"Chapter 7" The truth of humanity

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"I don't care about your warning,". And by saying that I pull her again towards me and pick her up in my arms. She was afraid of me she has closed her eyes like I'm going to eat her. "It's okay Amaya you're hurt please stop doing that. I don't want to see any other damage to you got it no other harm.," I said to her and walk to our car a beautiful gorgeous and also a dangerous girl was in my arms and it feels the most pleasurable thing which I have ever done I don't want to let her go but I don't know that it is right or wrong I make her sit into the car. "So where to next are we are going to some kind of school to give them these gifts?" She nodded as a yes. "Nice, you know what you're not that much bad that I was thinking.," "So you think that I'm a bad one.," "No.......... No, I don't mean that. I mean you're bad just for me,". "So what is the difference?,$ "The difference is that I'm someone important to you,". "If you were the important person so I'll treat you as a special one.," "No Amaya you're hiding something from me.," "Yeah, you're important for me for my revenge,". "What do you mean which revenge?" "I mean revenge against men,". "Okay.......... But why do you care about Erwin he is also a man, or he belongs to a third party," "What do you mean by this third party?" "Nothing if you don't like men so why you choose me why you choose only my production house? You know that there are long lines of people who want to meet you who want you to work with them. So why me?," "I come for you because you ignored me you didn't come to meet. This makes me come for you.," "No that's not right. I'm not ignoring you who can ignore you. I mean you're gorgeous beautiful, successful and...........," "And what?" "And hot! Sorry please don't get angry with me,". I place my hands on my head. I saw her smiling my heart skip a beat for a while the prettiest smile I've ever seen. "Hey, what are you doing stay your eyes on the road?" "Yeah, I'm doing. You know I'm not ignoring you I just feel that I have no ability to work with someone like you. That's why I never try. I want to start my work from little. You know and then I want to start something big, but look you're here my biggest opportunity. This is the reason I'm bearing all your tortures. Phuuuuiiiiiiii!," "But you know I just want you,". Our eyes met and I forget that I was driving once again I was drowning deep down into her eyes but this time completely. "Erlik watch out she awakes me from my thought,". She drags the staring wheel and saves us both. "Are you in your senses we are on the road?" "I'm so sorry,". You're the one who drag me from my way I said in my mind. About 30 minutes later we approach our destination. The drive was so intense I can't even set away my eyes from her. "Take them all out from these cars and come to me,". She ordered. "Amaya please I'm so tired please the driver will do this for us please I'm so exhausted,". "Okay, stop saying please. Call him to do this,". "And what to do with me?" "If you want to come you can,". She said with pleasure I said in my mind. I'm just behind you. This is an orphanage. I have an idea that we are going to school and this is a school of orphans. I don't have the idea that a girl like Amaya does such things she seems very quiet silent and dangerous who's knows her bright side, but I got a chance to know her bright side her dark side is a mystery to everyone. Erlik! "What?" "Close your mouth.," I laugh hard and said. "You must be joking nice joke.," "No, I'm not she said seriously,". Oh, what a Hitler. She visited every single classroom and distribute the gifts to all the children the kids were so happy to see her and I saw her smiling and playing with kids that scene was so beautiful and undeniable she is the prettiest and kindest person in the world. Children are frank with her. She was treating them like a mother. All of them are showing her their things. And everyone wants to see her there are so many kids and all are orphans. What a pitiful situation. Then she let me visit the most special and delicate place. "Hey Amaya where are we going now?" "If you want to come you can.," I follow her and she visits a nursery. All of the babies are in a very critical situation some of them are on ventilators. I was so shocked to see all this but Amaya was calm. She checked each and every baby she also talk about their condition. "Amaya, what is this?," "These are those children which are found in garbage bags, garbage containers, and also sometimes in hospital washrooms,". "But how? How can someone treat a baby like that? " "Their parents some of them are brought by their parents. They give them because they said they don't need them,". "Don't be sad. It's a reality I have seen most of them in fact whenever they find a baby like them they inform me.," After seeing this piteous place I was too tired. I feel so dizzy one or two times I got ourselves into an accident. "Erlik you're not right let me drive.," "No, I'm okay. I'm just tired,". "Yes, you are and you haven't eaten anything since yesterday evening. Come sit here let me drive.," We change our places and she drives me to a restaurant. Where she ordered food for me. "Erlik eat,". "Finally!" I jumped over the food like a hungry animal. " I want one more burger and pizza.," I become still because I ordered her she smiles and call a waiter and place my order for one more burger and pizza. "How you are going to eat them all?" "Don't you worry about that. You haven't eaten anything from morning. Come join me,". "No, I'm not hungry,". "What you're not hungry. Just take it open your mouth," " Erlik I'll take it by myself,". She start eating, and I was busy with my food I have no idea that I have messed up with my face with my food. She grabs a tissue paper and starts moving her hand towards my face I was so shocked by her doing I move my face so that she can't touch my face I'm afraid that she is going to do some other torture. She gets up from her seat and holds my face with her hand I stop moving my face. "Erlik stop moving your face here and there. Stay still,". She wipes my face with the tissue paper. "Why are you behaving so weirdly?" "Yeah, the weirdest girl is asking me that I'm behaving weirdly.," "I'm scared of you,". " You have to." "What do you mean?," I asked her. "I mean why scared of me why are you scared I'm not a witch who is going to drink your blood.," "But you both are similar somehow,". "What do you mean?," "Nothing! Just finish your food,". "I'm done.," I said to her. "Thank goodness you're done.," "Let's go now,$. She opened her purse to pay the bill but I stop her to pay. "What are you doing?" "Paying this was not free,". I held her hand so she can't pay the bill. A sudden current passes through her body which makes her eyes red and body cold. I don't know why but she acts so weird. "How dare you touch me?" She said silently. I quickly release her hand. I can see anger in her eyes this is evening and it's the time of her transformation into a psychoid. "I'm sorry Amaya I'm sorry I want you not to pay. I was not about to do this to you.," She throws money on the table, grabs the keys which are lying on the table, and leaves the restaurant without saying anything. "Amaya stop where are you going," she turned and looked at me with bloody eyes. I think that I should keep my mouth shut I let her go but I was worried that she can harm herself once again. I take a cab to Amaya's house to see whether Amaya is okay or not. I entered Amaya's house and I don't see her in the hall, not in the launch or anywhere I run to see her in her room. I was about to place a knock on Amaya's door, but I heard her laughing and talking to someone it's make me shocked that Amaya don't even talk to Erwin like that I heard her saying that. "Alaric you're so funny don't do this,". "What you miss me? You know that I missed you more. I'm so tired and I'm sorry about that silly guy. He is just a part of my pla........," She stops and then starts saying that. "No, don't say that you know that whenever you say that it makes me hurt. Don't do this to me. Don't go you're not going anywhere,". "When will you understand that you have to stay with me here forever stop saying it, again and again,", she start shouting and crying loudly I become afraid I opened the door to see her who is she talking to. "Amaya why are you...............,". When I entered the room there was no one only Amaya sitting on the floor and crying loudly I can't see her like that. I go close to her and try to speak to her but she gets unconscious by laying on the floor I pick her in my arms and make her lay on her bed then I covered her with a blanket. She was sleeping because she was tired. She looks like a cute baby sleeping after playing with her toys. I closed the door of her room and take a way to leave I saw Erwin coming I have to talk to him that what happened to Amaya why she behaves like that and whom she talking to. "Hey! Erwin, I need to talk please it's important,". "What are you doing here?" "I'm here because of Amaya she acts once again so weirdly,". He gasped and said. "Oh! I can understand please I'm sorry about that.," "No, you don't have to be. Erwin, I heard Amaya talking to someone named Alaric. Who is he can you tell me. But you know there was no one she was talking to herself. I want to know about him who is he and why Amaya cries for him a lot. She said that not to leave I think he is the one who has something to do with Amaya's condition.,"
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