#5 You are the One

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It was one thing that Mason has not agreed to go on an official date with Anemone, but it was another thing to stop her kissing sprees. Ever since Anemone kissed Mason that day, it gave her a new spirit. A kissing spirit. Anemone even bunked a few of her classes to meet Mason. And of course to steal some kisses. Mason had never seen a person with so much urge or impulse to kiss. Anemone was never happy with simple pecks. She wanted long ones that were deep and entangling. She liked those passionate kisses where you would feel all kinds of funny things in your stomach. Mason had a hard time keeping up with her, but she was impossible to reject. She would make all those cute faces and pout hard, and before Mason knew, they would be kissing. Mason wondered how addictive she was!  Mason smiled, remembering how Anemone had shown up earlier during his practice. He knew why she came, even when she had stopped giving him lessons. Mason's grades had improved, and he could keep his captaincy. Football was his life. Mason hoped he could get into some decent college. He wanted to make a career out of it. It was the only thing that made him behave on the school campuses. So, here he was, waiting near the bus stop for Anemone to show up. But she was awfully late. Wasn't she looking for him earlier? Her fascination with kissing was unique. He was glad that it was only limited to him. He was smiling, thinking about random things when Alex came running to him. "Why are you running if you are panting?" Mason made fun of Alex. "Dude, it's Fenris! She is troubling Anemone for a kiss." Alex gasped and shook his head wildly in disappointment. "Why are you not saving her and telling me? Where is Poppy?" Mason groaned, running for Anemone. "I go a text, dude. I saw you while rushing to help her. Poppy has gone to Fae village. She would skin me alive!" Alex grumbled, catching up to Mason. Mason quickly checked his phone. Indeed, there were some messages and videos of Fenris teasing Anemone. He was calling her a kissing addict and forcing her to kiss him. Olivia and others were making fun of her as some wannabe who was after all the popular boys. Mason sighed. Probably it was his fault that he left them with a warning the last time. This time he would show them the stars. When they reached the place, Anemone was crying heavily, and many people had surrounded her and Fenris. "Kiss me, babe. Didn't you want to go on a date with me earlier?" Fenris teased at her. "Oh! Fenris, our Fae girl here, would like to do it in places where no one could see and clumsy. Like the storeroom of the football team." Olivia chided. So someone had probably seen them kissing and how all of this has started! Anemone was pale with anger and stress. Her eyes were red and puffy from excessive crying. She did not know what to do and handle so many bullies. They had even taken her phone. She only hoped that somehow Mason came looking for her. Fenris got close to Anemone and pulled her to him, trying to sniff her. Her sweet flowery smell aroused his enhanced olfactory senses. He could feel arousal between his legs and a deep desire to kiss this faery. The time and place were good. No one would even notice his actual intention while he can have a taste of her plump lips. The truth is, ever since Anemone showed up at Alex's party, Fenris has been having these weird feelings about her. It was more of a carnal desire than anything else at the moment. Seeing her with Mason has somehow made his wolf push him to get her. Fenris strangled Anemone in his powerful grasp and forced her to kiss him. Her eyes blurred as she whispered for help. Minions of Fenris and Olivia kept chanting - Kissing Addict. Mason clenched his teeth in anger and clamped his fist. All he could see was Fenris and his undeniable need to break his bones. Fenris might be a werewolf, but it was not a full moon. So it was all about muscles today. Mason rushed toward's Anemone's side and pulled her from Fenris's hold. Fenris yelled at that. He was so close to having a taste of her, and this pretty human boy ruined it! Just because he doesn't go picking fights with random people does not mean he was weak! If Mason was a thug, he was a werewolf. Fenris growled to express his anger, but Mason scoffed at that. Mason has dealt with many of Fenris's kind before. And Fenris was just a boy of his age! Fenris plunged to attack him, but Mason was quick to dodge him. It gave him an opening to kick his ass. Fenris fell on his face, and a lot of surrounding people burst into laughter. Fenris hissed under his breath and growled. He quickly got on his two and went for Mason with full force. This time the punch landed on Mason's nose. Blood started gushing out of it. Anemone wailed to see such violence. She was from Fae village, where everyone talked to everyone with a smile. It was a warmhearted place to live. She had never seen such violence and bloodshed. Mason looked at Alex. As if they had some telepathic conversation, Alex went beside Anemone and took her away from the fight. Anemone was crying heavily. She was utterly shocked. She wanted to help Mason heed his wounds, but she was too scared to go back there. "Anemone, don't worry. Mason is a big boy and can handle Fenris." Alex cooed her. Not far away, Olivia was shivering with anger. Mason never cared for her, and here he picked up a fight for the Fae girl. Mason had a different thug lifestyle, but he stayed low inside the school. Football meant his life. She wondered how important Anemone was to him. He picked up a fight inside the school campus for her. Fenris tried to punch Mason one more time. But this time, Mason swiftly caught his hands. Mason twisted Fenris's wrist with brutal force, and he whimpered in pain. His wrist made a c***k sound. Fenris screamed with pain. He fell on his knees and cried in pain when the headmaster and few other teachers walked on them. "Stop it, immediately!" Mr. Thomas, the school headmaster, shouted. The entire school froze for a second before the standby's runner in every direction to evade his wrath. Mason scoffed at his timing. They could not come when Fenris was tormenting Anemone, but they had to show up now when he broke Fenris's wrist! "Take them to the hospital so that someone can aid their wounds. And call their parents. It is a prestigious school and not some circus!" Mr. Thomas yelled. Few teachers rushed to either side to follow his instructions. Fenris obeyed them as if he was the victim here and followed them out. But Mason, who was still furious about what happened to Anemone, scoffed and walked away from them. It only pissed the headmaster and the teachers more. Mason walked outside, where Alex and Anemone were waiting for him. Anemone was still crying. She ran to him and hugged him as soon as she saw him. Mason laughed at her reaction but immediately regretted laughing when it hurt him. Anemone lamented, even more, to see him in pain. Was it essential to get bruised? "Let's take you to the hospital, man!" Alex called out from the bench. "I am fine, buddy. It would be helpful if you could drop Anemone at her home." Mason asked. But before Alex could reply to him, Anemone rocked her head in disagreement. Mason was bleeding because of her. She won't leave his side till he was fine. "I will go with you." Anemone made her stubborn face to show how rigid she was about that decision. Alex laughed and offered to drive both of them to a nearby clinic. They cleaned his wounds and gave him some medicines. Once Alex dropped Mason and Anemone at Mason's home, he bid them farewell. He wanted to give them some privacy to discuss. Alex was no fool to see how his friend adored this Fae. He wanted to give both of them as much space as required to realize what he saw possible between them. He was happy for his friend to have Anemone. Once Alex left, Mason opened the door of his home. It was the first time Anemone visited his home. He had not expected it to be under such circumstances. Mason was glad his mother was not there. He placed his bag on the table and sat on the nearby sofa. Anemone stood in one place the whole time, trying to memorize the details of his house. Mason wanted to smirk, but it reminded him of the pain. The werewolf boy hit hardly. So he settled for a small smile. "I am sorry." Anemone finally said. She was holding this for a while now. "For what?" Mason c****d his eyebrows. "For putting you in that situation. Had I been braver, you would not get hurt." She sighed and sat beside him. "Right, but for that, you have me. I will teach you to be braver." Mason chuckled and then groaned in pain. Anemone got too scared and worried to see him in pain. She needed to get braver. It was not like the Fae village, but a mean world. She was lucky she found Mason. "So, does that mean you will never leave my side?" Anemone asked. "Never is a long time. One day you will realize how hopeless I am and leave me." Mason smiled. "Is that why you don't want to date me? It scares you that I will leave you. You are afraid of heartbreak!" Anemone jumped to conclusions. But before Mason could confirm or reject her theories, Anemone softly kissed his forehead, startling him. She was, after all, a kissing addict. But only to him. "Mason, Fae's are not like that. I will never leave you. I promise." Anemone blinked too many times to stress her words. She wasn't lying. Mason has already conquered her heart. There was no one she would rather be with other than Mason. "I have mood swings." Mason came up with a lame excuse. "I will cheer you up." Anemone answered with a smile. "I am too rough for Fae people. Your family won't approve." Mason gave another excuse. "Didn't they let me come here? They are also supportive types." Anemone explained. "I am not good enough for you, Anemone." Mason sighed. He believed that. She was sweet and pure, while he did not know what he was doing with life. Tomorrow they might snatch away football from him, and after that, there would be nothing holding him back. "Mason, I won't force you. But trust me when I say you are the one for me." Anemone whispered. Anemone knew in her heart that there was no way she could love somebody else. Here she was pouring her heart out, and he rejected her. Probably she was not good enough. She did not wait for him to reply. It was enough excuse for one day. She got up and pasted the prescription on the fridge wall for his mother to check. She put the medicine packet on the nearby table and walked out of the door with a heavy heart. All her way, Anemone hoped Mason would appear now and then and apologize to her. But when he did not come, she broke down into tears. She wanted to be strong and not cry. But Fae's felt exponential. So the pain she was having was no less than heartbreak. Anemone sat on her front porch crying her hearing out. She did not want to go inside like that. When she had lost hope and tears, and it was already dark, she sighed. She looked inside her bag for the keys. When she heard some rustling noise, she looked up to see who it was. A small hope rose again. But it still startled her to see Mason approaching her. Anemone jumped in excitement and ran to him. She forgot all about the pain she suffered a while ago. That Mason was here for her meant everything to her. She plunged into Mason's warm embrace and hugged him back. She could not stop smiling. Mason knew it was a huge risk he was going to take. But Anemone made it look so simple with her love and warmth. Mason cupped her cheeks and looked into her pretty eyes. Before the kissing addict could kiss him, he claimed her lips to seal the unsaid deal.
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