Mid-Night Mistakes (part 1)

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JEREMY POV     Waking with one hell of a headache. I felt someone snuggle closer to me. I couldn't see their face, but I could tell it was a female, as she held my arm down while it was wrapped around her waist. I carefully pulled myself out of her grip and sat up where I could see her face. That is when I started to freak out! OH MY GOD, I thought, I just slept with Danielle Night.     I climbed out of the bed as carefully as possible, so as not to wake her, and embarrass both of us. Cautiously opening the door, I glance back to make sure she's still sleeping, I silently make my way down the stairs and out the door. Instead of bothering to find someone to take me home, I just take the path between their house and ours. I ran most of the way, in a hurry to talk with Alexxia, just because I can't fold my mind around what happened. I know she will have advice about it.     Getting to the house I slam the door open, closing it with my foot on the way by. Figuring she would be awake by now, I open her bedroom door with my head down just in case she yells. "Oh my god Lex, I can't believe I slept with her. I don't even remember what happened." I shouted. Then I look up at her. "OH, right, um sorry." and headed toward the door.     "Jer, wait. What are you talking about?" Lexxi asked. To Daemien she added, "Did you stay all night? And where's Dani? She told me to let loose and she would make sure I made it home safe."     "That's what I am trying to tell you, Lex! We have been had, if not by two of the Nights then at least by one. I woke up this morning in Danielle's bed with her." Jeremy screeched. "Then I get here, I find you sleeping beside Daemien."     "If I remember correctly, and I hope I do, 'cause it's a little fuzzy. Dae was going to leave after tucking me in, I had asked him to stay." She defended. "And as for you and Dani sleeping together, well it's about time something happened there. You two have loved each other for years, it's just that neither of you have the guts to take friendship to the next level. But if I do have a vote in it I think it's a great thing this happened."     I tuned out what was being said from there until Daemien turned to me and stated, "Alexxia is right. If there were ever two people that loved each other from afar, You and Dani are it. Come on man, it should have happened way before this! Hell before I came home I expected you two to be together." That was when Lexxi's phone started ringing.     Lex looked at her phone, then up at me. I knew right then it was Danielle. I turned around and made a hasty exit to my bedroom, being closely followed by Daemien. I don't think he wanted to be a part of this, but he didn't realize how much trust I had lost in people in four years. Let alone the fact of him leaving with no word or contact with anyone from home just as long. Darius even said he never called home.     "Why are you following me?" I asked Daemien.     "I want to talk to you." Dae replied.     "Now might not be the best time, depending on what you wanna talk about." I spat at him.     "Now is a perfect time, for this one bro." came his rebuke.     "OK then spit it out." I grumbled.     "I know you are freaking out, but you also know this is not Dani. You know, as well as I do, that she would never have the guts to take advantage of you being drunk." He spoke reasonably. "When you got up did you talk to her?" came out of his mouth next.     I was flabbergasted, I didn't even think about talking to her. "No, I didn't talk to her. She was still sleeping when I left this morning. And now that you mention it, Yes I was dressed, and there were blankets separating us as well." I said thinking back over the events of this morning.     "Then you don't really know how you ended up there right?" Daemien Questioned me again.     "Not the particulars no, but I couldn't help it. I freaked when I thought I slept with her and couldn't remember it. She's still my dream girl, just like I told you she was when we were sixteen. What do I do now? How do I look at her without freaking out about being so stupid as to take off without talking about it?" I lamented.     "You're going to have to talk to her about it." Daemien stated.     "I know, I'm just not sure how to yet." I said.     "You'll figure it out I'm sure Jer." he told me. "I will let you think about that, and I'll go do what I can to help on the other end." He left right after that statement.     My mind keeps running through the whole scenario over and over again. I still couldn't see how to fix this after everything I had done wrong about it. I should have stopped to think this morning, I hope she doesn't hold it against me, if she even knew I was there, to begin with.     There was a knock on my door, I stood up and went to open it. Lexxi stood there asking, "Can I come in?"     "Sure, what do you need? I questioned, just wanting to be left alone to think.     "I need to know your side of the situation. I just heard Dani's." She replied.     So I told her all I could remember from last night into today. Not that it was much to go on I thought.     "I see." She whispers almost to herself.     "What's that supposed to mean?" I inquired.     "I am just connecting the dots in my mind, that way I can help you to move on from here, but I think the two of you need to talk. If you want I can sit with the two of you while you do." She recommends.     "That might be a good idea." I agree.     "OK, I will get it set up for tonight. Do you want to have a camp out before I leave tomorrow?" She questioned.     "Sounds like fun, let's give it a shot. I'll call Jazmin. And the guys." I responded.     "It's a plan then. We can get the firewood ready after all the calls are made. I'll meet you out by the woodpile." she told me before she went to make the call to Danielle.
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