Drunken Night

1003 Words
DANIELLE POV     I hope Daemien gets Lex loaded quick, I don't wanna have these two boys passing out in the truck. I won't have help when I get to the house, and I know Daemien won't be home tonight. She's going to beg him to stay with her, She does it every time I take her home, she won't stay alone drunk since their accident. I really am glad I talked Lexxi into getting drunk though, they needed to have this happen. I just pray she won't be mad at me in the morning for it being my brother with her instead of me.     I watch Daemien carefully put her in the car. I took it as a good sign that she didn't fight him when he wrapped his arm around her to help. He ran around the front of the car, opened his door, and folded his 6'4" frame into the driver's seat of her small vehicle. He leaned across for what I assume was to buckle her in. My eyes rounded at the liplock she put on him though. It looked almost like he had never left, as his hands went straight into her hair to deepen the kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes. I was sure they would have to come up for air soon. Once they pulled away from each other, I could see him buckling her in.     I heard the car start and watched them pull out before I started the truck to take these two back to my house. Just like I had predicted, Both the boys had passed out before I got them back to our home. I woke Darius up, pulled him out of the truck, and struggled with him to the house and up to his bedroom. I then returned the way I had come to get Jeremy. I kissed his lips softly before I woke him up to, once again, struggle with a drunk to get him into the house and up the stairs. I wish I could say to my room, but no, I'm not that brave. I took him in and laid him on the bed beside Darius, and covered them both up.      I ran into the bathroom, down the hall, then back the way I had come to my room, put on my stretchy daisy duke shorts and my favorite half-shirt tanktop. I proceeded to lay on my bed in the dark. My bedroom was right between Darius and Daemien's rooms. Every time the boys rolled over in the beds they squeaked. I was hearing that a lot from Dare's room tonight, of course, I was listening for it, knowing Jeremy was in there. Wondering if it was him every time I heard it. I dozed off listening for it.     A few hours later my bedroom door opened waking me up. I opened my eyes to see a still drunk Jeremy walk in, crawl into my bed and pass back out. I tried to wake him back up, so he can get into the right room, but he was out for good this time. I covered him up and climbed back onto my bed, after getting a throw blanket to cover myself up with, and lay down with the blankets separating us. I curled up against him and fell back into a deep sleep.     When I awoke in the morning Jeremy was nowhere to be found. Neither was Darius when I knocked on his door. I went back to my room got dressed, and picked up my phone, calling Alexxia. DAEMIEN POV     I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Lex is almost asleep in the seat beside me. I can't help myself but glance at her, off and on, the whole trip back to her house. She was dozing off before we ever reached her driveway. I knew I would have to carry her in or wake her up. I made the decision to carry her just so I could hold her again. I must be glutton for punishment I thought, the more time I spend with her the more I want. I still love her, and I figure I always will. She has held my heart for the last 8 years, whether I was with her or not.      I pull into the drive, shut the car off, and open all the doors throughout the house. Then I come back to the car and pick her up carrying her in. Kicking the doors shut on my way through. As I lay her in her bed and cover her up, I hear her say, "stay with me please."     I'm not sure if I should or not so I ask, "Who am I?"     "Daemien, Please don't leave me alone right now. I don't want the nightmares to come." She slurs. Then passes out.     With hearing that she knows it's me, even in her drunken state, and wondering what her nightmares were about hoping it wasn't the accident. I lay beside her above the covers. There's no way I am taking advantage of this, I thought, and no way will she be able to think I have in the morning this way. I've more respect for her than that, I always have.      Unfortunately, I also have always had a jealous streak from hell. Mix that with my anger issues, and you get a volcanic eruption. Which is what our failure to communicate was four years ago. I still can't control it, I thought, So why am I here now? Do I really want to try again without being able to control it? Would she even let me? It would be a stupid move, didn't I keep telling myself no more stupid sh*t?      With those thoughts, I wrapped my arm around Alexxia just like I used to when we laid in the truck bed at the drive-in. It didn't take long for my body to relax after that, and I was out like a light.      
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