Finding The Truth

1172 Words
 JEREMY POV     I crawled into my tent, behind Danielle, my nerves on high alert. I can't believe I agreed to this, drunk or not this seems totally out of character for us to choose to do this. I mean yeah, we have woke up together after bonfires, but usually only after we are twenty sheets to the wind and not really thinking about who is in the tent with us. At that point we just want to sleep, anywhere we can get it. This time, however, she had asked about it before we even started drinking so it had a possibility of pushing Lexxi and Daemien to talk to each other. And in that, I will be a very active party. However, it doesn't change the fact that the girl I love with every fiber of my being is choosing to sleep beside me.     Eventually, daylight streams through the tent, I didn't sleep at all. I reluctantly get up and get ready to do my farm work and get the rest of my stuff done, so I can go with the rest of them to watch Alexxia win the nationals. At least that's what I am hoping happens as she has worked so hard to get there, and I know she wants the world championship afterward.     After I get some work done for dad, I go back to the tents. I wake everyone up except Daemien, he was already awake. He was also the only one not complaining about how early it is, but he did offer to take us all out to breakfast. Once again, I find myself wondering what he did for a living. How is it he can afford to do the traveling and the car he owns? I decided I would find out.     I begged off of breakfast, using the excuse I had to help dad with the farm, and set up more help for him before I could leave. Alexxia was looking at me like she didn't believe me, but didn't say anything. Once they were gone, I told dad, after a ten-minute argument of me trying to help, I was packing and getting ready to go, . I knew he would refuse to have my help. Sometimes he was just as stubborn as a mule. So I left the barn and headed into the house.       Getting into my room, I turned on my computer trying to find some answers about Daemien. I couldn't find anything. It's like he just vanished after he left here four years ago. There is nothing, even paying to get into the sites that tell all about people's lives. Their information ends four years ago as well, some of them even post possibly dead.  I am completely at a loss as to what to do now. Do I trust him, Is he even trustworthy? What has he been doing? Is it illegal? Is that why I can't find anything? My mind is in a whirl at this point. I pick up the phone and call one of my friends, who now is in the military. I thought, if I can't find it, maybe he can. I need to find out in case I need to protect my sister. All I can think is that this is all my fault. I was the one who brought him back into her life.  ALEXXIA POV     Jeremy woke us up just after 8:00 am. I have never been good with mornings, one of the reasons why I have the job I do. I am cranky this morning until I remember they are coming with me to nationals. Now, I'm excited. I can't wait to show them my world, I get changed quickly, and step out of the tent.     Daemien and Jeremy are waiting for the rest of us to come out of our tents. Once we are all out Daemien offers to take us out for breakfast. We pile into cars, I ride with Danielle, and Darius takes Daemien and Jazmin in his car. Only Jeremy said he's not going, he made a sad excuse of helping dad before we have to leave. I know it's an excuse, what I don't know is, why? My mind is turning this question over when Danielle catches my attention, snapping me back to reality. "What are you thinking so hard about?"     "Nothing major, just running some things through my mind." I say. "What I really wanna know is about you and my brother."     "There's nothing to tell, you know I love him. I have for a long time. I still think you're wrong though. I don't think he feels the same, or even likes me. I tried to test it last night, but dish out about your night with Daemien." She replied. "Not any s****l parts though, I don't wanna know my brother's s*x life."     "There's no s*x life to tell, at least not from me." I state. My mind going back to the conversation last night. Remembering his arm around me, made me feel like I did when I was in high school. Like we were laying in the back of the truck again. My mind starts running through my years, with him, after that thought, all the flashbacks up to the danger and pain. I quickly shake my head to clear it, before they play out, and bring myself back to the present.      We pulled into the agreed-upon diner. Dani and I are the first ones here, the boys shouldn't be far behind though. we decided to go in, get a table, and have coffee while we wait for them. Before they showed up, Twyla came in and walked over to us. I wanted to walk out, but Danielle wouldn't move so I could. I can't believe she has the guts to act like nothing happened. I had to ask her though, "What the f*ck do you want?"     "I want to apologize to you. I was too drunk to know what I was doing, and I wanted to be able to tell you that." she countered.     "Yeah, well that is nothing more than an excuse Twyla. I know it's not the first time." I bluff. Wanting to see if my thoughts were right. This made her speechless apparently.     "I... I...I..." Twyla stuttered. Almost as if she couldn't come up with a lie to tell me. That's when I knew I was right. They had been together before that night.      "I think you better go." Dani warned her. turning to look at my face.     I come up out of my chair, over the table to get to her. I was gonna beat her to a bloody pulp, especially now that I know it's true. Twyla was quick though, she ran out the door before I could get my hands on her. By the time I got out the door to catch her, she was in her truck and ripping out of the lot. Dani dragged me back inside, just as the boys and Jazmin pulled in.
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