Phoebe's Reaction

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CHRISTIAN'S POV : I hear the voice of Elena. f**k. I did not want to face her right now. Phoebe is also here with Ana. s**t, she might harm my girls. I cannot let that happen. There is tension in the room. I have no idea how everyone is going to react. s**t, I hate feeling powerless. I do not know what to do. I run my hand through my hair. Elena looks at Ana and glares at here. She tries to look surprised and innocent. "What the f**k are you doing here, Arrabell? You have no self respect, what am I talking about you have no. You are a mousey little b***h. You are a f*****g w***e and nothing more, everyone knows that here. Who is your new trap? Is he as rich as Christian." I am f*****g livid. I want to beat the s**t out of Elena. Who the f**k she thinks she is. Phoebe gets up from her chair. Her hands are clenched as if she is stopping herself from killing someone. Phoebe's face is pure red out of anger. I have never seen her this angry. Damn, she takes temper from me. No doubt in that. She goes near Elena and points at her face. "There is soweting down your eye." She says in a polite manner. I though she was angry. I do not see anything on her plastic face. Elena touches the skin beneath her eye and frowns at her. "Bend me help." Phoebe speaks in no nonsense way. Elena crouches in front of Phoebe. I am shocked to see what happens next. Thud. My princess takes her hand and give it a nice slap on Elena's cheek. Phoebe must have given it bad as Elena stumbles and fall down. I f*****g want to laugh at her. "Do not badwowd my mommy and this one is for making me angwy." Phoebe holds Elena's face and gives her a death glare. We hear another thud and I know my princess has hit the evil once again. I ever wanted to this but was a coward. My princess is no such person. She is fearless and I love it about her. Phoebe points a finger at Elena. "Do. Not. Mess. With. Me." She says with fury. There is pindrop silence in the room. Nobody speaks and are looking at Elena and Phoebe. Phoebe turns and moves to come near Ana while Elena hits her back making her fall. I am seeing red. f*****g red. How dare she hurt my daughter? I know Elena well and her looks too. I quickly go and take Phoebe in my arms. Ana comes near me with Elliot and Mia. Elena is passing violent daggers to Phoebe. Wrong move. Nobody hurts my princess. Phoebe hides her face in my neck. Elena focuses her eyes on me and gives me a displeasing look. Is she f*****g mad? What makes her think I will punish my daughter for slapping her. "Who the hell is she Christian? Why are you picking her up? She needs to be punished." Elena speaks and comes near Phoebe while Ana stops her. What makes Elena think that I am going to let my daughter to be punished. "You are going to pay for this, Elena. How dare you touch my daughter? You know what you are a f*****g pedophile and everyone's knows about you that in here. I will make sure that your ass is thrown in jail. But I don't think orange is your color. Maybe, a nice black jumpsuit instead. You deserve to rot in hell for the things you've done to him." Ana growls out at Elena. "Mia take Phoebe in the room. I will join shortly. " Ana turns to Mia. I pass Phoebe to Mia. Mom looks at Phoebe and tells that she will take care of her. In this room Ana is there with Elliot, Carrick and me. Ana takes her phone and starts working on it. Has she lost her mind? In this current situation, she f*****g wants to play with her phone. Elliot holds Elena with his one hand, "Why did you do this to my brother? Answer me bitch." Elliot will kill her if nobody stops him. "No need of that Elliot, she is ruined. The salon's reputation has gone down and all b**m clubs have banned her." Ana speaks while looking out of her phone. I look at Elena and it looks as color has drained from her face. "No! You cannot do this." Elena yells at Ana. Ana seems not at all affected and smirks at Elena. Fuck! One thing is clear that never mess with Ana. This is so f*****g hot. I get a hard on and adjust my pants discreetly. I want to take Ana in my arms, show how much I love her. "How?" this comes from Carrick. Ana looks at him and gives him a glare. "Mr. Grey, it would be better if you keep your words with you. I do not want to listen to a person like you. It will earn me negative thoughts and I have no interest in keeping them, believe me." Ana speaks coldly and turns towards Elliot. "Leave her." Elliot listens to Ana and put Elena down. Ana passes a chair to Elena and motions her to sit. "So, Mrs. Lincoln, let me tell you how are you destroyed. I have connection in Hollywood. Liam Spark, Angelina Jolie. They are my friends and they gave your salons a bad rating, their fans listen to them. So, salons are down. Let's move to b**m clubs. Do you know Joffrey Pitt? The owner of a lot of b**m clubs and nobody crosses him. Your facial expression tells me that you know him well. Newsflash, he is my good friend. He has banned you from all the clubs and if you are ever found near one of them, I will reveal that you are a pedophile to the whole world. Even if you try out of Seattle in any b**m club it won't be possible. Gideon Knight has helped me with Mathew Kevin." How come Ana know all these people? How comes she knows people in b**m clubs. s**t, does she had s*x with him? f**k, I am losing myself. "Please do not do this, I will lose everything." Elena begs. Who would have ever thought that Elena would beg? Ironic. I laugh at her state. "It is done, Mrs. Lincoln. You should have thought before hurting my daughter. I am filing a lawsuit against you for hurting my daughter." Ana speaks in her CEO voice. Elena looks horrified. "What the f**k? She was the one to slap me first." Elena starts raising her voice. "Keep quite, Mrs. Lincoln." Ana turns to look at all of us. "Did anyone saw Phoebe hitting Elena?" We all nod our head in a no way. Elena looks at me with a pleading look. "You are lying." Elena states with fury. "What damage a three year old can do? If you believe so then you are in need of therapy." Ana states firmly. "Way to go sis." Elliot chuckles and hug Ana. "Oh what my employers say, do not f*****g mess with tiger lady." Ana speaks while passing him a smile. Everyone starts laughing in the room other than Elena. Upon seeing her, it looks like a f*****g train rush over her. "Christian protect me, you have to help me. Please" What the f**k? Is she living in a delusion. She might be. "No Elena, you hurt my daughter, I will not help you. You made me leave Ana and I was not with my girls all this time because of you. What makes you think I will f*****g help you. Because of you, I have missed enough and I am not going to waste a f*****g minute on you. I do not f*****g care even if you f*****g die. You know I believed that what you did with me was right. But I was wrong, today when I saw you hurting Phoebe the truth came in front of me. I love Ana and Phoebe, they are my family." I state and bang the table. Elena looks and shoots me a dominant look. I roll my eyes and ignore her. Or else I will murder her. " Do you belive that brat is your daughter? " Elena points a finger at Ana and continues" She has f*****g brain washed you. Love is for fools Christian." Elena looks at me and gives me a look that I am disappointed by you. I move close towards Elena and gives her a piece of mind." First of all, she is my daughter not a brat. Do. Not. f*****g. Repeat. It. Second, Ana will never lie to me and I do not want someone telling me whether she is my daughter or not." Elena turns her eyes to Carrick." You will protect me, Carrick as you are my lawyer." Does this woman has a f*****g death wish? Because I will happy to fulfill it. I run my hand through my hair. "No, I am not your lawyer and I am going to support my grand daughter." "No need of it, Mr. Grey. My lawyers are capable of it." Ana tells Carrick. Carrick looks confused. What makes him think that Ana would be happy with it. At my birthday, Carrick was the one who humiliated Ana the most. How can he think that she can leave everything behind and act like nothing has happened. "Why are you acting like this? I'm family…" Elena is cut by my dad. "No you are not. You are the one who abused my child and you expect me to help you. I can assure one thing Elena, no good lawyer is going to help you." Carrick says and sits back in his place. "For a lawyer who fights against abuse and a doctor who treats the abused you two sure have a way of turning a blind eye. Parents of the century if you ask me." Elena says smugly. How dare she talk about my parents in that way. Soon enough I see Grace coming out of the room. She holds Elena by her hand and speaks with a calm voice. f**k! I have never seen mom like this before. "How could you? I trusted you, you were my friend and you abused my son. Fifteen, he was fifteen! He was still a child. You manipulated him. Why? Your husband wasn't enough for you? How many boys have you gone after? He was messed before and you increased it. Elena you are out of my social group. If you dare to enter any of them, I will reveal your lifestyle to everyone." Wow! I never knew mom could speak to someone with so much hatred. " GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. "Grace speaks harshly and shoves her out of the house while Elena keeps shouting. "You are going to pay for this." Elena points a finger at Ana. "We will see." Ana says and starts going in my old bedroom where Phoebe is. s**t! I need to see my daughter. I follow Ana. I sit beside Ana. Phoebe is in her lap and hides her face in Ana's neck. I can hear sounds and I know that my princess is crying. "Princess are you all right?" I ask while looking all over her. Please let her be all right. I watch as tears starts spilling from her eyes. She starts to sob. Fuck! I see a big bruise on Phoebe's left knee with a bandage. "It huwts mommy, it huwts!'' She sobs really loud while touching it. It is heart breaking to watch her go through the pain. " Let's eat ice cream, nugget." Mia speaks and Phoebe stops crying immediately. Thank f**k for that. Phoebe nods her head and Mia goes to get ice-cream. Phoebe does not leave Ana's side. I just want her to give me her bright smile. Please princess. Ana keeps whispering in her ear." It's going to be all right. Shhhh." I cannot see more of this, I go out of the room and starts pacing. Grace comes towards me and I look at her. "Is she okay," I ask my mom. "She's fine," she assures me. "She just fell and skinned her knee a little and got a bruise. I cleaned it and put a band aid on it. It doesn't even hurt anymore." Grace tells me. "It hurts her, she just now told Ana." I say with panic. "Children want their parent's attention and she is small enough to understand it." I think and know that Grace is right. "Thank God," I sigh in relief. I calm myself and go in my old bedroom. I make my way over to the couch and pick Phoebe up. I tickle her under her chin and place her on my lap. Then I kiss Ana's cheek. Sitting in between them with my princess on my lap, my girlfriend on my left is perfect. "Daddy," her tiny voice comes. She's sniffling and I know she's still crying. "Hi princess." I answer her, trying to sound like my heart is not breaking in a million pieces for her. I take her in my lap and brush her hair. She hides her face in my chest. Ana is holding me with her. I hate seeing Phoebe cry. "Why did you go out? Whewe wewe you?," she says. Oh phoebe! What to speak, I have no idea. I know one thing for sure that I love you a lot, my child. "I was talking with grandma Grace. " I tell her. "I love you." "Okay," she sniffs. "I love you too." I try to change the topic. "So what should we do to make our baby girl happy?" Phoebe is pouting and looks f*****g cute. Ana is looking at me with love evident in her eyes. Phoebe keeps her hand under her chin and thinks a bit. Oh princess! Tell me whatever do you want and we will do it. I just want you to smile and never see tears spilling from your eyes. An idea comes to my princess mind and she starts jumping. "Calm down, Phoebe or else you will break your neck." I speak with worry evident in my voice. Just like her mother, she ignores me and doesn't stop. Soon enough she comes and sit in my lap. "Mommy, daddy sing fow me!" Phoebe squeals. Ana's cheeks go red as she looks over to me while I am smirking at her. "Phoebe, mommy can't sing. Get daddy to sing for you." She speaks gently. "No, I want you to sing with daddy!" Phoebe says giving her mother the same puppy dog eyes she gave me not too long ago for the pizza. What a look can mean you to do? Ana sighs and pulls our daughter into her arms. I take my phone and send Welch a text. I want a background check on Joffrey Pitt. C I am going to destroy Elena. Ana has already done that but I am going to take her f*****g last piece of comfort too. I look up again when I hear my daughter laughing loudly than she was before and see that Ana is tickling her. I smile. Times like this, with my family, are the best. I wouldn't trade it anything for in the world. Phoebe is begging for mercy in between breaths before Ana finally takes pity and stop. Just as Ana stops, I take the charge and start tickling her and Ana. I love to make my girls laugh, it makes me grin. It is a common reaction and I do not want it ever to end. Mia enters the room with ice-cream and Elliot in a row with her. Phoebe makes a beeline for Mia. Elliot scoops her and makes her laugh. "Yay! Let's have ice-cream." Phoebe starts jumping. I take the bowl from Mia and Phoebe sits in Ana's lap. Elliot is beside Phoebe and Mia beside me. I feed Phoebe and she tries to feed me. Though it goes more at my face than my mouth. We eat ice-cream in peace and Mia starts playing Let it go on her I pad. The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation And it looks like I'm the queen The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on Phoebe starts dancing and Elliot joins her. They both look like they are of same age. Soon enough we all join her. The cold never bothered me anyway Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door Let it go (go, go, go go, go go, go go, go, go, go go) Let it go Let it go Let it go I watch that Carrick is filming it and Grace has tears running over her face. She looks at us with love. It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go I take Ana in my arms and we start dancing. It feels so good to take her in my arms. Elliot has taken Phoebe on her shoulder and they are laughing and singing. You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage on My power flurries through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past Let it go The cold never bothered me anyway Let it go, let it go And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go, let it go That perfect girl is gone Here I stand in the light of day Let the storm rage on By the end of it, Phoebe is falling asleep against my chest and Grace alerts us that dinner is ready. "Phoebe, princess. Come on, let's go and eat dinner then you can come sleep," I say while brushing her hair. I kiss her forehead. Phoebe nods and I carry her down to the dining room. Elliot takes her in his lap and they eat the pizza. All are watching Phoebe while she and Elliot are making funny faces. Ana and I steal glances at each other and we're grinning at each other. After dinner, there is odd silence in the room. Phoebe rubs her eyes and I know she is going to fall asleep any second. Ana scoops her and Mia sings her a lullaby. I had no f*****g idea that Mia had a mother gene in her. Soon enough, her breathing changes and I know she has fallen asleep. Luke comes in the room and grins at Ana. "We are going to meet Jake tomorrow. Phoebe is going to be super happy." A smile crosses on Ana's face. "Aww, I have missed him." Mia speaks cheerily. Who the f**k is this Jake guy and what does her has to do with my girls. Is he Ana's boyfriend? No, I am her boyfriend. Is he an ex? Friends with benefit ? s**t! I am losing my mind. "Who the f**k is Jake?" I growl. Elliot starts laughing and ends on the floor. "You will see him tomorrow, Grey." Ana tells me.
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