomly stopped and glared at a bush. Parker frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked. "We're being followed." Is what Skylar wanted to answer. "Nothing." 1 hour later "How do you want it cut?" The lady asked with a small evil smile. Skylar returned the smile and Carla didn't notice. "The usual." The lady started to cut the dead ends. Carla always made the appointments, but because he's sick and tired of long hair, he wanted his hair shorter. So after she was done, Skylar said to them that he'll pay double if they could make a 'mistake' and cut his hair 8 inches shorter so it reaches his shoulders. "So how's school?" She asked, cutting a big chomp of hair. "Pretty good," he grinned. She cut more and more until there were only some strands of long hair left. "There's your cue," the lady whispered. Skylar winked at her and let out a high pitched scream. Everyone turned to him and he started crying. "HOW COULD YOU?" He sobbed. Carla noticed and she gasped. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE GIRL'S HAIR? YOU b***h!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The lady bowed a little. "I'm so sorry ma'am." "FIX IT! AND I'M NOT PAYING FOR ANYTHING!" She yelled. She looked at Parker who was standing, awkwardly scratching his head. "Drive Skylar home for me, because I have to go." She stormed out of the hair salon and they waited for her to get in her car. When she drove away, all 3 of them burst out laughing. "Your acting skills are amazing!" The lady said. "I almost thought that you were really sad." "I try my best," Skylar grinned. "You could become an actor. I'm telling you, you really can make it big in that field." The lady finished cutting and Skylar looked into the mirror. "It looks great. Thank you," he smiled. He paid for the haircut and they both went to Parker's car. Outside, Skylar saw that his shoelace was untied so he bent down to tie it. Skylar's head shot up and he narrowed his eyes at the direction of a black car. "What's up?" Parker asked. Skylar stood up. "Let's go to the mall." They got in the car and zoomed out of the parking lot. The black car kept on following them. They got there and stepped out. "I'm going to look for some new games. You can join me if you want to," Parker suggested. Skylar shook his head and smiled. "I'll meet you there. I'm stopping at the candy store." They took their separate ways and Skylar still felt that someone was following him. He went to the abandoned part of the mall and stood still. "What do you want?" He asked coldly. He heard someone clapping. "My, my. Aren't you alert of your surroundings." A man showed up from the dark with a smirk. Skylar's hand rested on his gun that he carries. "Who do you work for?" "That doesn't concern you. The only thing that I'll tell you is that he wants you," he replied, both of his hands holding the camera. "B-but what did I do?" Skylar mumbled, a tear escaping from his eye. The man took a step forward. Skylar's hand let loose of his gun. The man reached his arm out to him and Skylar grabbed his arm, turned around and threw him over his head. The man landed on his arm with a loud 'thud'. Skylar grabbed his gun again and pointed it in his direction. The man grunted. "How could a little b***h like you be that strong?" "DON'T CALL ME LITTLE, YOU d**k!" Skylar c****d the gun and shot him. In a few seconds, blood spread out everywhere. He put his gun to safety and put it back. "That's what you get for calling me little." He grabbed the camera and looked at the pictures that he took. Most of them were him and Parker over the past few hours. Roy called and he picked up. "Hey." "What's up?" Skylar asked, walking to the game store. "Joey's picking you up in 30 minutes," Roy replied. Skylar hummed. "There are some new employees who are joining. There's also a girl your age." "Okay. I have something to show you later. I got you a new camera. And I didn't have to pay anything for it," Skylar chirped. "Okay then. See you later." "Bye." He ended the call and saw Parker ogling at a game in the store. He tapped his shoulder and Parker turned around with a sad look on his face. Skylar's eyebrows knitted together. "What's wrong?" Parker was blabbering things unclearly. Skylar flicked his forehead and Parker rubbed the spot with his hand. "Bros. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I want it!" Parker cried. Skylar rolled his eyes and grabbed the game. He walked to the cashier and bought the game. He tossed it to Parker and he caught it, almost dropping it. "There you have it. I have to go home." Skylar walked off as Parker followed him, still shocked. "But why?" He asked. He looked at him and then the game as he started jumping up and down. "Just for being my friend." They walked back to the car. "Did I tell you that you look like the real version of Yuri Plisentsky? Or Kurapika?" Parker asked. Skylar shook his head and smiled. "Thank you for the compliment. I wish I was that good at ice skating though." Parker eyed the camera in Skylar's hands. "Where did you get that?" He asked, nodding at the camera. "This?" He held the camera up. "A gift for my dad," he smiled innocently. 45 minutes later Roy studied the pictures one by one as they walked to his office where the new employees were waiting on them. "The only thing that the man said was that 'he' wants me," Skylar added. Roy hummed in response. "I'll let someone check it out. But first-" he opened the door. "Meet the Alaric's." They both turned around and Miracle's eyes widened. Skylar's too. Miracle stood up and they both pointed at each other.
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