Chapter 3

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It’s practical; your critical thinking and skills matter to this one.   I was nervous, and I could say that it isn’t just me since I could see people’s faces that surrounded me— their expressions have mixed terrors, dread, and nervousness— of course, I know whatever the reason. That’s why they all are here; one thing that prevailing is their dream of studying in this top Academy in our country.   Once you’ve inside this Academy, you’ll instantly become famous since the passing rate here is shallow, which means, among these students… those people who also wanted to study in this Academy, only 1% of us will be chosen, that’s if our abilities favor their likeness.   It wasn’t a piece of new news for me. After all, every school is looking for people who have an excellent ability to bring them up— as the generation we live in today is about becoming at the top. Being on top means, you have many opportunities and so on.   But for me, I wanted to be on top since I carry the voices of the poor inside me. Those who are born unfortunate, like me. I wanted to let the world see that because you’re born a peasant, even you’re living in a poorly built house, you can still shine.   I know that everyone around us carries different wills inside our hearts, and deep inside me, wanting theirs to be heard, too, and just not me.   I sighed heavily as I look at those two beside me. Yvonne’s talking non-stop again, as she’s pointing some people below and will ask Dashiel about something. She’s asking me too earlier, but since I am really nervous to answer her questions, she decided to spare me with words, “You can do it!” and, of course, that’s what I’m holding up right now.   Someone believes in me, so I must keep pushing forward.   I felt someone sat on the other side of me that remained vacant earlier. It’s because people don’t want to sit beside me since they said I’ll only bring unfortunate to them, which may be why they wouldn’t be able to pass this Academy. Why do I know? The wind is what makes me heard it. As voice travels in wavelength before someone hears what others say, the wind blows to my side unconsciously— I mean, I didn’t order it, okay? And from there, I listened to what they’re whispering about.   But I didn’t put it at my heart; after all, I’m not doing anything wrong, and if they wanted to think like that, it’s not my business anymore, right? It’s not as if I could make them change their mind after all.   Because once a person or a group’s mindset is exact, no matter what you do, you couldn’t change it anymore.   Because they will only believe what they wanted to think.   The wind blows again, enough for sound waves beside me entered their conversation in my ears. It’s one of what I hate in my ability since I’ve said, I couldn’t control it.   “This peasant is participating! What do you think is her ability about?”   “I think it’s just like what do peasants have. Maybe illusion,”   Sighing heavily, I decided to ignore it. It’s not as if I can change their views… unless I let them see my power.   But why are they looking bad at illusions? For me, that’s strong enough, especially if you’ll going to use it at mimicking someone’s fear! I know it’s some cruel way of fighting, but aren’t you going to do anything to win?   But yeah, illusions couldn’t be used in this practical, especially looking at the giant crystal below as if it was made from the finest materials that couldn’t be easily destroyed. Unless it could’ve to be manifested and be substantial, but that requires years of lesson and studies, right?   “Let’s take a bet. This peasant will go home, defeated and crying since she wouldn’t be able to destroy that crystal.”   “What? That’s mine! I wouldn’t even bet for her to destroy that crystal!” The other man said a bit loud that enough for my companions at my left to look at the source of the voice, but I remained looking ahead; I don’t want to look at them. Please, Yvonne, you’re the only one I could think that will butt in their conversation. Please don’t do that—   “Who are you talking about? Her?”   I closed my eyes tightly as I look at Yvonne, slightly begging that she shouldn’t have butt in their conversation, but the girl… she’s just looking at the men at my right with her scowling— pouting face!   Only Dashiel understands what I’m trying to point out as he gets Yvonne’s attention by tapping her shoulder, but the girl, she just wouldn’t remove her attention to those men who seemed dumbfounded at her beauty!   “Hey, I’m asking you. And did I heard you betting for this girl?” This time, she looked at me, with her forehead slightly creased as if she’s annoyed, despite that she still looks innocent and soft right now.   I felt a man beside me shifted on his seats. “Y-Yes, we are actually curious if she could destroy that crystal, that’s why we’re betting,” They said hesitantly, despite their cheeks burning in both shyness— since Yvonne’s wonderful, and shyness again since Yvonne’s talking to them.   “Really? That isn’t what I’ve heard.” Yvonne smirked at them as she crossed her arms. Now, I felt like I wasn’t in between them. Am I invisible? How I wish I would become one right now. “Let me join. I’ll bet that she’ll be able to destroy that crystal, and she’ll pass and become a student our Academy, okay, what are we betting at?” Yvonne said so innocently, and swear, even I just met her today, I could say that she’s cunning by using her looks to trap her preys.   “Everything…” The boys couldn’t even blink while looking at her, really captivated. See? This is what I’m talking about.   “Everything? You mean, your cars, monies, houses, and buildings… everything?” Now I could see the evil glint on her eyes despite how innocent she looks at. I shook my head in defeat. Yeah, I couldn’t even stop her when she’s at this. It just reminds me of her face earlier when we’re eating.   “Yeah, only if she’ll destroy that crystal. And if she couldn’t, just a night with us.” The man said as I could hear some evil voice coming from him. I instantly froze after hearing it. What the f**k! That’s not—   “Deal,” Yvonne said as I quickly look at her with wide eyes, but she just looks at me innocently. “Now, you have a reason why you must put everything you have to destroy that crystal.” She even gave me a sweet smile, but I just look at her, still couldn’t believe that she agreed!   “Why did you—” I couldn’t finish what I was saying when Dashiel quickly cut what I’m saying and butt in.   “I’ll join you too. But I’ll have to change some things,” Dashiel said as he started telling his rules. “If she wouldn’t be able to destroy the crystal, instead of having this woman for a night with both of you,” He placed his hand on Yvonne’s head that the girl just pouted as he continues. “I’ll bet all Vermilion’s properties, including hospitals, condominiums, and my father’s company, how about that?”   I gasped. What the heck! They’re doing these all for me!   I was about to butt in, but Yvonne quickly speaks.   “You’re saving me. That’s not fair! I’ll ask dad for some buildings—” She was getting her phone on her bag, but Dashiel quickly snatched it from her. “Hey!” But Dashiel placed her phone in his jacket’s pocket, the side she couldn’t get it.   “Chill, woman. I got it already,” Dashiel said as he looks coldly at those guys who left dumbfounded, I think. But I am also dumbfounded! What the heck, they’re betting too much for my practical! “Deal?”   “Y-Yeah, sure.” I heard them said.   Yvonne looks at me and innocently smiled as if she isn’t the one who caused it. “Are you pressured enough?” She even has a gut to ask it just before she laughs!   While here I am, really nervous and pressured as my heart just wouldn’t slow down in nervousness and thought that once I failed, they’ll go live in poorly built houses like us!   “I am,” I told the truth. If it’s just usual scenery, I’ll enjoy it, but right now, they betted everything for my sake, and now, I don’t have any other choice, right?   “Then do everything,” Dashiel said as he looks in front again. “Just let go of everything you have. Let them go freely.” He said as I saw the other side of his body released some cold air, the one you could’ve seen at a frigid region once you blow air to the sky.   I sighed as I closed my eyes. Yeah, I will.   I started recharging; after all, the air is in everything. The atmosphere surrounding this huge close gym blew even there’s no open window, and the source of air was from air-conditioning machines mixed with heater since it’s freezing outside. I’m trying to calm my self too and it like everything around me became mute. I couldn’t hear everyone’s speaking and whispering, even when it started already.   If you would look at me, you’ll only be mistaken that I’m sleeping, but no. I don’t know how long I’ve been with my eyes closed when I opened my eyes as I felt the air surrounds me a little, but I know people besides me wouldn’t touch it since they’ll only notice the air around, making the temperature a little colder.   I don’t know, but I felt Yvonne and Dashiel’s eyes on me, that I couldn’t even have a chance to look at them when I heard my name being spoken.   “Contestant number 109, Ms. Artemis Valkyrie Raven, please come in front.”   I was actually shocked. It’s too early! But I don’t have any choice but to stand up since it really couldn’t be moved at.   “Good luck, Artemis!” Yvonne cheered me up that I gave her a tight smile, just as when Dashiel destroyed the mood from what he said.   “Remember the bet,” Now, I felt pressured again!   I sighed heavily as I started to walk below. The wind’s blowing around that I could’ve seen other people hugging themselves, but what I could really notice is what they’re talking about.   “She’s just a peasant!”   “A rat in this society!”   “She has guts to participate huh?”   “Let see how useless her ability is,”   As I ultimately sighed. A man accompanied me to the arena as I saw a significant barrier protecting the people outside of what will happen here.   Sighing heavily as I heard the MC said, “Are you ready?” I just nodded.   That’s when the remaining door closed that caging me inside, as an enormous crystal slowly appeared in front of me. I sighed as I command the air to surrounds me, and I hope they will follow me and let me control them— sighing heavily again, concentrating, as I felt my air slowly dancing through the air that’s surrounding me.   Lifting my palm and placing it in front of the crystal, I closed my eyes as I let my ability get loose.   A harsh wave of air almost stumbled me. I opened my eyes as I saw the crystal that’s still shining, and no vent or damage from what I did. Again, I tried it as I remember their bet… they will lose everything once I didn’t do it right!   I sighed heavily again as I opened my mouth and shout. A small tornado made of air came out of my mouth as it damages the crystal a little. My eyes widen as I suddenly hope, as it is like a fire igniting inside me with the voices, wishes, and dreams of people.   I placed both of my hands in front of me as I wished for the air to let loose. Everything. As a massive wave of air just appeared as if raging.   Oh s**t.   My eyes widen as I saw the crystal being destroyed… however…   I ran, as a giant tornado slowly forming in the middle part where the crystal is. It was as if they understood my action to let me go out, as I’m catching my breath from what I did. I watched those pro-Mages to extinguish my raging ability as I heard someone speaks from here.   “You have a good yet troublesome ability,” Said someone as when I look at them, I gasped when I saw the headmaster of this Academy!   He’s the headmaster that’s really well respected by people. Even with his aged appearance, you could still see how wise and strong he is. The authority he’s carrying is what makes you respect him.   “Sir,” I bowed my head in respect. I heard him chuckled.   “A peasant blessed with such good ability, life’s really a mystery.” As I felt his hand on my head as if brushing it. “Missy, you’re always welcome in our Academy, as we will help you to control the ability you have and be one of the top Mages in this world to help and wake up those people. Let the voices in your heart be heard.” He said before he left me, as the door where I came from opened, as I know that my ability has been extinguished, but I still couldn’t get over at it.   That was when I was led back to my chair, as laughing Yvonne is what welcomed me. “See? We won! Give us our car, the keys, now! Fix the papers, okay?” She said, laughing as the defeated guys gave everything to her just as they stood up from their seat and got out of this room in embarrassment. Yvonne’s laughing as she holds those two keys.   “Mercedez, Range Rover, nice!” As she gives it to me. “They’re now yours, congratulations, Artemis!” She said a bit loud that we heard some people asked her to lower her voice that she just smiled at them. I proceed to sit beside her without getting the keys. She followed her hand on my head as if waiting for me to get them but no. I wouldn’t. Those aren’t mine!   “I know you can do it. You, running at your ability, is just priceless,” She even added as she laughed. Now I wanted to be eaten by land. That’s too embarrassing!   “Yvonne Levina Clover, Contestant number 112,”   “Ops,” She said as she chuckled. She ran towards the stairs going below as dark lights suddenly surrounded her, just as the pressure around her changed. And in just a blink of an eye, she’s already in the middle that everyone gasped.   Even I gasped. The way she looks so innocent is too opposite the way she looks right now. It was as if she’s an entirely different person, as the way she looks at is scary! What kind of power is that?   “That’s Soul Conjunction,” Dashiel suddenly said as if he heard my question. “She can combine herself with the souls from devils stored inside her, making her able to hold such powerful powers.”   And he’s right. She just used a massive dark ball as she targeted it on the crystal that it destroyed it. Completely. No pieces left at all.   She’s scary, but… “Have you read my mind?” Maybe that’s one of his abilities!   “No, it was obvious on your expression.” He said as before he stood up, just before his name was called.   He’s just walking towards the arena below that he even passed at Yvonne whom I thought, said good luck to him, only as when Yvonne sit down beside me and yeah, she’s back at being the innocent one as if she doesn’t hold a powerful and scary power.   “How was mine?” She asked with her wide smile.   “Powerful and scary,” I told the truth. Well, it completely shocked me. I never thought she’d have that scary power after all.   She laughed at my answer. “Well, watch Todoroki guy, his ability is scarier than me—”   She didn’t even finish what she’s saying when I gasped, as I saw Dashiel just touched the crystal before he suddenly set the crystal ablaze with his left hand, as powerful flames surrounded it. Just as when from his right foot, I saw ice that was slowly coming out until, in just a blink of an eye, he made those fire freeze with his ice as slowly, the crystal became destroyed as if it’s just a piece of ice.   “Scary, right?” She whispered. All I could do was nod.   Little did we know that the next ones after him was more scariest, with one who made the crystal exploded and the one who used his kick to destroy the crystal into pieces.   They are monsters.  
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