Ethan Is Back

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ANDREA'S POV : Today is a thrilling day. I got to meet Mr. Grey's daughter. I think her name is Phoebe. She is so cute, you can fall in love with her at one look. She is going to have a lot of male attention which is not gonna be liked by Mr. Grey. Which father wants her daughter to attract boys? Mr. Grey goes into over protective mode whenever the matter is related to his close ones. Soon enough, I see Mr. Grey's daughter running out of his office. She is giggling and constantly looking back at the door as of wishing for a miracle to happen. So adorable. How beautiful she looks in her dress? Her brunette hair is wavy and a bit curled up falling till her back. She has grey eyes and pouty lips like Mr. Grey. She has a button nose which makes you coo at her. I was attracted to Mr. Grey when I started working here but soon enough realized that it's of no use. He never laid his eyes on me. One day I heard Mr. Grey talking to Ross that it is his golden rule to never f**k the staff and he does not like the blonds and that's the reason that he hired blonds mostly. I knew that he was not gay but I don't believe in gossips. Mr. Grey's daughter comes toward me. I pass her a smile. She gives me one of her shy smile. "What is your name?" She asks curiously while tilting her head. "Andrea and what yours?" I reply while looking at my drawer. I notice that Mr. Grey's daughter is examining my desk. "HI! My name is Phoebe." She says while putting her right hand out for a handshake. I put my left hand in her small hand and complete the gesture. I take a glance at my watch and realize that it's past nine o clock. "Olivia serve Mr. Grey with a cup of coffee. Black, no sugar. Please do not make a mistake." I state in a cold voice. She gives me a nasty look and starts to walk towards the coffee maker machine. "Pig" I hear Phoebe speaking while pointing her finger at Olivia. I try to control my laugh but that goes in vain. Olivia face's is fifty shades of red. She clenched her fist and shot daggers at Phoebe. In return, Phoebe rolls her eyes and I laugh at her amused expression. I pull Phoebe close to me while glaring at her. "Youw face look like a pig. I am wight." Phoebe whisper while looking at me. I pass her a small nod and give her a chocolate. She gives me a heart melting smile. "Thank you" She hugs me and I chuckle at her. She is so cute. I wish I too have a daughter and I want her just like Phoebe. "Have you heawd of the song On The Floow?"Phoebe asks me in a cheerful tone. I think for a bit and remember that it was the song going in the club. I blush as I remember the hot guy which danced with me in the club. We did exchange our numbers. I am pulled out of my thoughts when Phoebe takes my hand and starts showing me dance steps on the song On The Floor. Wow! She is an awesome dancer. She dances with grace and it looks like she is lost in her own world. I tap the table to give her background music. I did not had an idea what happened next. Olivia was walking towards Mr. Grey's room with the coffee but she tripped and coffee was all over Phoebe. It covered her dress and shoes. Olivia smirks at Phoebe with a satisfying smile on her face and I realize that she did trip intentionally. I look over Phoebe and her face is like she might cry at instant. Her eyes are tearing up and becoming watery. CHRISTIAN'S POV : And before I can say another word, I hear Phoebe begin to wail. I am out of my chair in record time and darts out of my office as I run after her. Phoebe is crying on the floor crying while Andrea tries to comfort her. "Andrea what the hell happened!" I shouts and Andrea looks like she is near tears. I rush towards Phoebe and I notice that coffee is spread all over her. She notices me and run towards me. She wraps her arms in my neck and starts crying. I rub her back and whisper sweet words in her ear. I glare at Andrea and Olivia who are looking pale but I don't care. What matters the most is Phoebe. I make Phoebe sit in my lap and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Shh, it's all right princess. I'm here now..." I mumble sweet words in her brunette locks softly. By now, her sobs has quietened down into sniffles. "What happened princess?" I ask while she keeps on sniffling and clinging on me. "Da-Daddy pi-pig coffee." She mumbles and starts crying. I try to calm her but all in vain. "Haha daddy put me down. I'm gonna fall." Phoebe giggles while slung her over my shoulder roaming around. What makes you think I will let you fall princess. Never daddy is gonna take care of you. I'm not gonna be like the crack w***e. I gulp while walking and an emotion flashes in my eyes. "I'd never let let you fall princess and even if I do I will always be there to catch you!" I remark while an idea comes to my mind. I fake drop and catch her, I repeat the process. Phoebe laughs and clings onto me and return my embrace with a big and lovely hug. I set Phoebe on my hip and take her in my office. I make her sit on my chair. "Princess daddy is goona come back soon, okay." She nods at me and I give her my phone to keep her busy. She gives me a smile that does not reach her eyes. My heart clench at the sight. I go to the reception and examine that hands of Andrea and Olivia are shaking in fear. It feels right. I glance at Andrea and Olivia. "Start to speak or else you both will find your way out of my building." I bark at both of them in my CEO no nonsense voice. My voice is cold and harsh. I see fear on both of their faces which makes me feel better. It reminds me that I am in control. Andrea comes forward and tries to keep a poker face." S-sir Olivia threw coffee at Miss. Phoebe because she called her a pig." She stutter while fiddling with her hand and does not maintain an eye contact. Olivia starts to speak but I shut her mouth with my glare. "WHAT THE f**k?!" I yell at Olivia and close my eyes to count. One, two, three... Ten. f*****g Flynn should give me better ways to keep my anger away because I wish to break the whole office. No f*****g effect. I open my eyes and shoot daggers to Olivia who is holding the f*****g cup of coffee. She is crying but I don't f*****g care of her crocodile tears. Just look at her, all buttons of her shirt is open showing her cleavage and her skirt is too short. Does she comes to office for work or f**k? Obviously, for f**k! I start pacing the floor. "What made you f*****g do that, huh? She is a small girl and she can f*****g say anything, do you know why?" I move close towards her and her eyes widen in shock and I hear her gasp. "I f*****g own this building and she is my f*****g daughter." She starts to shake and soon the mug falls from her hands and we hear a huge cracking sound. I start to move towards my office while I glance back. "YOU ARE f*****g FIRED, OLIVIA. LEAVE. NOW." I turn around and go in to my office. ANA'S POV : I am going to surprise Christian and Phoebe while visiting his office. Since, I don't have any other meeting today I'm thinking of spending the day with Phoebe. I have planned Phoebe's birthday and we are going to celebrate it in New York with all of her friends. I am sure that my daughter will be excited to see all her friends and Gideon. This time I am running out of ideas so I text Mia and Jessica. I am sure they both will make Phoebe's birthday party awesome in the lift. Hey I need ideas for Phoebe's birthday party. We need to decide the gift too or else Ms. Drama Company will be angry and nobody wants that right. I reach Christian's floor and hear someone humming the song. Soon I realize that it's the voice of Phoebe. She sings this song whenever she is sad. I start to move towards Christian's office when one of his blondes come in my way. I roll my eyes at her. You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky With you, I'm alive Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide So stop time right here in the moonlight 'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you, I've got no hand to hold Without you, I feel torn Like a sail in a storm Without you, I'm just a sad song I'm just a sad song With you, I fall It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall With you, I'm a beautiful mess It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge So stop time right here in the moonlight 'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes Without you, I feel broke Like I'm half of a whole Without you,... Holy Cow! "Ma'am you cannot enter Mr. Grey's office without an appointment." She has the guts to stop me but I know that she is doing her job. I do not lose my calm at her. "Please call Mr. Grey and tell that Ms. Steele is there to see him." "Yes ma'am" She nods and moves to her desk while I look around his floor and see that nothing has changed. Everything is in white, it reminds me of my visit to dentist when I was small. I giggle at the memory. Soon, I see Christian and Phoebe coming out of my office. The moment Phoebe notices me, she runs and hug my legs. I pick her up and she that her eyes are a bit red. Did she cry? Why? I feel my temper rising and I look at Christian but he passes me a smile which I am sure is not a genuine one. "What happened babygirl?" I ask while patting her hair. She smiles and stick her tounge out at me. She glance at Christian and he winks at her and she does the same. "Phoebe and daddy's secwet." She speaks while putting her index finger on her lips and I roll my eyes at her. I look towards Christian and see his twitching palm which brings many memories back to me. Oh! Mr. Grey you cannot spank me until I give you my consent. I would love to see your twitchy palm though. "When did you join daddy's side. I thought you were with me." I start tickling her and she starts doing the same. Soon enough we both are laughing and tickling each other. CHRISTIAN'S POV : We decide to head home and call it a day since it's six o clock. I grab Phoebe's hand and we head out. I open the door and let Ana out before me. Right then, I hear a loud scream and on instinct, step in front of Ana and Phoebe. Even Ana seems scared because she has a firm grip on my bicep. Phoebe comes into my arms and hid her face in the crook of my neck. I calm her by rubbing her back. I notice a very pale and shocked looking Ross. Her f*****g hands are shaking! SHAKING! What the f**k? "What the f**k, Ross?!" I scream. Andrea visibly blanch. "Oh my GAWD!" Ross says god in an over exaggerated manner. "Am I seeing the ANA STEELE standing in front of me. I'm such a big fan of yours. I loved your work and the way you supported the LGBT community. My wife and I went on your concert in Paris, and we instantly fell in love with you. You are a one of a kind performer our world has. I love you sooooo much." She babbles and I roll my eyes. I don't want Ana to see me because I am the only one who asks her to not roll her eyes. The irony is not lost on me. I did not knew that Ana did modeling. I look over Ana and she gives me a sheepish smile. What all I have missed in these three years could anyone give me a list because I'm f*****g shocked of the reactions and news I hear now and then! She turns around to where Taylor, Sawyer, Andrea, and Alice are standing and starts f*****g talking again. "I mean, imagine our boss dancing in 5 inch heels while delivering a mind blowing sexy modeling performance. Not possible. Right?" WHAT THE ACTUAL f**k?! Ana did modeling that too in a sexy dress. My jaw clenches and I tighten the hold on my fist. She asks everyone present. "But, THE Anastasia Rose Steele CAN DO IT!" She exclaims. Sawyer hides his laugh with a cough whereas I looks murderous. Phoebe starts to laugh and sticks her tongue to Taylor. Soon, she and Ross share a high five. Now, many of my employs have started gathering around the foyer and are watching the show. Ana is amused since I see a hint of a smile gracing her rosy, plump lips. I have the sudden urge to kiss her, but I cant. I wish things could have been better and I could have kissed her but it's not possible. You have to pay for your mistakes, I know but the truth is I don't want to. Ross comes to give Ana a hug while Phoebe comes in between. "She is my mom and nobody can touch her except me and daddy." I am amazed at seeing my daughter's possessiveness. I knew that she isy daughter but never had an idea that she will inherit my qualities too. A breathtaking grin appears on my face. Ana scolds Phoebe while she looks for me to help and I give her my panty dropping smile. Ana rolls her eyes at me. Ms. Steele I would love to spank you and my twitchy palm is missing the feel of your cheeks too. I know that once I get green light I am going to spank her. I am good at mathematics and I am keeping a track of the number of times she roll her eyes at me. "I am sorry Ross, but I do think you know where she gains her possessive quality from?" Ana says while feigning innocence. That look of innocence does not suit on your face Ms. Steele. "Yeah I know, I have to deal with it everyday." "You do know that I am the boss and can fire you, right." I interrupt in between while Ana was starting to speak. Ana swats my chest playfully and I smile at her. We are lost in each other's eyes and forget that we are standing in my office but our moment is interrupted. Ross clears her throat and I glare at her. I nod in consent and grab Phoebe and Ana's hand, leading them to the elevator. "Wait." Ana tells me. I stop and watch her walk back to Ross to give her a hug. "It was nice meeting you, Ross." She ends it by kissing Ross on the cheek. She's mine! Why is she kissing Ross?I know that we are not on that basis in the relationship but she should remember that she belongs to me and only me. I look closely and observe Ross's face. Her eyes are closed and her hand is covering the cheek that Ana kissed. Her mouth is open like a fish out of water. The irony is not lost on me. The moment is interrupted when Phoebe decides to laugh and I coo at her because I love to see my daughter smiling. Since she is smiling a mall smile appears on my face too. Oh what could a child do to me. "Bye." Ana says and drags me out. I know i'm sulking, but I don't care right now. The elevator doors close, but I don't look in Ana's direction. She comes and stands in front of me and whispers is my ear."Are you jealous of a woman, Mr. Grey?" She asks while biting my earlobe. She knows it makes me horny but she doesn't care. Naught little minx. My naughty little minx. "No, of course not." I remark sarcastically. MIA'S POV : I check my phone and notice that there is a message from Ana. Hey I need ideas for Phoebe's birthday party. We need to decide the gift too or else Ms. Drama Company will be angry and nobody wants that right. I laugh at the nickname given by Ana. Drama Company. Yes she is drama company, my drama company. She can cry in an instant and laugh at the other. Oh s**t! I clearly forgot about Phoebe's birthday. If I don't start the preparations of my niece's birthday I'm sure that she will kill me. She knows that I cannot stand her pouty face for a second. It makes you do anything to see a smile on her face. Anything means anything. She knows that it's my weakness and uses against me. "Aah! I need to start the birthday preparations. Oh God! Time is not left I don't wanna die. Please save me someone. I have not even thought of the theme yet." I jump in excitement and notice that mom and dad are looking at me like I am crazy. Was I a bit of too dramatic? "What happened Mia?!" Mom asks me while cutting the veggies. "Your grand daughter's birthday is on 19 Jan and she is going to kill me if I do not have the gift for her. She will not talk me for days. s**t! I need to plan something. I don't want to die. I am not even married yet." I speak while keeping a hand on my chest. Mom chuckles at me while dad goes back to watching television. "We will decide together." Mom says and hands me the hot chocolate that I love the most. I pass her my dazzling smile and engulf her in my famous hug. We both take a seat on the couch. "What about a tee-shirt which has threenager written on it?" It's a cool idea and I am sure Phoebe will like it. I check online and found some amazing tee-shirt and order for Phoebe. I look towards dad and see that he scrunched his nose. "That's a common idea give her something nice." "If that's the matter why do t you suggest something." Mom sass back at dad. I bite my lip to control my laughter whereas dad goes back to watching the match. "Okay mom, we need more ideas as I want her to have an awesome and special gift." "Sure." We both start thinking of something cool and creative gifts. I try to think but my mind remain blank. Ugh. I hate when it happens. "Why not you give her a hand painted votive?" I hear Dad's suggestion. I like the idea as it is unique. I go and hug dad. "It's an awesome idea dad." He smiles at me. Soon I hear my phone ringing, I go and pick it up. "Hi, Mia. Remember Me?" A shiver runs through my spine. I know this voice. It belongs to the man who gave me nightmares and panic attacks. Ethan. Ethan f*****g Kavanagha.
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