Whose Gift Is Better?

2189 Words
CHRISTIAN'S POV : The cake is ready and is decorated with chocolate sprinklers and chocolate chips on it. Mrs. Jones is holding the cake and we enter the guest room where Phoebe is sleeping peacefully. She is snoring with her mouth a bit open. How adorable she looks?! I don't know how I and Ana made such an adorable and perfect baby. I mean look at me I am broken and not even attractive. Okay maybe a bit but Ana is beautiful, sexy, smart and so good. She is the most caring person I have ever seen. If I am being honest, I do not deserve Phoebe or Ana but I am selfish man and I am never letting them leave me. They are the hope in my life. I have missed so much and I am not going to leave them alone for even a single moment. Ana and I sit on either side of the bed and the rest form a circle around the bed. I have a big surprise for Phoebe. I just hope that she likes it. I look over the cake and see that Mrs. Jones has written happy birthday with whipped cream. Ana takes Phoebe's head in her lap and soon start shaking her. She does not budge even a little bit and sleeps like everything is all right in the world which makes me chuckle. After a while, her eyelashes flutter and she opens her eyes. She smiles at Ana, in return Ana kisses her forehead. They both look like angels, yes they are my angels and I love them more than anything in this whole universe. Phoebe's eyes moves all around the room as if searching for something, she spots me, smile and crawl towards me. "Daddy kiss." I engulf her in a hug and kiss her cheek. I have never felt such love. It is that she is so dependent on me and it makes her more lovable. I thought that I can never love children and I was adamant that I won't have any but my Ana change it. She brings out the best in me. I don't know if the w***e ever had this unconditional love for me. "Happy birthday, princess." She looks at me and her jaw drops, her eyes become as big as saucers, I am afraid that she might hurt herself. She starts jumping on the bed and squeals in joy. Mia takes her phone and starts recording my princess's innocent actions. We can all hear her chant 'My biwthday is here, I am goona get many gifts. Yey! Daddy is with me on my biwthday.' The last statement makes me feel a bit emotional and I pass her a crooked smile.I try to keep on my emotionless face but tears dwell up in my eyes, I cover it with my CEO face. I smile at my daughter and light up the candle in order to distract everyone. Ana keeps her hand on my hand and gives me a proud smile. She always know how to cheer me up. I smile at her and set the cake on the table, everyone starts to sing the happy birthday song. "Make a wish." Ana encourages Phoebe. Phoebe closes her eyes and a charming smile appears on her face. A blush covers her cheeks and soon she shows us her grey eyes. "Somebody is thinking about their love of life, I see?" Mia teases Phoebe and Phoebe answers with a slight nod and hides her face in Ana's neck. "My shy baby." Ana mumbles with a smile whirl everyone cooes at her. I do not understand that what does Mia mean about Phoebe's love. My daughter is so small and she is never going to be near any boy, I will make sure of it. All the boys are same, they want to get in girl's panties and break their hearts. They see girl as a toy and all boys are the same. My daughter is never going to marry and I will make sure of it. I don't care even if I have to lock Phoebe in a room. That is a better idea and it will save me from beating boys too. Ana, Phoebe and I together cut the cake and feed each other. In the end, all our faces are covered with chocolate and we laugh at each other. I engulf my family in a hug while Mia takes our picture. Phoebe make sure that everyone has a piece of cake. Elliot rubs Phoebe's cheek with his and chocolate is spread on his cheeks too. Mia takes Elliot's picture and passes me a smirk, I know she is going to blackmail him while my brother is busy with my daughter. I give her a thumbs up. "Someone thought that it would be nice to have a chocolate face mask." Ana speaks while giggling and I couldn't help but laugh with her while Phoebe give us a cheeky smile. "Mhmm...The cake is so tasty." Phoebe exclaims with happiness while licking her lips and closing her eyes as if devouring the taste. "Indeed it is princess." "It is gift time now." Elliot yells making Phoebe jump and soon she is out of the bed. My little monkey. I cover Phoebe's eyes making her yelp in surprise. "Daaady." She wines and you can see the annoyance present in it. "Phoeeebe." I mimic her and Ana roll her eyes. "Like father like daughter." I hear her mumble. "Shh...Let's look the surprise daddy has for you. Mommy said that her gift is the best but I think my princess will like my gift more. Won't she?" She giggles and I set her on my hip. We enter the room and I set Phoebe down. The room is vibrant and has neutral color painted in it. Gia Matteo has done good work though she is a b***h. I remember Elliot f****d her once or twice but that doesn't mean I would too. She is a typical slut more than Katherine Kavanagh. The room has a chandelier exported from France, only the best for my princess. The bed is of 90's style covered in baby pink mattress. The room has bright pink curtains and roses were scattered all around the room. There is a dollhouse and chairs around it for tea party and anything my princess wish to do. As soon I removed my hands from her eyes, Phoebe is dumbstruck. She is looking around and soon she squeals and jumps landing in my arms. I catch her in time and is greeted with one of her cheesy smiles. "Daddy, I love my birthday gift. You are the best, you know and this is the bestest birthday gift ever ." She showers me with kisses and in return I hug her small frame. I am so happy that my daughter loves my gift. I love to see her expression and how a faint smile lits up my whole world. "Wanna see the closet, princess?" I ask her and she nods while roaming all around the room. I set her on my hip and we enter the closet. It has a shade of dark pink and in between there is a sitting table with toys spread on it. Phoebe gets away from my arms and start to touch each and everything making a beeline for the dresses. I specifically asked Nina, Luke's girlfriend and Ana's stylist, what my daughter likes and brought some of her favorite collection from Paris. It also has a set of Disney princess too. "The room is perfect but you have not won yet . Let our daughter see my gift too, then we will decide the winner." Someone nudges my arm and I notice that it's Ana. I completely forgot that she is here too, I was a bit busy with Phoebe. I give full attention to Ana and it makes me realize that she is right. Fuck. What if Phoebe likes Ana's gift more than mine? I am worried but does not let my face reveal it. I keep on my poker face. "What if I win?" I tease Ana though it doesn't matter much as my princess loves my gift which is more than winning the competition and I am enjoying my life with my two angels. I am a lucky fucker and I know it. "If you win, you are the dominant or else I am and today is playroom time. Let's see who will be the dominant. I have made necessary arrangements as Phoebe is spending the night with Gideon and Eva. She will be back by tomorrow morning." Ana's voice send thrill to my ears and I feel the hair on back of my neck rise, her eyes have a dark shade. f**k, when did Ana learn to speak so seductively. My member is in full attention and is ready to latch and it's hard to control it. My thoughts are going to the playroom and what I am going to do with Ana, I will take her from the back, use the vibrator or I might tie her up with the grey tie and keep her at my mercy. ANA'S POV : Phoebe is holding my hand and Christian is beside us. I am really anxious that Phoebe might not like my gift. I knew that Christian was going to give amazing gifts to Phoebe but I underestimated him. Holy s**t. We come towards my gift which is covered with a pink blanket. Phoebe looks at me asking for permission and I give her a nod. Soon, she sprints and takes off the blanket to find that her gift is a piano. It is made of classic wood and is of vintage collection. She allows her hand to roam on the piano which gives a pleasant note. She sits on the chair and her fingers start to move with grace, not playing but carising the piano. It reminds me the way Christian plays the piano. These two share the same trait. Like father like daughter. I smile at the thought. What it would be to see both of them playing. I push Christian towards Phoebe and he understands my gesture. "Wanna play the piano with daddy, princess?" Christian asks our daughter and she nods enthusiastically making me chuckle. She is as eager as her father. Christian makes Phoebe sit on her lap and soon his hands are covering Phoebe's. They both close their eyes and take a deep breath. I switch on my phone and start making a video discreetly. It is such a wonderful moment to cherish. These two are the most important people in my life and seeing them happy makes me happy too. The beauty of the sound amazes me. It is so tempting and attracts me towards it. It is like they both are pouring their soul in the music. My daughter and boyfriend can do anything if they decide to do it. "So baby girl whose gift do you like more? Mine or daddy's?" I ask Phoebe while she is sitting on Christian's lap. He is roaming his hand through her dark curly hair while the other is on my waist. We all are cuddling and are enjoying the silence. She scrunches her nose and starts tapping her chin using her index finger. There is pin drop silence in the room except the pit pat sound Phoebe is making. This is the sign that my daughter is busy in her own world or is confused. Christian and I are desperately waiting for her decision, by looking in his eyes I can say that the s****l tension is thick in the room. Unaware of it, my daughter is making it difficult for her father to hold it as the bulge is quiet visible. I giggle while Christian glares at me, then passing me a smirk. Holy cow ! If he wins he is gonna punish me I am quite sure of it. The smirk sealed my thoughts and I gulp while he doesn't wipe the smirk of his face. Phoebe you have to support your mother you cannot let your father win. If he does it won't be easy on your mother. Baby girl, you have to show your daddy that mommy is right. Please. " Hmm. So the winner is..." The suspense is killing me and I know that my daughter is enjoying every essence of it. "Mommy can I have ice cream for breakfast tomorrow." Oh! So she wants to fulfill all her wishes by declaring the winner. I am not going to let that happen after all I am her mother not the opposite. "Princess just tell us the winner and I will get you hundred tubs of ice cream. Will that make my princess happy?" I glare at Christian while Phoebe's face lit up. He is going to hear a soundful from me and he knows it, still he doesn't care. Elliot is right he is an ass. "I love you daddy, you are the bestest. My favorite gift of this year is the....."
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