
1299 Words
JEREMY POV     I worry about Lex, a lot. For three years I watched her suffer in silence with loneliness, and with Jacob cheating on her for the fourth year, I was afraid she would landslide backward when she found out. So I was surprised when my sister requested to take us with her to Los Angelos. In the three years she has been playing professionally she has never asked any of us to go. It makes me wonder if she has something up her sleeve. She's not normally sneaky, but it has happened before, I think to myself. I am excited to go though, I want her to include me in her life like she used to before the wreck. She has had a hard time including anyone, even Danielle, since the accident, and I'm glad she's finally showing signs of getting better mentally.     Daemien is the only one that hasn't said if he would go or not. The rest of us were setting it up as fast as we can. Once my plans are set with my dad, so he knew I was going with Lex, I step over to Daemien. "Are you going?" I questioned Daemien.     "I don't know, I have some things to take care of before I can say yes or no, and I can't do anything until tomorrow morning." came his reply.     I wondered if it was an excuse for him, or if he really did have things to work out. That's when I realized we really didn't know Dae as well as we used to. What did he do for a living? How did he afford the beautiful 2019 cobalt blue Camero he drives? Where did he live? Do I dare to ask him any of these questions? Will, he even bother to answer any questions I do ask? I wondered about a lot of things but didn't ask, yet.     I didn't ask because tonight my sister was happy and I didn't want a possibility of ruining that. For the simple fact that I love seeing the excitement in her face again, and it's been too long since she has looked that happy. I will move heaven and earth to see that look on her face more often I thought. This has been a long time coming. And if that means biting my tongue I will.     "When will you tell her if you are or not? You know she's gonna ask." I told him.     "I know. And I will tell her as soon as I know." Daemien stated.     "Just don't hurt her, bro. I know she still loves you, but like I told you the other day you need to rebuild that trust. It's not gonna be easy on you to do that." I said.     "Don't plan on hurting her if I can help it." He responded. I watch him walk away to talk to Alexxia, but my thoughts were dangerous. I swear if he hurts her again I will kick his azz. I hope it doesn’t go that way, but I’m not going to let him emotionally kill her again the way he did four years ago. ********************************** Alexxia POV     I watched everyone around me getting excited for the coming trip except for Daemien, he showed no emotion at all, which worried me. He stood talking to my brother by the fire, but when he turned he came walking straight for me. Oh no, here is the rejection I thought. Daemien stopped right in front of me, put his arm around my shoulders, and said, "I can't give you a definitive answer tonight, but I will after I make some calls I the morning. By the way, I know you said California, but where are we going?"     "OH, I thought you knew. We are headed out to L.A. for the nationals." I replied with a grin.     "Whoa nationals, nice job." Daemien praised.     I laughed out loud at that, then I said thank you and gave him a hug. That's when it seemed to get awkward between us like neither of us knew where to go from here. Thank god for Dani I thought as she walked up to discuss what to pack for the trip. "Well, you're gonna want at least one dress unless we go shopping for them, which we could. I know we'll be able to find something great, they have this gorgeous little boutique that has all sorts of vintage gowns, right up our alley."     "That sounds fabulous," Dani squealed. "I can't wait to get there."     "This is gonna be a blast." Jazmin screeches.     "Maybe we should head to bed. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow. We gotta leave here by noon to get to the airport by one for takeoff." I speak up to the rest of them, Noticing it's already midnight. I finish my drink and head to my tent, climbing in I wrap up in my blanket fluff my pillow, and that's where I lay. Sleep was being evasive, All I could do was lay there, and think about Daemien and the fact I had finally invited them all to come to L.A. with me, and I won't be lonely this time. The excitement from it was the only reason I was willing to admit to myself, trying to pull my thoughts back off of Daemien. Before I dozed off the tent flaps flip open, I'm expecting Dani, but in crawls Daemien. "What are you here for Dae? Don't you have your own tent?" I asked huffily.      "I did but it's occupied at the moment." Daemien stated with shock in his voice, "It's a little surprising but it's your brother and my sister."     "Oh my god, are you kidding me?" I questioned.     "It's not like I could make that up. especially after the freak out this morning." he replied.     Laughing I tell him, "Lay down and go to sleep then." And I lay down cover back up and try to go to sleep. Daemien lays beside me covering up with Dani's blanket.     Into the dark, he whispers, "I usually sleep with a pillow under my arm, and as much as I hate to ask... um, can I put my arm around you?"     "Are you serious? What would make you think that is something I'm willing to do? I don't know. Would it really help?" I say more to me than him. I didn't want him to know I'd sleep better that way too.     "Yeah, Lex, it really would." he told me skittishly. "I know it's not ideal, but we need to sleep, and I think you slept better that way the other night. At least it seemed like it to Danielle, I guess."     "What? Did she tell you that?" I inquired. Starting to see this plan in a new light, and wondering if Jeremy was right and they are working together to get Dae and me to talk to each other.     "Not in so many words no. She just implied it by mentioning that you look better rested than you have in a long while." he answered.     I lay there silently for a long while, just thinking. I know I'm going to regret this if I let him. It really shouldn't sound like such a good idea, but he's right I did sleep better, than I had in a long time, in his arms. I felt safe enough to do so, apparently. But I also don't wanna let my heart get caught up in him again. My mind went back and forth with it for a few minutes before I grudgingly said, "OK, but we are NOT making a habit of this." With that I get comfortable. It's not long and I feel him wrapping his arm around me, not long after that I am asleep.
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