Baking A Cake

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ANA'S POV : "Yellow or Orange shampoo?" I ask Phoebe while giving her a bath. "I want wed shampoo?" She replies while putting her index finger on her chin and tapping it. I chuckle at her reaction and press a kiss to her nose. I look around and do not find it there. "There is no more red shampoo." She starts stomping her feet and throws her usual fit. It reminds me of her father. It's hard to deal with both of them and they know it, yet I am rewarded with nothing. Oh poor me! "I want wed shampooooo." She starts crying and I rub my forehead. Soon Christian comes into the bathroom and sees Phoebe crying. He looks over to me and I pass him a sarcastic smile. He gives me a confused look and I roll my eyes at him. He kneels towards Phoebe and uses his thumb to wipe Phoebe's tears. He strokes Phoebe's hair." What happened princess?" "I want wed shampoo, it's not there." She looks through her lashes to Christian and soon give him puppy dog eyes. Holy s**t! I know Christian will not be able to resist the look. I am wishing that he denies her wish but Phoebe being her little princess, it's hard for him to say no. Scratch that I am praying here. Without wasting a second, a word comes out of his mouth which I don't wish to come. yes. I glare at Christian and he ignores my look. Phoebe starts to jump with joy and soon hug Christian's leg and he sets her on his hip while taking out his phone I am sure he is going to call or text Taylor to bring the shampoo but it's of no need. I don't want Phoebe spoiled because she is already up to a level but I don't want to increase it. In hurry, I take Christian's phone out of his grasp and he gave me 'what the f**k' look. I roll my eyes and a smirk appears on his face. "No need of bringing red shampoo when we have it here." He gives me a curious look while Phoebe looks happy. She wiggles in Christian's arms and soon he puts Phoebe down on the floor. "Where is it?" She asks while looking all around the bathroom. I roll my eyes again. Like father like daughter. None of them has an ounce of patience. I take a little bit of yellow shampoo and lots of orange shampoo and mix it well. The color comes out and it is almost red."How about this, babygirl?" I ask Phoebe while hoping for a big big yes. She inspects the color and at last gives me a nod and her smile. I start massaging her hair and Christian does the same, we both share a smile and his eyes turns a shade darker filled with lust and soon enough I see that my cleavage is on show. I turn around and button up the buttons of my shirt while I hear a dark chuckle and I know that belongs to my lovely boyfriend. "I love you mommy and daddy." I hear while lost in my thoughts. I look over my baby girl and pass her a smile and see that Christian is giving her his shy smile. "We love you too." We both gaze over Phoebe and our eyes connect. I know this look well. Soon, Phoebe is smothered with kisses which causes her giggles to erupt. We look over at each other and notice that we both have a bit of foam and laugh at each other faces. I take Christian's phone and start taking pictures. I take some selfies too and capture the lovely moment. We have tucked Phoebe in the bed and I see that Christian is in the kitchen. What? Christian f*****g Grey is in the kitchen. Holy Cow! I run towards the kitchen and take my phone to record the epic moment. I start the video and keep my phone at a side so not to disturb my lovely boyfriend. "What are you doing Christian?" I ask him while looking at the mess in the kitchen. "I am making a chocolate cake for my princess's birthday." He told me like he was a professional baker but the reality is that he did not know even a single thing about baking. This thought sends me into a fits of laughter. Christian stares at me while I point my hand at the mess in the kitchen, he looks over the kitchen and goes on doing his work as if nothing ever happened. I think he too understood that baking is not his cup of tea. This sends me into another fir of laughter. I hold my stomach and tears appear in my eyes. I try to remember the last time I laughed like this but my mind gives me a blank answer. I decide not to dwell on vile thoughts and try to divert my mind. "You should have simply ordered it. Why are you making it?" I ask while leaning on his back. "I'm the father of Phoebe not some f*****g i***t baker and it's my job to make cake for my princess. I'm best at my job, you do know that don't you?" He asks me while raising a brow. He cups my face in his palms. "I have ordered another cake for tomorrow but this one is for today, for my daughter. I want her to enjoy it with her mom and dad, her family. I was not there for her other birthdays and I want to make it up for it. I want her to know that her daddy loves her the most and cares deeply for her, that he can even bake a cake if needed." His words leave me in tears. He kisses my tears and engulfs me in his arms while I sob. He runs his hand on my back soothingly and soon enough my sobs turns into sniffles. I look at him and see adoration and love in his eyes. He strokes my hair and tuck one of the locks behind my ear. Soon his lips found mine and we are lost in each other. We pull apart after some time. "For your information my sexy minx, your lips are soft when you cry and you look beautiful while crying too." I blush at his comment and hide my face in his chest while he chuckles at my actions. He starts to whisk the cream while I admire his features, the way his biceps dangles, his sharp concentrating sight, his sweating forehead. He is so handsome and all mine. I love that I did not turn like one of his submissives. An idea comes to my mind and I decide to disturb him while making the cake. I hug him from behind but I get no response. So I use the gap between him and the kitchen counter and go into his arms. Still he is concentrating on his cake. Damn cake. It frustrates me like hell that my boyfriend can ignore me in my damn presence. I am not going to accept my defeat, I will try again and I know that I will win for sure. With a strong determination in my mind I close my eyes while taking a deep breath. I inch closer to him and slowly trace my hands over his abs, he is whipping cream without looking at me but his sweat increased in spite of the air conditioner. Yeah, I am affecting him. I enjoy my small victory and continue my work. Using the cloth, I wipe off the sweat from his forehead. "Ana, why are you f*****g disturbing me? Can't you see that I am doing a very important job here?" He say feeling discouraged. "Dear boyfriend, when did I disturb you. I am doing my work and you are doing yours, so what's the problem?" I tease him while feigning innocence, he huff and complete the batter. "Christian" I moan out while biting my lip, he looks at me but goes back on his work. After a while, he put the cake in the oven and turn towards me and I give him a sheepish smile. He puts me on the counter and circle his hands around my waist. "You know how hard it was to control myself to not f*****g take you right here. I f*****g couldn't control myself for the past half an hour and I am going to make you pay for it baby." With that he captures my lips. His lips feel like heaven and I kiss him back while grabbing his neck, I kiss him so roughly with every passionate feeling that I have in me. He starts to rub his hand all over my body as if exploring me. I feel his hands on my thighs, I pull him closer to me and I feel his thing poking my s*x, my hand lifts from his neck to his hair. I tilt my head and he starts placing soft and tender kisses on my neck. ELLIOT'S POV : Tomorrow is my peanut's birthday. I am so f*****g excited about the event. I have brought a few gifts, I just hope that she likes them. Even Katie helped me in getting some gifts. She is also interested in meeting Phoebe. I am f*****g sure the second she meets her she will love her. My peanut has a personality of wooing a person. She can melt a cold heart too. Kate is going to apologize to Ana. She understood her mistake and wants to befriend Ana again. Everything is going well which makes me feel happy. Christian is giving an awesome birthday party, it's like the whole Seattle is coming. It is like my brother is truly proving his statement 'my daughter is my princess.' I am going to surprise Phoebe and wish her birthday tonight. I am going to give Ana and my brother a surprise visit. I am intruiged to see what's happening in thier life. Giedon Cross is going to come tomorrow too. I have so much competition - Giedon, Luke, Jason and Alex. I want to be the best uncle not anyone of them. Phoebe should love my gift the most. I want to make sure that happens. My gift is a collection of her in those three years but I'm in a bit uncertainty as Mellisa and Alex always come with innovative ideas. The best gift is from Phoebe's mom. Ana truly knows what to give her and when. I am curious to know about Christian's gift too as he has no idea about children. He hated children before he met Phoebe but he's bareable right now though he is an ass. Nothing is gonna change that. I chuckle at my thought. I pile up in the elevator and realize that I don't know the code. Fucking s**t! "I got this." I chuckle at myself as I am the only one who is in the lift. I start to tap numbers in the pad but don't get the result. After my third attempt the elevator starts to move. I see that the code is shifted to Phoebe's birthday. I am going to talk to Taylor about the codes though. As I walk into the penthouse I hear a manly moan and I know that it belongs to Christian f*****g Grey. I walk in the living room and the scene in the kitchen is quite visible, my brother and my little sis are having junglee s*x. "I am not interested in f*****g porn." I speak while taking a seat on the breakfast bar. Ana and Christian come out of the kitchen, Ana has a blush on her face whereas Christian greets me with his usual scowl which means 'what the fuck.' Doesn't this man know how to smile, I forgot that's limited for Ana and Phoebe. Christian sits on sofa and Ana is on his lap. "So you two are f*****g like there is no tomorrow?" I laugh at my own joke. In response, Ana hides her face in crook of Christian's neck whereas he frowns at me but his lips tugs a bit. Oh! Trying to hide a smile from me brother, there is no need of it. You do have the right to smile. Suddenly I hear an alarm going off and I stop laughing. "What's that?" Ana ask panicked. "I am not sure, I think it's coming from the kitchen. f**k!" Christian speaks in a tense tone. "The cake" Ana mumbles in realization and head palm herself. We all rush towards the kitchen and start coughing, Swayer and Taylor enters the kitchen with a look of confusion. Ana takes out the cake from the oven and it appears to be fully burnt. Well done, baby bro. Taylor uses the mini extinguisher from the kitchen and start using it as the room is filled with white foam. "I am sorry Christian. I know you wanted to cut this cake with Phoebe. I could see the spark in your eyes while you were telling me about it." Ana says with teary eyes. "No problem, baby. I should know that I cannot bake a cake for my own daughter. Actually I knew that but wanted to give a try and see the result now. I mess up every time, don't I?" Christian speaks with distraught. Ana cups his face and slowly kiss Christian. I move out of the kitchen to give them some privacy. I clench my fist as I am seething with anger. I don't know what I will do next. I take deep breaths and try to calm down myself. Christian is on the edge and I understand that the talk is not about the cake. I wish I could help you brother. Hearing Christian word's make me want to kill Elena Lincoln right now. I can kill her easily and hide her in one of my construction sites and no one would know about it. I think the idea is not bad. Let's talk to Swayer once. He might be interested too. Ana and Christian come out of the kitchen, Ana passes me a gloomy smile whereas Christian has his CEO face. I don't like this face, I know for sure. He should not hide his feelings from him. I am his family. I am sure that one day he will not hide from me. One day. "What is the time, Elliot?" Ana asks me while stroking Christian's hand. I check my watch and see that it's 11.30 pm. Fuck! How can we f*****g make a cake in thirty minutes? "We will think of something, dear." Mrs. Jones speaks and I smile at her. I did not notice that she was here too. She is an awesome lady and feeds me whenever I come and her Mac and cheese is amazing. "Did I say that aloud?" Everyone nods at me. We all occupy the sofa, Taylor and Swayer sit on the breakfast bar and think of solution to our problem. We all are on a mission 'Bake cake in time to make Phoebe happy.' "We can make biscuit cake like we did for Mia's birthday." " That's an awesome idea Mr. Grey." Mrs. Jones appreciate Christian. "I know that my brother has a brain." Everyone starts laughing at my comment. What it is the truth? I know that he is a billionaire for a reason. At last he did put his CEO mind in to use. There is always a reason behind everything. I rarely use my mind as Christian does my part too. I am a lucky fucker and I know that. Christian shrugs his shoulder at Mrs. Jones's comments. Never the one to take credit. Ana slowly bring her lips close to Christian and start kissing him. The kiss soon turns from gentle to a passionate one and Taylor fake coughs to break the awkwardness. "Stop with the pda. I am telling you that no here is interested in seeing you eat each other's face." My words lighten the mode in the room. Ah, it's one of my tricks. Christian gives me his usual scowl and I know that everything is all right. I hear Christian mumble 'duly noted, fucker.' I pass him a sexy smile and he cringes. Ana and Swayer starts laughing and I see that Taylor and Mrs. Jones are trying hard to not laugh. Soon, they both start laughing but all stops when Christian throws a glare at us. We all try to stop but start laughing again, Ana falls on the floor and there are tears coming from her eyes. "I am going to bake the cake. Does any one wants to have Mac and cheese?" Mrs. Jones ask us. Oh! How kind of her. I am always ready for free food. "I will have some." I tell her while giving her a dashing smile while Christian throws a glare at me. "Me too." Ana speaks in a timid voice, Christian smile at her. What the f**k? This is discrimination, when I want food I am given it with a glare but when Ana wants food she is passed a lovely smile. Oh! Somebody come and save me. "There is no need of it. It's not your work hour Mrs. Jones." Christian responds. Whoa! I dint see that coming. "No problem, Mr. Grey. I am doing it for Phoebe, she is like a daughter to me." Christian gives her a nod and she scurries off to kitchen. Mrs. Jones is so kind and thoughtful, I wish I had such a cook. I would pay her twice if she would work for me but I know that's not possible. "I will help her too."Taylor speaks in a stiff voice and move to the kitchen. CHRISTIAN'S POV: "My daughter's birthday is going to be the best and she is gonna fell like an angel fallen from heaven like she is. It's going to be the best party of Seattle. I will invite everyone including political personalities, actors, media and everyone. I'm going to show everyone my daughter to everyone, my princess is my everything." A smile appears on my face while I tell Ana about tomorrow's plan. "So I am nothing to you, I see." Ana teases me while faking a pout. She looks so f*****g cute. "You are my Ana. You and I are same, we have our Phoebe. I don't want to separate you from me even for a second's sake." I tell her sincerely. I cup her face and connects our lips together. It is a soft, warm kiss that tells us that no matter what we are together. We are one. We are one soul in two bodies. "Enough is enough. I am seriously not interested in seeing you two kiss. Let a person eat his food in peace." Ana hides her face in my chest and I coo at her but I am bit frustrated too as f*****g Elliot is not letting me have my quality time with my Ana.
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