chapter six: ACCEPT. sometimes accepting something will happen or won't happen it's the best thing,,,

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Be yourself always be you and unique don't let people rule your life and tells you what you can do sometimes we get lost because of other people's advice,we try to follow some people footsteps and end up lost on the way.You are special just the way you are also hold the power to rule your life and live in a righteous way never let someone else words put you down or discourage you from moving forward let what your mind and heart tells you be the solution to your life don't hold that pain in your heart anymore share with someone because people are different you never know who will be the angel you were waiting to rescue you from the pain be smart,be yourself and also be unique.✓ **************** ***••••••••°••••••°•••••°•••✓ This day will be boring i felt it since i woke up something might happen and i will not have a chance to deny what's coming on my way i feel my heart heavy and confusion it's unexplainable feeling that i can't tell wether am happy,sad,angry or anxious of something i can't predict of.Girl what's wrong since yesterday you haven't been yourself are you oky someone can tell from far that your aren't oky hey look if you can't share it's oky i understand somehow not everything but my point is put yourself first no matter the problem you are facing always put yourself first because without you it's can never be without you don't worry what's troubling you might pass with time or might stay with time most important thing is to think of yourself, stress in human body it's not useful it's can led to depression cheer up girl and let's go and do out duties before the guides comes to find us, oky Tessa although she was right about everything but i hope i can expect everything to be fine mmmh!!!ash! anyway i can't predict future or anything i will worry less,we reached at our duty post and i started cleaning the veranda near the bosses officers that what we normally call them sometimes *intelligent* Tessa was cleaning behind me not that far but near dancun office. ********** I was busy cleaning when a lady walked past me with high heels breaking the floor with noise as if we were an empty vessel standing i wanted to laugh but i had to held my laughter sometimes devil always tries to get good people in trouble, i eyed Tessa we both smiled and continued cleaning the same lady came back i guess she got lost or she didn't know where she was going i lowered my face down pretending to be as busy, "hey you cleaner am talking to you do you know Darrel office actually how will you know dirty pig can you ask your friend if she knows i don't know why am bothering myself asking useless people my way," like me dirty i held my hands tight if i think of slapping her i don't think she will make it to the jackass office so i ignored her completely and continued working that when Tessa came to join us after she was done with her duty in order to walk back to our cell together both i,Tessa and Carolina i was about to tell Tessa something when both the gentleman appeared walking towards us Damian,Duncan,Darren,Darrel and other three men that i could not recognize,we stayed besides the wall to let them pass through us when the bit***ch lady run towards Darrel and hug him they exchange weird kisses gosh!!i felt like vomiting still Darrel holding the lady on the waist they walk pass us to Damian office i could see Tessa eyes they were full of frustration jealous,anger ,regrets,hurt beyond everything,we carried out basket and went back to the cell i needed to be their for my friend i knew she would lie to my face she was oky but she wasn't oky i could tell by looking at her eyes they said everything i needed to know,hey Tessa talk to me let that anger inside you out please dear you know that bit**ch she is flat,ugly and stupid "you think so am i also ugly no i know am kind beautiful beautiful ,kind,smart,cute like fat look i have become fat i need to reduce my weight like seriously why am i even fat to begin with ah!!!that why he doesn't like me or maybe i don't know you tell me Claudia am i not beautiful," hah!!you the most beautiful woman i have come across with sweet dimples,long brown curl hair let not talk about your shape if i was a man definitely i will filter with you but one thing put yourself first don't forget what you told me ssh!your mum is speaking where was i as i was telling you,the Tessa i know is more beautiful than that girl and honestly i don't know the relationship Darrel has with that woman to be honest he has lost his way if i compaire between the two of you trust me you outsmart that girl with everything,also i don't know what you and Darrel have if that man was meant to be yours trust me he will come back to you well definitely but don't make a mistake to give him the privilege to see your weakness that you are into him it's won't end well, remember three things about life you should learn to love yourself, understand yourself and accept yourself the way you are beautiful and smart now let's go and steal ice cream it's might cheer you up a bit oky my lady,fine with me as long we don't get caught. **************** Hello mark how are you?i never knew you are back dear am sorry i know it's all my fault oky please forgive me dear i won't repeat again, hah!!! you are sorry really after putting me in trouble you are sorry, "please sorry i...never i...." hahaha gosh!you should see your face trying to explain hahaha dear it's oky you didn't put me in any kind of trouble trust me oky put that smile, so how can i help my beautiful ladies before someone See's you,,,,,,ah!you scared me monkey i was about to cry anyway i want some chocolate in the kitchen my sweetheart here is sad i kind want to cheer her up what do you think?oky but make it quick only 30 minutes before my shift ends so am giving you 20 minutes oky now run.•••°We have 20 minutes so make it quick go to the refrigerator and get five ice cream a d yogurt i will get some items i took a bag and put two breads,ten bananas,five apples,one blue band,ten cooked Sausage,seven burgers with one litter juice lucky they all fitted in the bag we heard a knock on the door indicating our time was over so we headed towards the exist that we came through, "Jesus Christ" i thought it was one yogurt how comes you have two full bags how will you carry them you know what let me carry them for you so the camera won't notice you now hurry,you are lucky it's simon shift failure to that you could all answer to your husband's yes Darrel and Damian now get moving. ********* By the time we reach our cell we were breathing as if our hearts were coming out i don't know how mark was able to walk free without any alarm alert but anyway we are back to the cell, thanks mark trust me i will repay you one day,"it's oky just stay out of trouble bye and take care please," after mark left we arranged our things besides my bed all the items. ************** After eating our ice cream and yogurt we headed to the field to keep ourselves busy also Carolina joined us honestly i don't know her deal after she was caught trying to escape and shifted to our cell she has changed but i feel weird being around her but anyway that's not my problem to be concerned with her problems,we were busy chatting and laughing when Carolina pointed something for Tessa to see it's when i decided to turn around but what i saw made my legs weak completely lost it was a woman kissing Damian on the lips i could not control my eyes from seeing what was happening i was about to turn around when we locked our eyes together with Damian he turned the girl around and kissed her holding the waist,i was angry, jealous i could not speak or say anything i knew since morning something might happen today the strong woman i am i looked at his eyes and laughed of which i don't know what i was laughing at,Tessa and Carolina joined laughing even harder that when Damian walked away,are you oky bestie?yes definitely am more than fine Tessa.
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