Chapter 2

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Let those feelings be heard. The written exam was done as I placed my paper in front before going out. I'm thinking about my answers in that paper. I was so sure that I answered the majority of it and of course, I studied well to pass the written exam since I learned that even if you couldn't pass the practical, they might have considered to pass you once you've passed the score which is 400 points. Meaning, in those 500 points exams that you will answer in one hour and thirty minutes only, you must only have 100 wrongs to pass the Academy. But if you have scored lower than four hundred, and the minimum scores go get is 250 points, you are allowed to participate in a practical exam and if you pass, they will welcome you to the Academy since what they're actually looking— no, actually, every Academy here are actually looking for those students with strong magics, ability to quickly adapt into surroundings and act accordingly to it, and of course, those who are good at planning. The Practical exam for us will happen later, and that there is still much time to prepare for it since our examination is only short. There are actually three batches of it, luckily for me, I got the first day so I could rest and of course, wish that I hope I'm one of the passers. It was really my dream since I don't want people to experience what we've experienced. Coming from Daddy, our family came from a wealthy family, however, since those evil creatures saw us and put a curse on our ancestors, of course, they did everything to remove it, even it means using all their monies and wealth, that in the end, they even died from it. Ever since then, I hated those evil creatures and now I'm going to do my best to stop them, and that's the beginning of how I wanted to become one of the strongest Mages in this world. Actually, it was hard at first, since I said, we don't have money, and the place we live in, at the place where people don't even believe in their powers. For them, they're useless when it comes to those evil creatures since they said, they are really powerful, and once you've been affected by their venoms, you don't have any other choice but to face your destiny: death. However, they didn't believe that in those years, humans like us continue to strive towards the betterment of society, some of our best scientists created an anti-toxin for their venoms, which means they'll be able to stop those venoms from fully conquering our body and delete it as if some kind of virus in one's computer. And even if some people believe in it, they already lose hope of getting their hands from some of it since we are very poor and let's admit it, only those wealthy enough are the ones who have the privilege of those things, and those could get anything they wanted, and it is one of them. This is also the reason why I wanted to become one of the strongest mages. It isn't just my voice of becoming the strongest, but also the voice of people inside me— those poor, those unlucky enough to be heard by these people above. I'm carrying them inside my heart and that's what made me pursue this dream, since every day, those people at our place are dying, and we couldn't even receive help from them. Every day, we are being attacked by those creatures, but we couldn't do anything but hiding in fear and in quiet so they wouldn't notice that we're there. And every day, we live in fear that we will forever be forgotten by these people who continue to live their life the way they wanted. This isn't just me, but those people who are living with me. The voices of them inside my heart is what's making the torch of hope inside me to continue to ignite. And those are the voice of people begging for help, that I hope, with my presence on these people's world, those begging from people could've been heard as my voice echoes into their heart and mind. Everything should've been equal, just like what this Academy in front of me views the things around them. And the reason why I chose this one. I sighed as I decided to just eat at the Academy ground's bench since I couldn't really afford to eat here with my money. I woke up early, four o'clock to fix myself and that I even washed using cold water— thankful, I was able to make it hot a little with my ability, and that I should've already gone out before four-thirty so I wouldn't be late at the opening, which is seven-thirty. My mother woke up when she felt me getting up, too, since there's only one room for us which we could've to be safe as we're together every night. My mother already prepared my food after all. I was about to open my bag to get it when I heard someone calling the same name as me, “Artemis!” I don't even want to look at where the voice came from since I know, there are too many Artemis here but then, someone stopped in front of me that when I look up, the first one I saw was her silver hair and I've only talked to one person with that hair. I look up and saw her smiling. “There you are! I've been looking at you and Dashiel said you've already gone out. Thankful, this place is where you decided to sit!” She said as she's right. My place could've been seen already once you go out of the big door of the room's building. As I noticed, Dashiel, the half-half haired guy is at her back who stopped as if waiting for her too. “Uhm, I was about to eat—” I couldn't even finish what I am saying when she cuts my words quickly. “Eh? Why are you here? Let's go to the cafeteria!” She said it so innocently that I shouldn't really eat here in this field since later on, it'll be going to snow again but when that happens, of course, I'll find cover! And if I could eat while on the ground, I'll do it since I'm used to it after all. “But I don't have money and I've had my pack lunch here,” “Oh? Then, I'll treat you a dessert! My father gave me some bonuses money so come on!” And I don't even have any choice since she pulled me already, thankfully, I was able to hold tightly my small bag that my Mother's gift on my 18th birthday, the one that happened the day after yesterday. I don't know where she pulled me at. What I could remember is that she's telling stories about their classmates that she seldomly asked Dashiel who just nodded at her sometimes, but I could see him frequently peeking at Yvonne who's telling her stories in a jolly way. Of course, he couldn't help it since Yvonne would ask him questions too, and once she saw that he isn't looking at her, she'll go in front of him and ask him too many questions regarding, “Why couldn't you look in other people's eyes?” and “Why aren't you listening? Are you bored in my stories?” that of course, the first one is kind of personal and the second question is… rude, if he'll answer it the way he looks right now. It didn't take a while when they opened a very large door and I was here, in awe when a very spacious place welcomed my gaze as Yvonne pulled me inside. “Wow! So it's much bigger than Junior High's cafeteria, right Dashiel?” I overheard her saying that Dashiel answered her question with just his single word answers. “Yeah...” As I was in amazement while roaming my eyes around the place. It was very big, very clean and white, and of course, people here have somehow behaved, unlike other cafeterias I had been with. Well, those are public cafeteria, but this one's just too beautiful to be ignored! “Dashiel, find some spots for us since your face is really good at girls,” Yvonne smirked at she said her evil idea. I look at her in disbelief, I mean, how could she tell it to someone right in front of their face? But then, she just looked at me innocently and… would you believe that she said those harsh rude words even it's a fact, with that innocent face of her? Right, her innocent face could mislead everyone from it. As Dashiel followed what Yvonne said before she pulled me towards the line. I noticed, Dashiel really follow whatever Yvonne's saying to him. Or maybe he's just like that? I don't know. After all, I just met them today. “What would you like? Blueberry cheesecake? That's good. Or you want strawberry flavored one?” Yvonne innocently asked as she looks through the menu that's placed above to people could read it, but I instantly felt ashamed since I don't even know what she's talking about, and that I really haven't tasted anything from normal human's taste buds! I mean, I've already said it right? We're as poor as rat. “Anything… you decide,” I said with a small voice. She looks at me and as if she realized something, especially my uniform isn't something you wouldn't notice— as that man said, I was from community school, which means studying there was free and you wouldn't pay anything, but expect that they wouldn't be able to teach you those normal schools are teaching, that's why you must work harder to learn those. And now, I could've felt every eye on me… on us, and I know they're also wondering why a commoner like me is at a high place like this. “Well, it's okay. I'm sure you'll pass after all, and those who are judging you would fail,” She said it… again, so innocently as if she said those without any meaning but I know she's letting those others hear it. And yes, they didn't even think too much at it since they just left and even smiling because a Junior High from this place noticed them. “Wait for me at our table so Dashiel could order too. I know he couldn't leave since he's guarding our place,” She chuckled softly. “I got your dessert. Make sure to eat them okay?” And yes, she said it so innocently that I didn't think she'll let me taste everything, every menu at dessert that of course, I enjoyed! Only then I learned about it when she came back with her smile so big, that people around are looking at us as if there is some kind of birthday party, only that it was my birthday three days ago, but no, it's just Yvonne, with Dashiel and two other waiters at her back and of course, they're carrying too many foods at their trays! “Wow, is that Japanese lunchbox? I want to try that too!” Was what she said before she made me split my lunchbox into three, as she replaced some of those with the food she bought as if it's her birthday. “Don't worry, you can eat everything and please, don't be shy. You too, Dashiel.” She said as she's taking pictures at the food in our table as if she's even taking every angel of it. “I'm on healthy eating,” Yvonne stopped before she looks at Dashiel and I swear, I think I saw her eyes turning into puppy eyes, which isn't impossible since she really looks so cute! “Just this once, please? Cheat day?” And who would've even said no to that face? Dashiel sighed heavily. “Fine.” He said in defeat that made the woman happy. “Yay! Let's eat!” As we eat, and right, these are really yummy so I couldn't stop myself from tasting them all, that Yvonne just laughed at me before she completely gets the lunchbox I've only eaten once as she even said, maybe I could ask my mother to work at their company, that I even heard her say she'll ask her father to build a restaurant full of Japanese food, and my mother as one of its cooks. I don't know if she's kidding at that, but when his father called— which I saw at the phone she placed at the table, I really heard her requesting them that they should build a restaurant since she's helping a friend. Imagine someone telling you that she's just helping a friend, that's why she'll request in her family to build a restaurant for that friend so they'll have a business too. Weird rich princess. We finally eat in silence. I couldn't say that this is really good to have the company aside from eating alone. It doesn't take a while when Yvonne speaks again. “The practical this year is easy, as I've heard. All we just need to do is to destroy a crystal.” I look at her from what she said, at the same time, Dashiel opposed to what she said. “That isn't an ordinary crystal, Yvonne.” He said as he continues eating, that right now, he's eating a yellow something that Yvonne said that's Leche Plan. “But it'll be easy for you, Dashiel, since your powers…” She pouted. “I envy! I hope I have two powers too!” My eyes widen. Two powers? As I look at Dashiel and realized… yeah, maybe his abilities are both Ice and Fire? It was because the other side of his body felt so cold while the other one's too hot. “Your Satan Soul is cool too,” He answered nonchalantly. Yvonne's attention focused on me this time. “How about you, Artemis? What's your ability?” She asked so curiously. I gulped what I am eating first before answering it. “Air… but I really couldn't control it. I might just fail the practical exam.” And I'm even sure at it after all. “Don't think about it! Trust yourself! But if ever, I hope you did well in the written exam since they're going to base the scholarship to that, and do you know what it means?” my forehead creased. “Free everything?” That's what I heard. Those people who became scholars in this Academy has privileges of everything they wanted. “Is that what you know?” Yvonne said as she scowls. No. It just as if she pouted. But I nodded my head. “Yes? I heard blogs about people who studied here.” “They're fakes if that's what they wrote. But yeah, you could say that it's free, but no. Having scholarships means they'll base the money you'll get from this Academy as to how powerful your powers are. That's why you noticed, there are too many people here right now, and it's just first day our of three,” And she's right. There are too many people here inside and even earlier at the entrance, and I don't know laters. “Some of them only want money. Some of them want to get away from home,” She said as she took a glimpse of Dashiel who continue eating. “Some want to fight those evil creatures for revenge or for fun maybe, and some want their voice inside their hearts to be heard, those people who grew in unfortunate family or places.” She said as she looks at me and smile. “Don't worry, we are all here because of how true our feelings are.” She added that I couldn't help but agree with her words.
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