Chapter 18

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Together, we will rise. We watched the remaining contestants but Yvonne and Dashiel's presentation still couldn't leave our mind. It was made beautifully that up until now, even the MC already called the other representatives from other sections and courses to represent their sections, right now, it was as if our mind's still in when it was still Yvonne and Dashiel who performed in the middle of this stage. The pageant was almost done when my classmates finally noticed someone who's sitting beside me. It was Zion who speaks first, “Hey, Killian! You're here!” As I looked up on him and from his side, I saw Lux and the others look at our side in shock as if they really didn't expect him to be here before I heard Killian's voice. “Tch. I've been here ever since earlier, pipsqueak.” He said that made me look in him, yet I quickly averted it since he glared at me. Uwu, so scary! I really don't like the way he looks at someone! It was as if he's judging them to the deepest of their soul, cursing them to death, and saying more evil words that only him knows what are those! “Oh really? We didn't notice you…” I heard one from the boys said which I think is Bruno since my focus turned into Zari who bent a little to look at Killian who's at my side. “So have you watched Yvonne and Dashiel's presentation?” She's just asking it so innocently and genuinely curious, however, Killian being Killian. “Do I look blind?!” He's already shouting that other people started looking at our side, yet they couldn't really look at since just one stare from Killian and you would be nothing but a scared creature in this world. “I'm just asking… you're so hot-headed!” Zariyah said pouted before she sits straight and decided to watch the pageant below only. “Tch, stupid scums.” I heard Killian whispered before I felt him bent as he looks towards where the others are. “Hey, Lucian the loser,” I gasped a little hearing what he said. I don't know why… it was as if every time he's noticing Lucian, even, of course, there will always be some bad names connected with it, I don't know why I'm always anticipating it. Maybe since deep inside me, I'm hoping that soon enough, he will start appreciating Lucian's presence and realize that they will be undefeatable once they become the best duo? Or maybe he already appreciated his presence… he just doesn't want to accept or admit it. Because deep inside him, maybe he's seeing Lucian as his nemesis. In my peripheral vision, even Lucian's really far from Killian, I saw him instantly became tensed after hearing someone… or let me say, his childhood friend called his name with such hideous names. “Kill!” He said as he suddenly became nervous yet he looks attentive to what Killian will say. Killian, look at him… look at how he wants you to appreciate him. “Give me your notes about other sections and courses,” The way he said it, it was as if he's really sure that Killian really took notes regarding the meetings we had while he was gone. I don't know why… it was as if… Killian's really looking at Lucian despite the hate he's feeling? Or whatever their reason is. “Huh…?” Lucian, who seems like he couldn't believe what he just heard. No, it was everyone who couldn't believe it as they are all looking at Killian with confusion on their expressions as if he grows another head and only Keanu and Sapphire who are calm and good enough at hiding their expressions. Instantly, Killian became angry again. He's so fast at changing moods! “Stupid! I'm going to learn about their abilities!” He said a bit loud that made Lucian almost jumped on his seat. “Ah, yes! Wait, let me get it…” Before he got a little notebook on his jacket's pocket with full panic as he let our classmates pass the piece of the notebook to Killian. I couldn't help but butt in with their moments. “You weren't listening to our meetings?” I whispered as I gave him Lucian's notebook once it's already in my distance, asking me to give it to the monster just in my right place. Because I was so sure that Yuki made note of everything when Killian joined us, even the information that we have already discussed with each other. He looked at me so bored as he got the piece of a notebook in my grip. “You guys were so boring, you're expecting me to listen to your shits?” He arrogantly said. My eyes narrowed at him. “Seriously?” I couldn't believe him! And what the heck, those are pieces of information we could use regarding other sections! Just as when he raised the notebook full of pieces of information that Lucian compiled with all his efforts. “I'm going to learn it now, happy, you pipsqueak?” Just before he opened it and started skimming on its pages. I sighed heavily. Maybe I should just keep my mouth still… “Kill… take care of it okay?” I heard Lucian said that I took a glimpse of him, as right now, I could see how anxious he looks at while looking at his beloved notebook before I turned my attention into someone besides me. Killian, who just gave him a glimpse before rolling his eyes in a boyish way, just after he looked at the pages of the notebook before he grimaced. “What kind of handwriting is this?” Before he skimmed those pages in a fast and harsh way. “Let me…” Lucian said and was about to stand when Killian glared at him. “I'm not done yet, stinkpot.” He said as he continued reading it. Making Lucian sit back straight on his seat and wishing for the life of his beloved notebook to be safe. But every shifting of pages Killian is doing, it was as if those pieces of paper will get destroyed any seconds from now. Maybe that's how he usually does, and it wasn't actually getting destroyed so maybe it's fine? As I continued watching him, but my attention turned in the stage when we heard what the bunny girl said. “Alright, let us call all the other contestants to announce the champions so you could take your super late lunch,” She said as I look into my watch and saw it's… 2 PM already? Thankfully they gave us some food earlier when we were designing the outfits and they even delivered some snacks as when the pageant goes on earlier, maybe that's why I'm not really hungry, however, we must still eat some healthy foods to keep out body healthy, right? Before the contestants go out with their outfits and truth to be told, they really occupied the whole stage. If I remember it right, the overall Mages sections are 12, the Support sections are 8, while overall 4 Technician sections. So it means the overall section count times two, how many is that right? Fifty-eight contestants in just one whole stage, where everyone's showing off their best outfits full of efforts. “To be not unfair to other Courses, we decided to separate each course. We will announce the winners at each course, starting at Mages course but first, let us hear what one of the judges will say,” The Bunny girl said before she made an illusion of bunny in which, she placed the microphone on it as it was given into one of the judges who stood up to say his impromptu speech. “Everyone's really doing their best and the Intramurals today is so magical because of your efforts. It was hard to choose since everyone really showed off beautifully with their abilities and natural talents. Let us all congratulations ourselves for all our hard works,” One of the judges said, as applaud could be heard to the whole Gymnasium before he gave back the microphone into the bunny girl's illusion before it gave back into its owner who accepted it with smiling face. “Okay now, let us all call the top five,” I was really nervous as I'm kind of wishing for them to be part of it, as I intertwined my hands in my thighs as I bit my lower lip tightly, waiting for their numbers to be called. “Please.. please... please,” Yuki said repeatedly as I could feel everyone's mood turned into intense, as we waited for their numbers to be called. “35! From Class 1-B!” Ms. Bunny girl said that made us lowered our shoulder in defeat. The whole top 5 was called yet… they didn't call. The number 35 representatives are from Class 1-B, the first, and the second is from Class 1-C, who both asked us for a challenge, and yeah, only our section wasn't called in first years and for sure, they are boosting out their egos again. I sighed heavily in defeat. It's kind of rare that Killian still wasn't getting enraged right now after knowing that we didn't get any awards, as when I looked at him, I saw him carefully reading the notebook with his forehead creased as if he's annoyed but not so much. Yuki suddenly covered her face that we all looked at her especially me since I'm sitting just next to her. I sighed heavily as I saw her shoulder shaking, as I gently brushed her back with my hands before I hugged her. “It's okay,” I whispered, as I could see my classmates looking at us. “Wait… look, Ms. Bunny is grinning,” Zion said that caused me to look at the stage and he was right, Ms. Bunny is smiling widely as she read something on the paper, just before she lifted her head to the crowd. “The judges' decisions regarding the champion is already here,” She said that made everyone gasped as all of us thought that those she called already at the champion, and even those from Class 1-B, who are already victorious about their winning, stopped. Before Ms. Bunny lifted her face through the air. “Getting having the best Chemistry award, and from the efforts that their whole section had done to motivate their representatives to do better,” Just as when Ms. Bunny looked at our side that I gasped, and I don't know why my eyes suddenly wet with tears especially when she gave us a warm smile. Yuki's tears continue falling through her eyes as she watches the stage with hope that wouldn't dissolve no matter what happens. “And with awards of getting the best dresses and best effect titles, representing King and Queen, the Champion…” “Class 1-A!” The Bunny girl said followed by shouts from our classmates, and applause from other sections and courses as we stood up and congratulate them. “Damn it! We won! Hell yeah!” Zion and Lux shouted as the girls' voices and shouts conquer it. “AHHH! Congratulations, Dashiel, and Yvonne! We are so proud!” As from the distance, I saw Yvonne shedding her tears before she raised her right fist in the air, with her forefinger as the only one standing, pointing above the horizon. Which is a signal of… to be number one. We still couldn't believe what happened. We got the champion. And the judges recognized our efforts. The smile on my face couldn't be removed as my other classmates are, too. My eyes accidentally caught Killian who's just peacefully skimming every page of Lucian's notebook... Or so I thought… Until he removed one page of that notebook that made my smile faded as I gasped. “Killian Astaroth!” I said a little louder in shock, thankfully, my voice isn't that loud that the only one who heard it are my classmates. And with what I did, they looked at us. Just as when Killian closed the notebook and threw it back into Lucian who's his eyes are as wide as me, who couldn't believe as I think he saw it too, and thankfully, his reflect is fast that he caught it… almost. Killian suddenly turned his back. “Don't put some information regarding me and what I do or I'll burn that freaking piece of shit.” He said harshly, and I don't know but it's so scary… the way he said those words are so scary that I wanted to hide from my seat before he started walking away with his hands on his pocket, not minding even the event still wasn't done. I took a glimpse of Lucian who's looking at his notebook and I don't know why… but my heart hurts looking at that expression of his face. Killian's really ruthless.  
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