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ALEXXIA POV     "Let's see it then." Daemien quipped. As I put on my glove, stepping up to the table chalking the end of my stick. I broke, ran the table out, and grinned. "Woah, nice job!" he exclaimed.     "Yeah, I guess so." I murmured, knowing now that he didn't have the knowledge I played professionally. I enjoyed playing at home again, unfortunately, no one in town, that knows, will play against me anymore, except my friends.     "Best two out of three." Daemien suggests.     "Sure, you break this time." I utter.     "Are you sure? You won, by rights, I am supposed to rack em." He voiced.     "Yeah, I'm sure. I'd like to see you play at least a little." I giggle.     "OK, If you say so." he emulated.     Daemien broke, sinking 2 low balls, then scratched. I stepped up to the table running out all the high balls, but the one I purposely missed so he could play, again. He shot three more in before missing another shot. Daemien looked like he was getting frustrated, so I finished off the table, asking "Who's up now?" No one said a word, they were just standing there, staring at me, with HUGE grins on their faces.     "Well, Daemien, looks like the teacher just became the student!" Darius exclaimed after a minute or two.     "I see that, How long you been running these tables, Lex?" Daemien said.     "If you really want to know ask the boys." I told him grabbing Dani's arm and going for drinks. With playing, I had forgotten Jacob was up at the bar. Just as we reached the bar a hand grabbed hold of my arm, that was the moment I remembered. Groaning I turned around to look at him.     "I need to talk to you, Alexxia." Jacob growled out.     "I have nothing to say to you, except here is your ring back." I ground out, taking his engagement ring out of my pocket handing it to him. That was all there was time to say before Daemien, Darius and Jeremy were beside us.     "I just want a chance to fix this situation, Lex." Jacob stated aggressively.     "Don't call me that, anymore! There is no fix for cheating, Jacob." I spat."You broke my trust and my heart." With that, I walked away from them and headed back to play pool. DAEMIEN POV     My eyes never left Alexxia when she headed to the bar with Dani. I was having a hard time figuring out how she got so good at playing. "So, she been running these tables since I left?"     "These tables and many others." Jeremy stated.     "What do you mean others." I asked.     "Man, have you seen anything on a tv or in a newspaper since you left? I know you used to follow professional billiards." Darius replied.     "Yeah, I still do once in a while when I have time to catch it." I said.     "Does Alex Axel ring a bell for you?" Jeremy wondered.     "Yeah he's one hell of a player, wins more often than not." I spoke not putting two and two together.     "SHE." Darius retorted.     "What?" I asked thinking I misheard.     "SHE." Darius repeated adding, "Alex Axel as in Alexxia Axel."     "Are you kidding me? You guys just got my a*s whooped by a professional player without me knowing? I asked dumbfounded, still not taking my eyes off of her. I didn't bother to wait for an answer as at that moment Jacob had walked up to Lex and pulled her arm, the look on her face was enough for me to get the guy's attention, heading that direction.     Stepping up beside her we heard her tell him off, just before she turned back toward the pool tables. Darius, Jeremy, and I surrounded Jacob to stop him from following her.     "Leave it be Jacob." Jeremy warned, looking like he was ready to murder him with his bare hands.     "It's not your business, and she's a big girl, she can tell me without your help." Jacob spluttered.     "She just did," I informed him. "And I think it's time for you to go. Stay away from her. That will be your only warning."     Jeremy grabbing him by the right arm and Darius taking his left they escorted him out the door. I was right behind them, but the guys wouldn't let me go out with him.  The bouncer stepped up behind us, "Is there a problem?" He asked us.     "Not anymore." Jeremy replied to him. We headed back to the table to watch Alexxia and Dani play, as well as get our drinks, These would be our last before switching to soda, at least for the drivers, to be safe on the ride home for everyone.     Thinking this I ran up to the bar to get a soda for myself when Darius came up beside me. "Do me a favor, stay away from Jacob. He's already been arrested once, for attempted murder, I would prefer it not be my brother when or if he does get it right." He warned.     "That is nice to know, but what if it's not me he's after. If he's that unstable who's to say he won't go after Jeremy or Lex after what happened?" I reasoned. "At least forewarned is forearmed, and I can be prepared to deal with that if it ever comes my way." My eyes caught sight of Alexxia as she came up to the bar.     "Just be careful Dae. I don't trust him." Dare advised.      Alexxia was downing shots like water. When I turned back toward the table to find my sister. How many has she had already, I thought, as she started to sway while she was walking back toward us. "Dani, is Lexxi driving?" I inquired when I got close enough to her so I could without being overheard by Lex.     "She was, she drove us here." She responded.     "Do you wanna drive her car, or do I take you both home?" I asked.     "I'll have Jeremy take Lex's car and her home. And we'll ride with Darius." Dani answered me, after looking at Alexxia.      "How much have they drank? I wasn't really paying too much attention to that." I inquired.     "You might be right. Maybe we should be designated drivers tonight. I'll take the boys and you take Lex." Danielle agreed.     "I am beginning to think your playing matchmaker." I observed.     "Nope, just pushing a friendship back together after a lot of stupid sh*t happening." Dani asserted.     All I could do is shake my head, but thankful for someone being on my side. I didn't feel quite so alone anymore. Dani went to tell the rest of the group our plan, I  watched as she spoke to the boys away from Lex, that's when I knew they were working together to get us back together. And yet Dani and Jeremy can't work on themselves I thought ironically.     "OK, guys let's call it a night. It's getting late." I shouted a couple of hours later. The three still drinking were officially cut off by the bartender about half an hour ago. Dani and I let them play one last game of pool before we started to round them up into the vehicles. I took Lex's car and Dani took Dare's truck.      
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