chapter seven: MYSTERY. it's when you have a double doubt of something that you can't define or explain ,,,,,

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I woke up feeling nausea and headache i wanted to vomit at nothing in particular all night my stomach has been disturbing me i needed warm water and medicine but i could not get anywhere,it's end of the month probably my periods are near i took my shower cape and towel sinces our cell had an inner bathroom and toilet we shared the four of us it's was big and up the wall their was a big window where you could not escape it was wire mesh with tiny wires we hugged our clothes and underwear ,bras and trousers sometimes sinces their was no dust coming from outside only the sun and light, indeed it's was my periods i cleaned my hair with shampoo and conditioner and cleaned the rest of the body with a perfume soap,i was done i dried my hair with a towel also my body and applied some lotion with a perfume,after getting out of the bathroom i dressed a white t-shirt with a black trouser and heavy sweater i was the only one left i guess Tessa knew and informed the others to let me rest a little bit,but that doesn't help at all still my stomach is aching with cramps ah!who said women should have periods and give birth it's really painful i didn't feel like eating so i forces myself to go and clean Damian office sinces it was my duty today to clean. ***************** I knocked on the day and heard the word coming in i didn't waste time i got in and put my basket down with a mopper thankful he didn't ask any questions as to why i was late at that time i started cleaning up the shelf well arranging books according to the alphabet,from their i moved to the window and wipe all the windows after their i started cleaning the office desk and arranging some files sinces he was sitted at the sofa,i tried bending to pick a file that had fallen but i couldn't my back and stomach were killing me i let out a awful sound that made Damian eyes on me ah!!ah!mmmh!ah!this pain was getting worse within every second i tried sitting down but i ended up falling down, "ooh God," are you oky Claudia please what's wrong, oh! you have a fever you should have said you were not feeling well instead of being sick stubborn let me help you please sit here i will get you painkillers, "No" i mean it's the end of the month i normal gets only injection,pills can not reduce my pain but for 6 years i haven't had this kinds of periods periods,oh oky i didn't know we'll let me call the doctor excuse me "hello," Duncan what does it mean when a woman says she is on her periods i don't know the end months,haha boss sorry to laugh what she meant it's her menstrual cycle that what's it's called period every woman btwn the age of 15-46 they normally gets "periods"haha some takes pills, injections and others normally let's the pain go away on its own,what! all that information oky call doctor Adam and explain what you told me and tell him she has a fever i will be in my room hurry i guess she is in pain,am back so that was my doctor he is on his way in the meantime let's get you to bed and i won't let you walk so am carrying you and that's final. I didn't utter any word till we reach his room honestly it's was the most beautiful thing who am i to say no to this kind of beautiful life the doctor came and injected me with something that made me have a nap,the last thing i needed is for the pain to go away. ***********************• I don't know for how long i have slept but the smell of chicken brought me back to life,i got out of the bed and walked downstairs to look for Damian and he was standing in the kitchen with no shirt and a pair of short that showed away his beautiful legs,he had a beautiful body that i could admire forever as if he felt my presence he turned around and gave me that kind of smile seeing me better thanks to him, finally you are out of bed, how are you******* feeling?has your stomach stop and headache stop also well i made you chicken soup with chicken rice,yes am okay thanks alot Dami thanks anyway i will start with the soup,i ate till i felt my stomach could not take anymore i went and laid down at the sofa honestly i don't know to why Damian was being nice all over sudden and to why i was accepting everything without thinking twice ah!it's normally takes one injection to stop this pain but it's still there but not strong as before i closed my eyes to let myself in a mystery world. ************* Honesty i don't know to why i was helping her but one thing i know i can't let her go through pain at all i might get crazy thinking somehow she is hurt i just hope this mysterious thing they call periods be over at least i can see her face again,i feel guilty for kissing cathy earlier i don't know what came over me i could not let my pride aside i knew they had seen each other in the kitchen her trying to steal food with her friend well mark letting them do that kind of job sneaking around thinking cameras won't see them silly girl always in trouble by the time i was done with the utensil i found her at the coach sleeping holding a pillow as if her life depends on pillows,i pressed a button to enlarge the sofa into a big bed heading upstairs to my room i took a shower and put on my pajamas sinces it was almost 6 pm and took a big blanket that could fit the two of us and went downstairs,i found my brothers were already home sinces we shared a mansion together with everyone with his full room that contains of everything, how comes your woman is around yes tell us don't say you had s*x with her was it good did you loosen her virginity,did she scream your name when Cumming i hope you both used protection we don't want little junior with this business that we have,see how you are shying so you both had a closure and pleasure at the same time wish she was single right now she could have not moved an inch at all, honestly i never knew that Daniel could speak dirty things was Damian really blushing i wish i could turn to see his reaction but i stayed still pretending to be asleep and what were they saying about a business that should not including having kids,i was a bit scared but i put all behind my back head well continued to sleep that's when i heard Damian's hands on my waist holding me not that tight well keeping his neck on my shoulder gosh mmh!!this man makes every inch of my body alive at any cost i closed my eyes and let Damian Carter my body . The following day i woke up with a fresh start no headache or stomachache i was normal as a little baby i found food in the microwave with a note *hey sunshine it's Daniel i hope you have woken up well so your boyfriend doesn't know how to cook i had to make you something enjoy it and when leaving press both red and black button on the door outside it will close it's self behind,bye and good day i took the food from microwave and put them on the plate started to eat after i was done eating my food i headed to Damian room took shower and wore a sweatpants and t-shirts that belong to the man. ******** Went back to the cell i found Tessa folding clothes she jump on me screaming oky that enough for today i want to sleep sinces Tessa could not let me have a good sleep i had to narrate her what happened so that i can have a better sleep oky Tessa talk later and wakes me when saper will be ready. mmmh what is Darrel doing is he thinking of me to be honest like how i keep on thinking of him everytime i get a chance to ***** remember him or he is with another woman probably married but how can i let this affect me i know he doesn't see me like those other women am jealous beyond everything if i could do something about the situation i will change his behaviors that guy can makes me happy with no explanation,,,,,,,,,,, The deal to our meeting went well we exchanged goods and here i am in the house i left my brothers and Duncan,chase, Conner behind and headed to my room it's still smells of her hah!she left behind her clothes with a letter oky "it's Claudia thanks for taking care of me Damian and sorry i had to change my clothes i took a pair of t-shirt and trouser mine i washed and dried them stay safe,"indeed am going to be safe for you baby girl trust me.
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