In The Making

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     I had to put my arm around Lexxi to get her to bend to get into the car. Once I got her sat down and I went around the car to get in. I reached to buckle her seatbelt, she laid a liplock on me, my hands sinking into her hair of their own volition. I don't know how long we were like that, but I knew she wasn't realizing who I was at this time, so I forced myself to pull away from the kiss, no matter how bad I didn't want to I couldn't in good conscience do that to her.     "Lexxi, we need to get you home safely." I whispered, not trusting my voice. I started the car, pulling onto the road, and aimed the car toward the Axel farm. JACOB POV     I stood outside of the bar fuming all night. What right did they have to throw me out? This is between her and me, not the whole f**king group. We should be able to handle our own sh*t without anybody else jumping in, I thought.     Twila pulled up in her daddy's truck, rolled the window down, and shouted, "Need a hand?"     "Not unless you wanna deal with the whole group. They just threw me out for trying to f**king talk to Alexxia." I bit out.     "OOOHHHH that's harsh. It was supposed to be Daemien with me, not you." Twila spat at me.     "Well I can't fix that now, but maybe I can fix this." I deadpanned.     "Yeah right, How?" Twila wanted to know.     "I can't tell you, yet, but you'll know soon enough," I growled. "I do need a distraction for a few. Care for some angry s*x?"     "Sure, you know I'm always down for a good roll." Replied Twila, as I climb up into the truck and she pulls into the dark side of the parking lot.     I grab her legs and pull them up over the seat when she turned the key in the switch. Yanking her jeans off in the process. She grasps my belt buckle popping it open and pushing mine down just enough to get my d*ck out. Flipping over to her belly, she puts herself on her knees for me to take her from behind like I prefer with her. I seized her hips and ram my c*ck into her folds. When we are completely spent I climb out of the truck pulling my jeans back up and buckling my belt. "Now get out of here before they come out." I told her.     With that Twila straightened herself and peeled out of the parking lot, headed to god only knows where, not that I really care. I had someone that was getting ready to leave go in, grab a six-pack, and bring it back out to me. I sat in my car figuring I would wait for Lex to come out, and try talking to her again. I drank the whole thing while waiting. As more hours passed my anger starts to return.     I was shocked when it was almost closing time and they hadn't come out yet. Lexxi didn't normally stay this long, now that I think about it, she never stayed this long. I was beginning to wonder if they were doing it on purpose so they didn't run into me out here, so I started the car, pulling into the parking space that Twila had pulled her truck out of. Watching the door from the dark corner, It wasn't long before the five of them came out.     Of course, it would be all five at once, I thought. No chance to get her alone, this just managed to p*ss me off more. I watched Danielle put Jeremy, and Darius into Dare's truck, and wave to Daemien and Lex, but she didn't leave. Daemien was putting Alexxia in the car. I was beginning to see red with him having his hands on her, But when he got in and tried to buckle her up I began to seethe. She kissed him like he never hurt her.     I knew right then I had to come up with some way to get her away before he could take her away from me. SHE IS MINE! my mind screamed. It was time to come up with a plan. And I knew I would need help, at least with keeping Daemien away from Lexxi, until I could put it into action.   TWILA POV     "Now get out of here before they come out." Jacob told me.     With that, I straightened myself and peeled out of the parking lot. I was used to being treated like this by Jacob, not that it didn't hurt my feelings. We went through this song and dance every time he and Alexxia had gone on a date, however so it wasn't new. I still can't believe she never f**ked him. He was great in bed, don't get me wrong, I just wanted someone more, well just more, I guess, I thought.     I had been making the previously failed plan to get Daemien to sleep with me for four days. Since I first saw him in town. My next plan to get him can't fail. I have to get it right. I need him to want to be with me. My heart is set on him, and I will have him, even if it kills me.     By the sounds of what I heard tonight, I need to step up my game though, because it sounds like Jeremy is pushing for his sister to be with Daemien, instead of Jacob. If all of the others work together to make that happen this might get difficult to make happen.     I know Alexxia has a trip coming up for pool this week. If I play my cards right, while she's out of town, I should be able to get Daemien with me. I just have to trick him into bed in the first place. Then I can trap him into having to stay with me. But my plan will only work if I can get him to sleep with me. I know he would never turn down his own child, he's too honorable for that.     If worse comes to worst I might be able to get Jacob to help me, if I help him. It might be in both of our best interests for us to cooperate together, I plotted in my head.
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