Wake Up Call

1276 Words
ALEXXIA POV     The next morning, I wake up with a muscular arm around me. Much more muscular than Jacob's, I roll thinking it might just be that my brother got in the wrong tent, again. When I see it's Daemien and he's staring at me, I was so startled I screamed. Asked him, "What the HELL Daemien?" As I clamber out of the tent as fast as I can and try to get as far away as possible, as Daemien follows me out.     "At least let me answer Lex," Daemien growled before adding, "I used Jacob's tent as he was in mine. I originally thought with you, but that was obviously not you."     "What do you mean with me? Do you mean another person? Or another female?" I asked angrily.     "UM, unfortunately, I mean another female." Daemien stated carefully.     "How do you know that if it was dark?" I asked with fear.     "They were... Uh...... busy..... when I thought I would go to bed." he answered hesitantly.     With that, I went to where Daemien's tent had always been put when he stayed here. Opening the flap, I could see two VERY naked people wrapped around each other. "Are you F**KING kidding me?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jacob's head popped up, and he looked around. Shock registered on his face as he realized the girl beside him was not Lex. "What the HELL?" He asked. "Why is she in here and not you, Lex?" "Why don't you tell me, your the one that's naked in a tent with another woman." I screeched at him. "I don't remember, baby." Jake replied. "Oh, how so convenient for you." I cried out. "I am done with you. Get off our land, NOW. BOTH OF YOU, BEFORE I BURN THIS TENT WITH YOU TWO IN IT!"!" I turned and headed for my bedroom, just to get out of there.  ****************** DAEMIEN'S POV     It felt fabulous to wake up beside Lexxi again. Yeah, I know, I should get up before she catches me here, but I just can't help myself. I can't seem to pull my eyes away from her let alone my arm. This is all I have thought about for four long years.     My hope was wrong as she rolled over and screamed. I was trying to explain, however, she wasn't listening. So I followed her out. The whole conversation felt wrong to be having with her.     I was wishing I didn't have to be the one to break her heart again. I answered her questions hesitantly. Then I walked away, to Darius' tent to wake him. We needed to go, NOW. "Dare, are you up?" I didn't get an answer, so I opened up the flap to the tent. What I saw, I wish I hadn't, It was Jeremy and Danielle wrapped around each other. I had to get home, I thought. I need to think through everything that I was feeling about Lex, these last few hours, a bike ride would be the perfect way to do that.     This is not how I wanted to start a friendship again, with any of them. I was also hoping Lexxi wouldn't find a way to blame me for this. I am sure this was a case of Twila trying to trap me, but Jacob sprung that trap first, I thought. I silently sent a thank you to god, as well as an apology to Lex.      Finding Darius in Danielle's tent, I woke him, trying not to wake Jazmin, to no avail. I tried to save her the embarrassment of me being there. To my shock she wasn't embarrassed, she just said, sitting up with a smile, "Good morning boys." Darius laughed at the look on my face, I must have been ten shades of red.      I didn't know what to think or do at this point so I just said, "Morning Jaz." and turned around walking toward the car. I crawled in, leaned back, and rested my head until Darius and Jazmin climbed into their seats.       When we got home, Jaz and Dare ran up to his room, as our parents were already up, and in the barn doing chores and they wouldn't be seen. I headed to the garage to get one of the bikes we fixed yesterday to take it for a test run and work through my thoughts. I took the trail out through the woods behind the house to the left of the pasture. The bike was working great, but my thoughts were distracting me.      How is Lexxi doing? Is she ok after this morning? Did I really have to be the one to break her heart again? Is that all I am good at? If all I'm going to do is cause her pain, why did I even come back here? Once again my thoughts were p*ssing me off. I opened the throttle up wide, bouncing over the roots on the ground. It was exhilarating to be letting it run all out, the breeze whipping around you, as the danger of not wearing a helmet became a rush, my mind thankfully went blank.       When I finally started to slow back down I noticed I was almost out of gas. I knew I wasn't going to have enough to get home on, damn I forgot to check the tank. Just my luck I thought, realizing I was closer to the Axel farm than I was to home. Pulling up outside I climbed off,  to see who I could find that might be able to take me home. Hoping I would run into Jeremy and not Alexxia, I headed to their barn and poked my head in the door.      I was surprised to see Alexxia was standing beside the office door, her eyes were all puffy but other than that there was no sign of what had happened this morning. Jeremy was just in front of her, It looked as if they were talking to their dad. From my point of view, I couldn't tell for sure though. I stood there and cleared my throat so they knew I was there. Alexxia was the first to turn around, with a shocked look she curtly asked, "What do you need Daemien?"     "I... uh... was looking for Jeremy, actually. I needed to ask him if it would be possible to take me home. I rode my bike and got too far from home and unfortunately, I don't have enough gas to get home." I replied sheepishly.     "He's a little busy at the moment, but I suppose, I could take you." Alexxia was exasperated.     "Thank you, I really am sorry, Lexxi." I said.      "Don't," Lexxi whispered barely hearable. "I don't want compassion or pity from you. What he did does not involve you. So just don't." I think she was hoping I didn't argue. Stronger she said, "Let's get you loaded, so I can get this done." With that, she pushed me out of the barn, and toward the truck. I loaded the bike and opened the door of the truck.     "You want me up here, or would you prefer I sit in the back?" I questioned, giving her a chance to not have to be around me. Less chance for me to end up hurting her too, I thought.     "I'm not that mean, get in already, for god's sakes." She replied.     She started the truck turned on the music, drowning any chance at talking, pulled out of the driveway. All before I even had time to buckle up. Other than the music it was a quiet ride, to say the least.      
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