Episode 4: Becoming An Omega

1316 Words
I couldn't move and I couldn't even eat. I just lay there in the cell while clutching my chest. When you get rejected by your mate, you will feel the ripping of your chest and the burning in your body. I am weak now and my wolf is gone. I tried to call Anastasia but she wouldn't answer. She disappeared again because of my mate. I don't know if I will be able to survive this, I just want to die and be banished from this cruel world. I saw one of the guards giving me a plate that was filled with food but I didn't eat it. I am shattered and broken, I have no appetite to eat. The days are moving fast and today will be my second task but I am planning to just die and kill myself in front of everyone. There's no hope now, even if I survive, I couldn't be with my mate and just the thought of it kills me. I sobbed inside the cell because this is my final decision and my wolf is not here anymore to decide with me. I heard the cell open and saw the beta walking inside. "It's time for your next task," He said coldly and yanked me up. I winced in pain and followed him again in the tunnel. I saw a lot of people gathered while waiting for me. They gasped at my state and I can't blame them, I look like a mess. I saw my mate sitting in front like nothing had happened. I felt a pang in my chest again as I stared at him. This will be the last time that I am going to see him. I hope he will be happy when I am finally gone. I saw one of the elders walking towards me. "Are you ready for your next task?" He asked me and I shook my head. I looked around and breathed heavily. "I won't continue the task anymore." I heard them gasping in shock and I glanced at my mate who is now staring at me with different kinds of emotions. "I am here to end my life," I said loudly and they whispered to each other as they glanced at me. I turned to see my mate and he had a shock emotion written on his face. The elders went to me. "Well then, we will not make this long." One of the elders said and handed me a very sharp glowing knife. I shakily grabbed the knife. "This will end your life quickly, you can choose who is going to kill you or you can do it yourself." The elder said. I glanced towards my mate as he sat there staring at me. I smiled weakly at him as I put the sharp knife on my neck. The pack was silent while looking at me. I pressed the knife into my neck and closed my eyes. Goodbye Anastasia, I will end our misery now. Before I could s***h my neck on the knife I heard the loudest growl I have ever heard. I jumped in shock and I opened my eyes to see my mate storming towards us. "She can't be killed," He said loudly to the elders and they looked at him confused. "Her mate is in the pack and there is a law that if a rogue finds her/his mate in the pack, she will be joined as an Omega." He explained to the elders and they glanced at each other. "May I ask who is her mate in this pack, Alpha?" One of the elders asked him. He was silent at first and then he said the word that broke me into pieces again. "Her mate is a pack warrior, David." He said and I saw a guy walking inside the ground and towards me. My mate just gave me to another guy, how can he do this to me? I want to yell at him for hurting me this way. The guy named David walked towards me and held my arms. I heard a growl from my mate but he composed himself. The elders glanced at us and then nodded. "Tomorrow will be the taking of an oath for you to be part of the pack as an Omega, you will serve the pack with loyalty." The elder said and I bowed my head and my knees became weak because of all the emotions that I felt before I fell to the ground, a hand was wrapped around my body and I saw David holding me with his arms. He carried me. "What are you doing?" I heard Orpheous' dark and menacing voice. David stopped and looked at him. "I am helping my MATE, Alpha." He bowed and I heard my mate sucked in his breath as David continued to carry me. We arrived at a very small cottage and he helped me lay in bed. My eyes were slowly closing and I was out like a light. ** I woke up with a pain in my body, I opened my eyes and I was all alone in a very small cottage. The room is very old and plain and there are a lot of cobwebs in it. Of course, this will be my room, I am an omega now, the pack's maid. I heard the door open and I saw a girl in her late twenties walking in. She's wearing a hoodie and jeans, she has brunette hair. "The Alpha wants you to get ready for the taking of an oath." She said, I nodded my head. "I'm Nina, by the way." She said and smiled. I smiled back. "I'm Briony," I said to her and she nodded her head. I can tell that she is also an Omega in this pack because of the mark on her hand that has an O in it. I will become an Omega today and it is all because of my mate. Nina helped me get dressed and I am now dressed in a white and simple dress. We went outside and to the forest where I followed her and my heart ached when I saw my mate talking to the pack. He is wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. I can see the outline of his muscles inside his shirt. It hurts that I can't even say that he's mine. He just doesn't want me. Orpheus glanced at me and eyed me up and down, I bowed my head and the ceremony began. Athena is silent and doesn't talk to me and she always avoids eye contact with me which I find odd. I think something has happened. I stared at my mate as he slashed the knife in my hand and I winced in pain. He slashed his arm and then put the blood on my blooded arm and our blood collided. "Full name," He stated darkly and I whimpered. "Briony Sanchez," I said. "I Alpha Orpheous Ebezener, announce you Briony Sanchez as an Omega in this pack." He said and the ceremony ended. "Come with me," I heard his dark voice calling me and I bowed my head and followed him. When we were finally alone, he looked at me with disgust which made my heart ache. "You will not say anything about you being my mate," He gritted his teeth and I nodded my head, brushing off the pain that I felt. He grabbed my arms tightly. "Are you mute? Answer me." He said angrily and I suppressed a sob. "Y-yes Alpha," I whimpered and he let go of my hand. "Now, come with me to the pack house and you will help clean there and serve the members of the pack." He said coldly and I nodded my head as a tear slipped on my face. "Y-yes Alpha," I whimpered.
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