"Chapter 8" The chore of bringing her life back

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"Erlik bro you can't understand the situation which Amaya has gone through. I can't tell you I don't know about all this, but please I beg you not to ask Amaya she will become out of control. Something is really bad happened to her in past. She doesn't want to talk about it she never try to share it with someone. It's good for you to stay away from her. Please if she did something bad to you I'm sorry for you I will keep apologizing to you, but don't harm her like others,". "What do you mean about others? " "Nothing please don't take it serious,". "You have to go because you should be here by 8 in the morning.," "Okay, bro goodnight and take care of her.," "Yes, I will goodnight.," "I need my keys Amaya has taken them from me,". "Okay just wait a second.," He gives me my keys and I drive home. I was very exhausted but Amaya's situation was not getting away from my mind. I take a hot shower to relieve my stress and then I was thinking about Amaya it makes me fall asleep. "Catch me if you can.," Amaya said with a splendid smile. "Amaya stop don't go,". I start to follow her. I hold her hand and push her towards my chest this time I hold her body tightly I pull up her chin with my finger I see her beautiful and alluring lips inviting me to kiss her I place my lips on her lips this was the most pleasurable thing of my life I run my one hand on her neck and hold her neck than I press my lips with more force on her lips. Suddenly I feel a sore pain in my stomach I take my steps back from Amaya and see blood oozing through my stomach when I look at Amaya she were holding a knife in her hand which is covered with blood. With my blood! She stabs me with a knife. Knife in her hand's blood in her eyes, hate in her mind, but love in her heart I know you love me I said her, and then I get down on my knees I see her crying. Another dream. Another morning I was neither sad nor happy I was concerned I was tense. In just two days I'm feeling a connection with Amaya. I don't want to hurt anyone and I never did, but if there is someone who is hurt and I have something for them it makes me hurt too. I'm a funny jolly and cherished person, but I have feelings feelings to care about others. If you want inner peace just pay trustful and undeniable care to your love once or somehow to a stranger who feels not a stranger to you I promise it'll make you this much happier than you never ever dreamed. Amaya I'll make you happy I'll know what is bothering you what have you gone through. I'll take you to beat all these which make you cry which make you afraid. Now, this becomes my self-willed to know all about you if it's takes my like too. Amaya I have asked myself many times that why? Why me? Why did he do this all to me? Why did he give me nightmares? Why this life become so difficult for me? Why I'm not dead why you saved me, God? If the revenge never gives me the peace which I'm looking for so why did you do all this to me why did you make my heart like that? Why you saved me I want to die I want to kill myself I can't take it anymore. Every passing day is like a living hell. Why don't you let me die, and now this man Erlik why he is trying to be so nice to me he is the brother of my enemy so why he is acting like an ideal man. Men like him they only think about their selves they don't care about others. He tortured me in every possible way that he can break me. What was my fault that I have loved someone? If he wants to torture me if he want to ruin my life he wants to keep me so why does he do this to my Alaric why the all unfair things happened to me? Why did my fate become so cruel? Why people like him don't get any punishment any damage to their selves? Why do they live so peacefully like they have done nothing to anyone? He is a killer a murderer so why does he walk so freely? There are so many why's in my mind there is so long list that I have is I have done this many sins. I know that vengeance is your work to deal with but I can't! I can't see those people happy who ruined me my life I can't wait to see their miseries. If it is wrong so I don't care I want my justice no.......no no no I want my revenge I want to torture him just like he tortured me I want to see his blood oozing through his wound like mine was when he hits me assaulted me I can't take it. I can't wait to see their fate. If people get the same thing which they do to others so I want to see them I will make them which they have made me if it's come to me again so I'm not afraid I'm not afraid of anything because I'm alone I have........ I have nothing to lose. The only person I cared about is Erwin he is my family he supports me took care of me when I was not in any condition, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt him. Once all this over I will go with my Alaric. I don't know why he tries to leave me why he always talks about to leave I have said to him that I can't live without him he is no more with me his body is not with me but he is he is everywhere and also nowhere he is in my mind. He sacrificed his life for me he did all this for me I was tortured I was no longer pure, but he took care of me he just wants me in any way. I love him I still love him. That cruel man Erlik I know he is hiding something, but he has true to do this, who am I, just an unknown person who wants to sneak out in her life? But I really expect to help her, no one knows about her, she is a hidden woman, who suddenly comes and wants to work with me, is there anything I'm missing? I don't believe that a writer like her agrees to work with me, but I have to brush these thoughts, I need this, I really need this chance, I'm nothing, how long I would be living on my brother's will, I have to show that I'm worthy to something, life is just fooling around me I have to show everyone that I'm not useless. I need you, Amaya, I need you.... The next sunrise came with a new yearning, to gain Amaya the, she is my way to success, I'm coming for you, Amaya. Erlik hopes to gain Amaya, but Amaya wants him to win her because she is expecting to gain him. The game was whirling, the care and love were lodgings in Erlik's heart, as well as in Amaya's heart, she was feeling sorry for doing all this to him, but her revenge her reason for a living stops her to do so. Amaya pov "Amaya, what do you have to do with that innocent? You promise me no innocent will be assaulted in this, then why are you grabbing him in? ," Erwin said exasperatedly. "Whom? What are you talking about?," Amaya knows that what he is talking about but she was want him in her plan. "Don't act like that you don't know anything? You are completely know that about who I'm talking about, you literally hurt her, what is all that?," Erwin was not in right to harm someone who is apart from this revenge, but Amaya has seized some plan in her mind which just she knows. "You want him apart from this revenge this all because he is your childhood friend you Elijah and he plays together, and you love him like your little brother, so I want to tell you one thing Mr. Erwin he didn't even recognize you, he doesn't know anything about you he forgets you, don't worry these brothers usually do this, they just used their prey snatch everything from them, make them miserable, and through them into the hell, so don't be so naive he is his brother what he did in the past he can do this again, don't you remember that Ruth, and your sister," Amaya said and Erwin's eyes got filled with tears, then he moved to leave the hall, but Amaya clutch her forearm and stop him. " She was my doll, my little doll, but I never let anyone play with her, but my close one did this to my beautiful little innocent doll," Erwin said and sob on his misery. "I know, I know Erwin, how can a monster live peacefully after doing this much to people, I don't want to kill people, I don't want to throw a game for these people, I want to die peacefully, but the thought that they will live their lives happily and destroy a new life whenever they want to bring the fire lit up again, I know I'm weak, I'm here for that Ruth, but I have virtue in my heart and mind that God has returned me to take my revenge and make them realize that Amaya their end has back," Amaya said to him, and they both hugged and cry, Amaya's and Erwin"s life is connected to some darkest incidents of their life, which brought them here to take their revenge. "Then what is next? What have you planned for him?" Erwin asked Amaya. " Nothing, I think I should start my plan, I have to start to gain his trust, I can't wait to start my plan", Amaya said and clean her face. "So everything, which you were doing to him is not in your plan," Erwin said and she nodded her head in no. "Then why do you do this?" "Because I was just a little worried about my story, I want to see that he can sell my story, is he is strenuous, or enthusiastic, or he is just a dumb guy like his brother, I was playing with him, and got it fun," she said and they both chuckle, Amaya never smiles with heart, but this time she was gaining on her revenge, this is her time to laugh. "You are a lair, but Amaya be careful, no one get hurt who is innocent", Erwin said. "Yes, I am, okay, okay don't you have to worry I will make that sure, I want him in my plan," she said and that smirking face was striving for her intent. "And where are you going now?" Amaya was about to go somewhere, but Erwin asked her. "Nowhere, I just want to read my book, I'm on the terrace, tell him to come upstairs," she said and Erwin nodded. After some time when Erlik came to her house Erwin guide him to go upstairs where Amaya was waiting for him. He goes on the terrace where Amaya was waiting for her, he was confused why she call him here, and then he asked her. " Hey, Amaya good morning, I'm here, are you okay? And what are we doing here?" Erlik asked her but she was so busy looking into her papers. Then suddenly she stops. "These pages which are I'm holding right now, you know what are these papers?" She asked him and he move his shoulders that he doesn't know what are these pages,. she turned and said. " These pages are my life, my everything, this story is mean everything to me the saddest story ever, and I'm going to give you this story, I'm going to give you my life, and you know what this is your responsibility to protect my life, keep it save", her eyes were staring into Erlik eyes, Erlik was completely shocked. "Now tell me, have you the proficiency, capacity, and trust to hold and protect my life?" She said him and Erlik's lips went to wide because these papers are his opportunity, Amaya's name was enough to sell her work, and Erlik knows that completely. "Yes, I have that proficiency, capacity, and the trust which you are looking for," Erlik said with a smiling face, Amaya also give him a smirk, but she was up to something. "Oh, really then bring my life to me," she said and with that, she throw these pages down from the terrace, Erlik eyes went widen, he never thought that she will be going to do something like that. " Amaya, what did you done?" Erlik try to grab them but they had fallen. " Bring my life back and get my trust, which I'm looking for, bring all these pages return to me, and if you failed to bring me my life then no trust no work, and your time starts now, go", she said to him Erlik looked her with bloody eyes, but he can't do anything, he has to run and bring all these pages which are floating with the wind. "You know that you are a psychopath", with saying that Erlik runs for her life, this was not going to easy, to bring all the pages back, but Erlik run and he was agreed to do anything which can make him fulfill his desire, his only desire to become something by his own.
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