"Chapter 6" The way of winning her heart

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"I can't drive I'm exhausted.," she didn't even reply and settled herself on the passenger seat. Wow, I'm looking like a dumb driver. What did she think of herself? But it's okay I say sorry from her to myself. I drive her to her home. I start following her like a good pet. What a life God please she has no mercy you should help me, please. "Come here's is your next task,". She said to me and take me to a room where I don't know what she gonna do with hundreds of toys. "Amaya what is hat it's not your age of playing with toys.," "These are not for me. Just keep your mouth close and start packing them collectively the are about 827. Nicely clearly, and cleanly. Don't make any mess and pack them well. You have just 2 hours to complete it, and if you don't you know what I'm going to do," "Amaya this is insane I can't do this. What are you saying?" By saying that she left the room with her silent glory. And I'm thinking about myself that I'm really stupid how could I pack them all alone. Let's do it I don't know why she is doing all that. I'm starving and she doesn't even care about me. Phuiiiiiii! It's okay if you had gone through some really miserable situation I'll bear it all. Last night you were looking like a small innocent and delicate girl which I want to see you all the time Amaya. Erlik you can do it. It's a gift paper and scissors. "It's too hard Amaya,". I do my hard to do that 2 hours she is making me so insane. How I can do all this. This is not good God help me. I was working very hard. But suddenly I heard some sound of ouch and some breaking sound. I run to see what has she done now I saw her feet covers in blood she breaks a glass and its pieces are plopped in her feet. "Amaya what have you done.," "Don't come near to me I'm okay.," "You're so stupid shut up," I come close to her and clutches her shoulder to help her to walk out of here but her foot is really injured and she can't take a single step I picked her up in bridal style she tries hard to get away from my grip, but she is fragile against me. "Don't you get it stop trying," when I said her that she stop trying I keep her so close to me I place her on the couch of the hall. Then go to look for the first aid box. "Amaya tell me where is first aid box is?" "There is in the drawer go left and there is a small cabinet in the third drawer,". I run fast and bring a first aid box. "Give it to me you're wasting your time just go and do your work.," "I will stick your lips with the same sticking. So be quiet and let me do my work,". "Erlik I can do it don't you heard me? Just go,". I put her feet in my lap forcefully so she can't get away from me and started bandaging her feet. First I take cotton to clean the wound. It was really painful she hissed in pain, and it's make me so bother. "Look relax its okay its okay!," I'm doing it with a very soft hand. I start blowing the wound and wiping away the blood then I place cream on her wound so it will help her to repair early then I carefully dressed her wound. "Look that's all.," I think I deserve a little sorry after all that I said in my mind but she is the rudest one. It's okay she can do this. Her cheeks are the cutest cheeks I have ever seen which are glowing red from the pain. "Wait I give you a medicine I'll bring it for you.," "No no I don't take any medicine it's okay,". "So you should have some rest.," She stands up and says. "Yeah, I'll. Go get on with your work. Ouch.....!," She feels a hard pain in her feet which makes her sit again on the couch. "Look you need my help you're not able to stand up,". "I don't need anyone's help. Stop being helpful I'm saying that go and do your work. Time is going fast just go.," "No, I can't leave you at any cost.," I stand up and pick her up in my arms. "What?.......... What are you doing. Let me down,". "No, you just have to be quiet.," I lead her to her room her room is so terrifying a room like that is too dark and also for a girl this room is too much. "Erlik William I said let me down,". I make her lay on her bed and then put a blanket on her. "You may have some rest I'll let you know when I will done. And till that time you need to get some sleep OK Nah.," Her eyes were filled with great anger but she is unable to say something she do whatever I said like a cute little baby. "Now close your eyes get some rest.," She did the same I shut the lights off and leave her room. Why it feels so good having her in my arms is feels so good. I want her in my arms by all the time how I get this feeling. I'm afraid of being cheated once again, but I want it I don't care if it's right or not, no I can't I have no idea that what has she faced too hard that makes her like that. I can't do this I have to bury all this in my heart it is good for her and for me. I came to do my work it was exhausting, and I don't know when I fell asleep in deep sleep I have finished most more than half of the work but it's still many of them. "Wake up sleepy head.," Someone wake me up I try to look with half-closed eyes it was him, Erwin, her brother. "Oh! Man I'm so sorry I have fallen asleep. I don't know when,". "You know your time is going to over.," "Amaya will fire me,". "But you have a chance,". "What but how?," I asked him surprisingly. "Amaya is having her sweet sleep. Because she is so tired after you leave she was crying so badly and breaking all of her things in the room,". "And in the morning she damaged her feet,". "I don't know what to do with this girl,". "Don't worry I have managed it, and also make her sleep,". I tell him all about what happened. "Wow Amaya is acting so weird she never ever obeys someone else. In fact, she never obeys me," "But she did," "Okay okay stop this talk we can talk later if Amaya will awake it could be a big problem for you. I help you to bind in all, but don't tell her okay,". "Okay deal,". He chuckled and I smiled. He helped me to bind all of the staff and when we have done he said to wake her up, and don't tell her that I was at home I'm leaving. I have just come to see you, but the golden opportunity is that Amaya is sleeping. I helped because of Amaya if she fired you she'll also get depressed and I don't want this thing please take care of her. She is so delicate from the inside. "You know bro you're the best. I wish every girl has a brother like you.," He taps my shoulder and makes his way to leave. I walk to Amaya's room to wake her up. When I entered her room I saw her struggle from her nightmare. "Amaya wake up what happen open your eyes,". "Don't do this to me don't please let go of me please,". She was resisting and repelling something too hard. Her legs body everything was stuck she was moving so hard and crying loudly. Every part of her was feeling the tension. Her necklines are visible. She was breathing heavily for a minute my heartbeat skipped and thought come to my mind to make love with her, but I clear my mind from this thought I'm not this type of man. "Amaya listen to me. Open your eyes open your eyes.," She open her eyes she was so afraid she hugged me so tightly so I can feel her compressed heartbeat. "Help me safe me please.," "You're safe no one is here just you and me. Don't be afraid I'm here.," I start rubbing her back to make her calm. Later five minutes her breath goes normal. She suddenly breaks our hug and looks at me with grossness in her eyes. "How dare you do this again? Why would you come here?" "Amaya you were..............," "Just shut up just go get out of my room get out.......... ," She said with a thundering voice. I said nothing and leave her. I can't get it why does she behave so weird? I want to ask her, but she will never gonna tell me. I think I should ask Erwin he will help me. No matter what just she said she is in trouble and who knows what just exactly happened to her? I have to be calm and make her calm too. I saw her coming in a beautiful red dress she is looking damn hot. I don't know why but she doesn't sound like other girls. Her eyes her style wow man her style is too hot. But her eyes show her clarity her innocence. She was looking mesmerizing I can't take my eyes off from her. Her feet were hurting she can't walk properly so I make my steps to help her I know the consequences but I just try. I take steps to her and place my hand in front of her so I can help her. She turns her gaze on me then she places her hand on my hand and I help her to take her steps down to the stairs. I make her sit on the couch. "Let's go.," I said to her. "Yeah sure but first you have to load all the gifts into the car," I was upset because of her actions which she did to me. So I say nothing and start loading gifts into the car. Being rich this work is difficult for me, but for her, I will do anything. "You know that you were late?" She said. "But you were sleeping so you waste the time I'm not the one.," I reply to her rudely without looking at her. "Oh! Someone looks upset.," "Yes, and you are the reason.," I said to her and rolled my eyes. "So be on it I don't care.," She replied very cold but silently. "All the work is done can we leave now Miss Amaya.," "Yes why not. We are already too late,". She tries to walk rapidly but it causes too much pain in her feet so I hold her and make her sit. "You're not able to walk,". "Don't you worry I can do it,". She try a second time she start walking but blood start oozing through her wound. "Amaya stop this stubbornness,". I pull her close to me and pulled her towards my chest her hand was on my chest and I was holding her slender waistline. It feels fire between us it feels that time has stopped I was staring into her eyes her eyes are like deep sea and I was drowning deep down into her sea-like eyes. She breaks our sweet moment by trying to free herself from my grip. "Erlik leave me I'm warning you,".
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