Billiards Baby

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ALEXXIA POV      Friday, Dani showed up to get on the dresses we bought and do our hair and makeup. Getting out of the shower, I dressed in my bra and underwear and head back into my bedroom. "What's your hurry, Lex? We don't have to leave for another hour and forty-five minutes." Danielle asked with a grin.     "I know, but I wanna look great when we go play." I replied.     "Oh, you got someone in mind to impress tonight? Like my brother maybe?" Dani teased.     "No! I just wanna look good. In case I might find someone new in town tonight." I laughed out.     "Yeah, good luck with that." Dani spoke out tartly. "There's never anyone new in this town."     "I know. So, that just means I just wanna be beautiful for me." I giggled.     "Do you know who all is gonna be there?" Dani questioned.     "You mean is Jeremy going, the answer is yes." I mocked.     "I didn't specify who, I was just wondering how many we were going to be able to impress." Dani remarked putting quote fingers up around the word impress. I was sure she was hoping I would have asked about Daemien.      "You didn't have to, I know you." I stated. "I am your best friend after all. I should know you as well as you do. But to answer your question, the only two I can guarantee is Darius and Jeremy."     "Are you worried Jacob will show up?" Dani carefully probed.     "If he does I'm sure he won't try anything stupid. Not with the boys there. They would kill him, especially as he already hurt me the way he did." I answered honestly. "Now hurry up, go get cleaned up, we still have to do makeup and hair before we can get dressed."     Dani ran squealing into the bathroom, thinking she is funny I suppose. Either that or she has thoughts in her head I don't want to know about. Sometimes her mind is a scary place, I thought. It wasn't long though before Danielle was back out naked and still dripping wet saying, "I forgot to take my towel in with me." We got right to work on our hair and makeup after she dried off. When we were done, dressed, and ready we walked out to my car, got in, and left for the pool hall.      Walking in, the lights over the tables were already lit. There were people at the bar as well as the pool tables. I still hadn't seen Darius or Jeremy yet, but I did notice Jacob sitting at the bar, now staring at me. So I figure he had to have been watching the door for me. I hoped Dani being with me would discourage him from trying to talk to me, but that was soon dashed, as Jacob stood and started across the floor. I grabbed Dani's arm and headed for the pool tables, just as my glance came upon Daemien. So I chose the lesser of the two evils at this point. I didn't exactly relish dealing with him either, but at least I know Jacob won't come near me when he's around. I was right, Jacob turned around and went to sit back at the bar.      Now that I take a good look at Daemien, I'm not sure I should have. As always he takes my breath away, with his bold cobalt blue eyes, Dark brown hair. His 6'4" frame clothed in a Black leather jacket over a white tee, black jeans with HOLY MOTHER OF GOD MUSCLES to fill them out. DAEMIEN POV     I'm at the pool hall at Darius' request, and he isn't even here yet. He told me six-thirty, and here it's almost seven. Where the hell is he, I thought. I was whipping this kid at a game of pool, and I needed a challenge, so he needed to hurry up. I glance at the door for like the tenth time in twenty minutes, I see Alexxia and Danielle come through the door. Then I watch as Lexxi's face shows panic. Looking where her eyes are aimed, I see Jacob. Much to my surprise, when I look back to Alexxia, she is dragging Dani behind her heading in my direction. Apparently, she doesn't want to talk to him yet, I gladly thought.      Dani laughed as they stepped up next to me. "I thought you were trying to stay away from dangerous men tonight Lex." I figure I wasn't supposed to hear it over the jukebox, but it stung when I hear it said that way by my sister.     "SHHHHH! Dani, don't be rude he's your brother. And anyway I know he won't let anything happen to me, because of Jacob, any more than Dare or Jer would." I heard Lex's reply.     "Thank you, for the vote of confidence." I said smiling.     "Well, I might be able to say a lot of other stuff, but you always did protect me to the best of your ability. At least from others." She spoke the last part barely loud enough for anyone to hear it. Until I didn't do a good enough job I thought.      "Whiskey Sour, please." I requested of Dani, as she offered to go get our drinks so I didn't have to go up there. And Dani took off toward the bar. After I looked at Daemien again, it hit me, maybe I sent the wrong person to the bar.      "So, tonight I'm your knight in shining.... well, leather, I guess?" I asked jokingly.     "At least until my brother gets here, Hero." Lex shot back, laughing.       It felt good to be able to joke with Alexxia. Huh, something I missed that I didn't know I did, I thought. It might just turn into a good night after all. I lost all concentration on the game of pool and lost, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I felt like I was in heaven just because she doesn't totally hate me.      Just as that crossed my mind Darius and Jeremy finally walk in. Seeing us all hovering around the pool table Jeremy walked over to us, and Darius went over by Dani to get their drinks, while she waited for ours yet.      "Hey, how you doing?" Jeremy inquired of Lexxi with his eyes glued to Jacob.      "I'm good, thanks to Daemien being here." Lex spat. She looked like she was killing him with her eyes.     "I know we were late, Darius' fault. He took forever getting ready." Jeremy declared with his arms in the air.     "UH HUH, and we are supposed to believe this why?" I speak up. "I am thinking you did this on purpose, just like Saturday. Or at least one of you did, figuring Jacob would be here. I am almost sure of it." To which Lex just looks at him in shock.     "A little cynical in your old age, Dae?" Jeremy inquired.     "Not at all, just a realist, and knowing how my brother thinks, I screwed up, he's trying to fix it." I affirm.     "Now fight nice boys." Darius says as he and Danielle carry our drinks to us. Alexxia downs hers completely and asks for another still keeping an eye on me, and Jacob in turn, I noticed.     "Oh, we are Dare, it is you who don't play fair." I declare. As I turn back to the pool table to rack up the next game. The kid I was playing with said we could have the table as he was done playing, keeping his eyes on Lexxi. Weird I thought. "Who is playing first?" I asked no one in particular.     "We'll let Lexxi whoop ya azz first." Dani articulated.     "Yeah, right. I taught her how to play remember." I scoffed. To which Dani and Lex both smirked.     "That's true, but good luck. Your gonna need it." Jeremy quipped at me.     "Let's see it then." I rallied. As Lex put on her glove then stepped up to the table with her stick, chalking the end. She broke and ran the table right out. I couldn't believe she had gotten so good. "Woah, nice job!" I exclaimed.     "Yeah, I guess so." Lex murmured.          
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