Keeping Secrets

1369 Words
     With everything set up and ready, Alexxia and Jeremy are getting mentally prepared for the conversations that are happening tonight, nerves are running high and Jeremy is still freaking out. Lex is hoping she can get through this conversation quickly and easily because she knows the next one will be torture. And she is afraid Daemien doesn't even know it's coming.     Just as Dani pulls into the drive and parks, Jeremy comes out of his room to the kitchen table, where we decided to hash this out between them. Lex pulls out a chair and sits, telling them to do the same, as their nerves are not letting them think straight. DANIELLE POV     I was worried that Jeremy wouldn't believe me, I mean it sort of does and sort of doesn't look like I took advantage of him being drunk, I thought, especially as, according to Daemien and Lex, he doesn't remember what happened.     "OK, let's get this show on the road." Lex states. She gets our two pairs of eyes looking at her but no words come out of either one of us. We won't even look at each other, except for quick glances when we think the other isn't looking. "Dani, I want you to start. Tell Jeremy everything just like you told me on the phone this morning." Alexxia ordered.      She started to recount again the whole story.     "How did I end up in your room then." Jeremy demanded interrupting at the same point Alexxia had. Wow, I thought like sister, like brother.     "I'm getting there be patient." I replied, continuing on.      "That's it? I freaked out over that?" Jeremy asked more to himself than anyone. "I'm sorry I freaked Dani. I should have known it was something simple. Can you forgive me for the torment and my freaking out?"     "I am sure I can." I said. I was so happy he was ok with it now, I couldn't help but smile.     "Good, now kiss and make up." Lex giggles.     Both our faces turn fire red with embarrassment from her comment, we hugged instead. "I'll be right back, just need to do something real quick." Lex stated, getting up and running out of the room. Jeremy also excused himself and left the kitchen.     Lex was walking back into the kitchen, while Jeremy was coming out of the living room. "Let's head out to the fire pit." He suggested to both girls. We both nod, yes and the three of us walk out the door and across the yard.     It's not quite time to start the fire yet, so we start throwing frisbees around. All falling on our rear-ends at some point trying to catch it, and laughing like we always have. That's when we heard the car, all turning to see which of our other friends were coming, we see Darius' car. There are two people in it but the second was not who I expected, It was Jazmin when I expected it to be Daemien. When I finish that thought I heard the motorcycle in the woods, and I knew that would be Dae.      I glance at Lex to see if I can gauge what she is thinking. I hope they get a chance to talk before it gets uncomfortable for them to be around each other. They really do make a good couple, I thought, too bad my brother is an i***t, and my best friend is so stubborn. DAEMIEN POV          I was late leaving the house to get to the campout, Darius had hollered up to let me know they were leaving, but I was on the phone. After Jeremy called, I figured I would call my secretary to let him know I was coming back on time as scheduled. I started a sports equipment company and a gym three years ago, and as the CEO I pay a lot of money so I can fly under the radar. I am feeling guilty not telling anyone that I'm leaving tomorrow. When I hang up I hurriedly get ready and run out to get on my bike. I took the path through the woods knowing it would make up some time. I took the whole path full throttle, I needed to see her again as soon as possible.      I get to the edge of the woods just as Darius and Jaz were getting out of the car. I ride right up to them turn off the motor and jump off the bike. Getting beside the rest of our posse. I shake hands with the guys and hug the girls. "What are we playing?"     "Frisbee to start with, then we can move on to volleyball if you want." Jeremy spoke up.     "Works for me, Let's go." I say grabbing the frisbee out of Jeremy's hands. I throw it to my brother, "Think fast." He catches it and passes it along. That's how most of our games start. It's my turn to catch it again, but I get distracted as Lex lifts her arms to stretch, and the frisbee hits me in the side of the head. They all laugh but Lex, she runs over to make sure I'm ok. Just like she does to everyone, I keep telling myself. If I don't I might almost be able to believe the last four years never happened, but I know I am still jealous and angry over her, which was proven with my jealousy of Jacob.     It was almost time to start the fire. Alexxia told them it was time for volleyball and they would have to play teams as she needed to steal me for a few minutes. They all agreed to that rather quickly. which made me wonder what they were thinking.     I'm nervous as Lex and I walk toward the house in silence. walking just behind her, I take a good look at Alexxia, in order to calm my nerves, with her auburn hair pulled into a ponytail, her black cut off shorts outlining a perfectly toned butt, and blue tank, so I can refresh my memory of how great she looks, for when I have to leave tomorrow. Then with my thoughts comes the guilt of not telling anyone. I don't wanna hurt anyone, but I need to get back to the gym, as well as, the office.     Stepping over the thresh hold of the kitchen Lex pulled a chair out for me and one for her to sit in. She says, "We need to talk. I don't want any misunderstandings between us Daemien. I want our new friendship to start with a clean slate."     I find myself responding honestly, "I would like that, but what are we clarifying?"     "Well, the kiss last night, for starters. And me asking you to stay with me, for the second. As well as what we are wanting from each other." She replies. "And I wanted to do it before I leave tomorrow."     "Wait, where are you leaving for tomorrow? What time are you going?" I question.     She Answered "I have to go to California for the national championship games this week. but this is off-topic." Ever the single-minded worker. "Let me make this clear and simple to you, Dae. I do still love you, and probably always will, I just don't trust you, and I'm not sure I will be able to again. The kiss was a mistake, and as to why I ask you to stay, I can't talk about that, so chalk that up to just being drunk."     "I'm not worthy of your love Lex. No matter how much I want to be. After what I did I'm surprised you even talk to me at all, so I consider myself extremely lucky just to be friends again." I muttered. "As for the reason you ask me to stay... I think you gave me enough of a reason last night. Maybe someday you can elaborate, but until then we are good, and I understand where you are coming from." I give her a small smile, grab her hand, and drag her back out the door to the fire pit, signifying the end of our conversation. Still without telling her I was leaving.    
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