Mid-Night Mistakes (part 2)

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ALEXXIA POV           "Thank you for remembering last night,  Lex. I was worried you wouldn't." Daemien spoke up. As he turned to Jeremy, I tuned them out, as I was lost in my thoughts. That was when my phone started ringing.     I looked at my phone seeing the name, then up at Jeremy. He turned around and made a hasty exit to his bedroom, at least I figured that's where he was headed, being closely followed by Daemien. I was sure by the way they left that both of them knew who was calling me. "Hey! What the hell Dani? You told me you would make sure I was safe getting home if I got drunk. Why did you send me with Daemien? And how do you figure he's safe for me?" I picked up the phone and said.     "Hey, girl! Relax I told you I'd make sure you were safe and you were. Safely with someone I knew would protect you to the best of his ability. Besides, you said that part yourself." She stated, then continued. "but that's not why I called. I have a problem, and I'm not sure how big said problem has gotten at the moment, but I know it's gonna be huge if it isn't already."     "Oh? You mean the freaking out Jeremy, that woke Daemien and I up this morning?" I laughed into the receiver.     "OH boy that bad?" She asks.     "Uh-huh, that bad. so start at leaving the bar last night, and tell me everything. Including my parts because I am a little fuzzy and want to make sure I remember correctly." I ordered.     "SOOOOOO..... Ok, here goes nothing..... Daemien and I loaded the three of you into the car and truck respectively. I waited for you two to leave the parking lot first, by the way (laughing) nice liplock you put on Dae while he tried to buckle you in." Lexxi groans. "Then I brought the boys back here, they had passed out on the way, so I woke up Dare got him in his bed and went back for Jeremy. I got him in Dare's room and situated, Then cleaned up and went to my room to sleep." she recounted.     I broke in here to ask, "ok so how did Jer end up in bed with you?" As my mind ran thoughts like, I can't believe I did all that to Daemien last night. I must have been totally trashed. What the hell Lex? Didn't you learn anything from the last time the two of you were together? He's dangerous, damn why did I do that?     "I'm getting there be patient." Dani replied nervously but continuing on. "I woke up to my bedroom door opening partway through the night. I figure Jeremy had been to the bathroom and came to the wrong room, but he climbed into my bed and passed back out. I tried to wake him up, but he was out for the count, so I finished covering him up, grabbed another blanket and lay over top of the blankets, special so he wouldn't think anything happened, covered myself up with the other one, and went back to sleep too."     "And that's all that happened?" I inquired.     "That's everything that happened till I woke up alone." she answered. "So, what do I do now that he's freaking out, Lex?"     "I'll go talk to him first. Find out what he remembers, if anything. Then I will call you back, but the two of you need to talk about this. If you don't discuss this it is just going to cause problems in your friendship." I told her.     "OK, I will wait for your call. Talk to you later, and I love you." She yelled.     I got up, washed, dressed, and went to find my brother, and Daemien for both of these messes, because he and I need to talk about last night, as well.  I'm nervous to have that conversation. I hope he didn't read too much into my drunken actions. I knock on the door to Jeremy's room. I looked around for Daemien, realizing he must have left as I don't see him.     "I need to know your side of the situation. I just heard Dani's." I replied.     So he told me all he says he can remember from last night into today. I was connecting his parts of memories to what I heard from Danielle. "I see." I whisper almost to myself.         I headed back to my bedroom, picking up my phone I called Dani back. "OK, I just talked to Jeremy. He agreed you need to talk, and no I didn't tell him what happened. I left that for you to discuss. But he's a scaredy-cat, he wants me to be there with him, so can you come over tonight? oh, and we want a campout before I have to leave tomorrow."     "I'm nervous about doing this Lex. I don't know how to talk to your brother like I can talk to you." She confides.     "It'll be ok, I will be there to help both of you express yourselves. The only reason you can't talk to him like you do to me is that you like him anyway." I assure her. "Now that's sorted, what do I do about your brother? I mean he did stay last night. I'm worried he might take my drunken actions and statements the wrong way. I did kiss him as you said. And because of Jer's freak out we didn't get to talk about it this morning."      "It isn't that bad. You and Dae have enough history between the two of you to be able to work that out. I mean god knows you both still love each other. I know you are not ready to work on that but you are working on being friends again right? I mean at least you have that right?" Dani questioned me.     "I don't know Dani, I'm not sure I can ever trust him like that again." I said honestly.      "Well, hell aren't we a shitty excuse for a pair?" Dani laughed. "How did we both end up loving men we shouldn't or can't have?"     "Yeah, imagine that we are both a normal female. Unfortunately,  just like every other woman in the world we are always wanting what we can't have."  I laughed. "The difference between me and you though is that you have a choice to have Jeremy's love. I however already tried that and lost Daemien." I told her with all the seriousness in the world.      "You haven't lost him. He came back for you, I'm sure of it. I just don't know why he hasn't moved on it yet." Dani informed me.
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