chapter eight: TROUBLE. this when you find yourself in a difficult situation can't be avoid

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Life has alot of things that normally human being carry them sometimes you lack confidence to face a situation other times you get you are in trouble where you didn't plan to be in the first place but all in all it's life , understanding your difficulty it's the best way to avoid alot of things, avoiding things that mislead your life to complicated things normally the body works well when the brain is at rest. ******************* Today we were having girl talk with some visitors who had visited our prison they had brought sunny towel pad for us with some other clothes,we gathered in the field seem the guest were indeed important guests,oky now Claudia what's on that little mind of yours any ideas or solutions mmmh probably problems hah Auch!!! that's hurt why did you hit me i was only concern what's you were thinking about,why do you always like being in my business everytime i try to think of something positive ssh!!!i would have beaten your a**s but i will spare you this time now face in front let's pretend we are listening i don't want to be in trouble young woman. "Hello everyone i hope you are fine so today meeting will be brief and before that lets me introduce my fellow colleague's please stand Mr.Damacus,Mrs.Racheal,Mr.Hectorr,Mrs.Camel,Mrs.Josphina and last Mr.connor,am Mrs.lisa Seth but you can call me Lisa Mrs is a formality,so today we will be having five occasion one and two will be studying and listening the third, fourth and fifth will be playing games let's welcome Mr.connor and Mrs.Racheal for our part one section," hello girls am Racheal linet so today i and Connor we will be talking about self confidence,self esteem,self rehabilitation and self control i will talk about self rehabilitation and self confidence.......let's start with what is self rehabilitation it's when someone understand they have a problem within themselves and decided to seek help its a set of intervention design to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individual with health condition what's a rehab it's action or process of rehabilitation you all are here in prison with different crimes others are innocent,some Don't know the reason being here but all in all you are in prison what does that tells you, how can you cope up with reality does it occur to you that you are facing the reality of yourself how has your mind build it's self are any changes within you,do you understand yourself?how can you describe yourself are you still the same person before being here if yes what requires you to change and be someone else,if no what needed for you to be a better about self confidence let's understand what's it's means ,it's an altitude about your skills and abilities it also means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life...many people here don't believe in themselves you don't believe you can change to be a better person everybody have past the question is are you ready to change and someone else good person do you think you are capable of owning your own life and have changes. **************** Clap for Mrs.Racheal,am Connor casual we are going to discuss about self esteem and self control,let's understand the meaning of self esteem it's how we value and perceive ourselves how do you receive yourself no matter how bad you are or good do you see yourself as worthy as you are how many times do you try to put yourself down due to luck of self esteem and self control is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thought and behavior in the face of temptation how self control can you be we all have desires how control are you not revolves your desire to something that can led you to do something bad..... *********************** let's clap for our guests Mr.connor and Mrs.Racheal now the next section it's game part it will be enjoyable before that we are told it's your lunch time go have lunch and after we are going to have the game ready something to put your spirit up, uh Tessa i hope all those information did help you somehow stop smiling and let's have our lunch hah crazy....My love ah!mark come i hug you stop being shy how are you?i miss you so much mmmh!what happened next made me forget to speak mark kissed me like we were kissing i wanted it to be this way i felt something special i don't know what it was but it was something good,mmmh that was amazing am sorry Claudia for kissing you but i like you for a long time you are the type of a woman i want someone who gives me hope, treats me right i will keep you safe ,I got emotional and kissed mark back with all my strength(mmmmh)if you are done lover birds kissing can we go and eat food before the meeting,ah!you sacred me Tessa mark see you later please don't give me that look i never knew he will kiss me and confess his love to me honestly am i that bit***ch i could not control myself around him does that means i like him like boyfriend and girlfriend mmmh ssh!!let's go i need to feed my worms in order to think.We were served our food we took a table at the back the four of us Melissa,Tessa, Caroline and i we were busy eating when the 5 brothers with 5 men accompanied by the guest they took the sit next to us three men were facing us Darrel, Duncan and Damian the rest were facing to the kitchen,i was busy eating when i felt a pair of eyes on me gosh i tried to concentrate eating but i could not that when i looked up and saw Damian he was angry with an explanation face he lick his lips and smile at what i don't know but his eyes were on me i finished my lunch and headed to place the plates in cleaning pit and went out i didn't even make three steps when i felt a pair of hands holding me to a door i was not aware of it,ah help someone help me..ssh you don't want to attract alot of people now be quiet and walk with me. ******************** God was i going to die,i could not breath i tried balancing my breath in a minute we were in a big room it's was like an office clean and smelled nice that when i heard the devil voice i swear i knew i was in trouble"thank you chase you can go," gosh the inner me urge Me to speak but i could not utter any word how was i going to explain or maybe he saw me and mark yes what you are thinking i saw you and mark seem you were enjoying his kisses they way he was holding you someone could notice how enjoyable it was for you,do you love mark?have you slept with him or.... honestly i was angry,you know what i do with my life it doesn't concern you at all so i will tell you this just mind your own business,yes i can sleep with any man i want to do get that,no i don't get anything because you are mine and if mark was not my cousin he will be under my feet you get that nobody should have you only me Claudia,you don't know how much it's hurt seeing you kissing him i waited you slap him or do something else but no it was something more that i could not bring myself to see,come here and listen very well i might be gentle with you and patient but nobody can takes you away from me not even mark i will destroy anything or anyone who tries to separate us do you get that now go back the meeting it's about to start and Claudia am going to break you soon i will make love to you selfless.I could not respond i just left. ************************ Thank you and welcome back i hope your stomach are full now let's Begin with our third section the game in this section is that under your chair Don't look until i say so,now as i was saying under your chair their is a packet now take the packet their is padlock with no keys the padlock has a letter A to Z now this side we have the padlock the next sides we have padlock i will mention padlock A and the keys with letter A should rise so they can be seen good and sit to your keys and unlock the padlock,B,C,D and now we are at X keys X should stand so padlock X can tag along good and make sure you open those padlock now Y do the same and Z wow good now relate to people who you are sitting near you are they your friends do you know them? make friends for 20 minutes so that we can go to our next game. ************************ Good the next game it's that in front of the chair that you are sited take an envelope in that envelope it's indicate where you will be located we have 20 people here i will start with myself Lisa linet, Racheal, Damascus ,Connor ,Josephina, hector,camel,Sir Duncan, Damian, Conner,Darrel,Darren,chase,Joel,joh John,hafeth,bob,William, Daniel now if the envelope indicate the above names only one name you should stand in lines where those people are standing now go and Don't spoil the game now go,i opened the envelope and to my surprise i was listed in Damian line i waited people to move from one place to another i used the opportunity to be the past one in our line,now good girls we have present just stand in the lines and your role model in the envelope will walk passing you the gifts be quiet and wait,i searched for Tessa and the rest and found Tessa was in Darrel line, Melissa in Duncan line and Carolina in Darren line hah this is interesting i kept my eyes busy till i saw Damian giving out gift to two people who were a head of me when he reached where i was Standing he gave me this weird smile that made me feel a little jealous he handed me my gift before i could take he had already opened it and their was 15 sunny towel pads,five pairs of panties with different colours,thong and three bras he was holding my thong with his tips well smiling he handed me the box and whisper something that made me blush,"this thongs always wear them when we meet soon i will eat the thing behind the thorn," he just left i could not contain embarrassments and shyness this man has power to kill my inner desire, hello hello sit at any sit besides you now the next game number four their is a pen and paper i want you to pick it up and write three words of encouragement to the person who will receive it please a word of encouragement i don't want any abusive words kindly let's the game begin i took a paper and wrote my three words to the person receiving this learn to love yourself, learn to understand yourself and learn to accept yourself, now pass the paper you have to the person sitting next you ,next to another person you have 5 minutes good girls now you can open the paper you are holding and read what's written, i wanted to open the letter when i received another letter they didn't tell me who gave it to me i opened the letter and shock was written on my face but i was able to smile ,"you are beautiful just the way you are your inner beauty and outer beauty normally outsmart alot of girls,your maturity bella you are beautiful and smart girl," i passed the letter to the person sited next to me and opened the next letter that i had received,"to the person receiving this letter you should always be happy no matter your past, present and future always put that smile on your face it will easy away your pain," whoever wrote the letter that was written my name in it was so stupid thinking they can outsmart me i will just assume i haven't received any letter,girls our fifth game and last one we will be playing quietly t's a quiet game i want you to take 30 minutes in silent close your eyes think who you want to be,been in prison doesn't mean you can't have a future take your happy Amen now you can open your eyes, ladies we are happy to be here actually it's a great honour that you gave us attention and being patient also obedient i will like to thank you all for making this day memorable to yourself and to us and those who are getting out of jail this year or next month we have our program at rehearsal rehab center company we give you a better choice of life faith,hope and jobs you are all welcome thanks to the administration for having us girls you are worthy to love yourself bye.
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