Paternity Test

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ELENA'S POV : I am going to kill little Miss Perfect. Who does she think she is? She ruined my life and there is the brat too, on silver lining. How dare she hit me? My life was going the way I wanted it to be. Then little Anastasia comes and turns it upside down. Christian starts falling for her and becomes a love sick fool. He no longer remains the master of his universe. So, to help him I separated him from the b***h but I had no idea it would bite me back. What an ungrateful ass she has made Christian into? How could Grace kick me out of her house? Who does she think she is? I was the one who treated her son and all the credit went to the stupid f*****g psychiatrist. I was the one who made sure that he was disciplined, he started getting better grades. All I did was not enough. Huh, she f*****g claims me as a pedophile but I know I am not. I never pressured Christian into it. The simple truth is that he is f****d up and needs it. The aggression I saw in Christian's eyes was something different. It better be not the effect that children make you see the world in a different way. It just makes you f*****g weak and nothing more. Weak. When that brat slapped me I returned the favor, I did not expect him to treat me in such a way. He did not shudder even when I gave him my dominant glare. f**k, I know what to do that is to teach him once again. First and foremost, I have to remove that b***h and the little brat from his life. I will not allow them to make my Christian weak. Once it is done everything will be alright. Just thinking about it makes me happy and I guarantee that it is going to be slightly more than evil. Slightly. A lovely grin spreads over my face. I go and pick my phone and I know what to do but I need money first. But from where, hell I need to find a way as my salons are lost as well as my position in b**m clubs. How the f**k does she know Joffrey Pitt? I have patience and I am going to use it. They do not know who I am. If I burn, I make sure others burn too. Soon, Ana soon your days are going to be over. Till the time enjoy it. CHRISTIAN'S POV : This day has been to much for me. So much happened today and it's hard to get my mind off it. I am going to need a good lesson with John. I never thought that what Elena and I did was wrong. It never did occur to me in such a way. I never believed other's word. There were many people trying to show me Elena's real face. Was I this naive? I was f*****g livid when I saw my daughter hurt. Is this what my parents thought. I am f*****g confused. I am pulled out of my thoughts when someone put their hand on me. Soon enough I realize it's Ana and I pass a smile to her. My baby does know how to take care of me. She knows what I need whenever I am sad. I do not what I did to deserve her and I know one thing for sure that I am not letting her go. I will rather die that let someone else take her or our daughter away from me. They are my family and I am going to protect them. I look around the room and find Phoebe sitting on Elliot's shoulder. They are enjoying each other and it's hard to find who is the child in one of them. It amazes me how Phoebe is at ease with everyone. She knows how to wrap anyone around her finger. She is a sweetheart. My sweetheart. I take my phone and snap some of her pictures. Grace and Carrick are sitting and have a grim expression on their faces. I think they are blaming themselves for my relation with Elena. I want it comfort them but have no words. I think by time I will be able to console them. Carrick looks at me and then goes into his study. I feel like I am a teenager once again and I have to listen to his harsh words. I look over at Ana. "I will come back soon, baby." I humm and kiss her forehead. As I am walking to Carrick's room I feel a small tug on my pants. I look down and notice it's Phoebe. As I am lost in her, she gives me a sign to hold her up and I do as she instructs. It feels so normal to hold my daughter in my arms. Her enormous grey eyes are mesmerizing and can capture any heart. It feels like she takes all the pain away and replace it with a smile. "Me love you daddy." Phoebe giggles with an idiotic grin spread over her face. I mirror her actions and kiss her cheek. I love these moments with my daughter. She does not care what I do, she loves me and it is the best feeling in the world. "I love you too princess." I tell her and swing her in response to get a squeal from her. "Aww... They look so cute." Mia cooed while taking pictures. I just shrug my shoulders and smile at my princess. I notice someone pushes Ana towards us and see it is Grace. Seeing Ana, Phoebe goes in her arms while Mia continues to take pictures. "All here. For selfie." Phoebe shouts and everyone laughs at her innocence. My princess does know how to put a smile on other's face. We take a few selfies and make silly faces too. "You are natural with children. She is so cute and beautiful. It is as if an angel came from heavens." Grace states with adoration as we notice Phoebe playing with Mia's phone. "You were never a disappointment, Christian. You were hard to handle but that doesn't mean we are ashamed of you. You always made us proud Christian, do not forget that. You are an amazing son and nobody is perfect. We always loved you and will love you, even if you do not want it. Without you our family is incomplete." Grace passes me a bittersweet smile. After hearing Grace's words tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I notice that everyone has left to give us some privacy. I hug Grace and see that tears start falling from her eyes. I know she wanted to hug me but always respected my boundaries. CARRICK'S POV : I am livid would be an understatement of the year. What the hell was Christian thinking to have a relationship with a women who was his mother's best friend. Hell, she was double than Christian. But no, it does not affect Christian at all. He does not even care about his family. Huh, family. When does he ever see us. He just excuses himself as he is unworthy but never makes an effort to come close to us. I am numb. I need hard liquor. f**k! I reach over and slam the bourbon down and look out at the sound from my window. Soon enough Christian enters my room and takes a seat. I do not know what to say to him because he never listens. If he would have, there won't be such a mess. I need more bourbon. "Do you want some son?" I ask while glancing at Christian. He just nods and I pour him a glass too. "What were you thinking and were you ever going to tell is about it?" I ask him while shifting into my Lawyer profession. Christian turns his hand through his hair. "Father it was long time ago and I did not consider it as abuse before. No, I was never going to tell you all about my lifestyle. It is not something I wanted to share with you." I feel like old days when he used to come home from brawling. "Why did you never tell us about it? We are your parents and we consider you to tell us things. We are not to be neglected but you... When do you listen to me. You are always in your own element. I do not have words to express my anger." I take a sigh and finish my drink. "I did not wanted you to be ashamed of me. I know I have not been a good son and I am unworthy of your love. You love me and I did not want to lose it. I was insecure about you and how your feelings might change towards me. Elena also made me believe that if I ever tell you all about the lifestyle you won't believe me. " That's it I am f*****g furious. "WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT HUH? FOR f**k'S SAKE STOP USING THE SYMPATHY CARD." I do not what over take me but the next thing I know is I throw the glass and the sounds of it shatters echo all over the room. Soon enough I hear a knock on the door. Now who the hell wants to interrupt me. Can't I speak to my son alone for a while. But no, everyone has to interrupt us. Left with no option I ask the person to come in. I see it's Ana which provokes me. Why the f**k she has to put her nose in between matters of others. Ever act the innocent one. I am just fed up of her drama. Here, I am talking to my son but know she has to come in between. "What do you want Ana?" I demand lacking any warmth or emotion. Ana enters my study. ANA'S POV: "Carrick, maybe Christian and I can join you in the study and we discuss whatever it is you need me to clear up." "I don't need you to clear anything up. I just need you to get out of my house and my son's life." What?! "What the f**k Dad?" Christian is bristling now. He runs his hand through his hair and starts pacing the room. To keep the situation in control I take Christian's hand and we take a seat. I keep my hand on his thighs as it haves a calming effect on him. His words not mine. "Yes Christian, she is not right for you. I want you to be away from her and settle with a girl who is not seen as a gold digger. It would have been better that you would have never told me about your relationship with Elena. How does it make me feel have you any idea?" Carrick glares at me and Christian. I know he always had a problem with me but I did not know the type of hate he had for me. Christian clenches his fists and pushes his chair. He gets near Carrick and is standing very close to him. It is as if one of them took a step forward they will collide with each other. "One thing I want to make clear Carrick that I f*****g love my family and I am not going to f*****g leave them no matter what happens. If you want me to f*****g choose between her and you, it will always be her. It is not blind love. You know she f*****g never judges me which I expect from my parents. But, f**k I was wrong." Christian comes towards me and held my hand. He puts my hand on his chest." See dad, that I f*****g trust her and whenever she touches me it doesn't hurt. "He looks at me with love." This angel gave me an another chance after I f****d up. If I was in her shoes I would have told myself to f**k off. But no she f*****g forgives me and I am sure that I want to live with her. I do not f*****g know what I did to deserve her in my life but I am not going to be f*****g away from her." I do not even realize when tears start to fall from my eyes. Its just when Christian uses his thumb to wipe my tears. "Everything gets f*****g great right. So, now you are making me villian. Seriously, Christian I should be the bad guy." I rub my forehead as I am getting frustrated with this. Damn, one thing is sure that Carrick and me are not going to have a stable relationship in the future. For sure. When I look at him, if looks could kill, I'd be six feet under. I stay quiet but then do the opposite because I just want to leave and spend some quality time with my daughter. "What do you want Mr. Grey? What is your problem?" I yell at him as I am getting frustrated as every single second passes. "You weaseled your way into my son's life with innocent acting skills and your skirt. You've gotten him to buy you clothes and jewels. Next, you'll tell us you're pregnant with his baby. I'd advise a DNA a test immediately. I already have one illegitimate grandchild, I don't know hat to do." Next thing is that Carrick has a broken nose as Christian punches him. I hear the breaking of bones. Carrick is disappointed and amused for a second it looks like he has no idea what us happening but is soon replaced by anger. "How dare you hit your father for a f*****g w***e and an illegitimate child?" I take Christian's hand and make him take a few steps back or else there will be blood bath. "What the hell? Do you have any idea what are you speaking or have you lost your sanity. I never asked your son to spend his money on me." I say while passing daggers to him. "Oh! Sorry for my mistake you were never a sane person." I appreciate him with slow claps. "You just keep that whoring mouth of yours shut. You always play with other using words but know one thing that won't affect me. I know you and your games." He looks at Christian with softened eyes. "I have to take care of my family. One thing you should know that parents always think the best for their children. The best for my family is that you leave with that illegitimate child." How dare he call my daughter as an illegitimate child. "You better listen to me Mr. Grey, I do not care what you think about me but listen carefully. If you ever call my daughter any names I am going to make your life hell." I walk away but turn around instantly. "This is not a threat but a promise." I know myself if I lose my sanity right now I will kill Carrick Grey. I keep chanting in my head that I am not going to kill Carrick Grey. "What the f**k Carrick? How can you call my daughter as illegitimate. My Phoebe is not illegitimate you better know that. What the hell are you trying to do?" I look over at Christian and I am sure if not controlled one of his veins will burst. "My job is to protect my family. I'm protecting you. Phoebe is not your daughter. She isn't your responsibility and neither is Anastasia," Carrick's words made me fill the room and I see that it comes from Grace and Mia and Elliot. Holy cow! Where is Phoebe? Did she listen to any of this? All color drains from my face. "Where is Phoebe?" I look over the faces of Grace, Mia and Elliot. The words which I hear next gives me a bit of relief. "She was tired so I made sure that she sleep well in my room." Mia tells me and I hug her. I keep chanting thank you and she comforts me. "Carrick!" Grace swings and hits Carrick in the arm startling all of us. She continues to hit him until Elliot pulls her off. "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT PHOEBE IS NOT MY AND CHRISTIAN'S DAUGHTER? HUH, WHAT PROOF DOES YOU HAVE?" I question him. "If that is so why don't you take a paternity test?" Carrick demands and pass daggers to me. I do not back off and pass him the same. "Are you f*****g kidding me right now?" Elliot starts to shake his head. "That's just great, you know what me and Mia were with Ana at each and every stage. I do not care that you believe it or not but Phoebe is Christian's daughter." "STOP, how could you think of Phoebe like that daddy? You know what if someone thought like this of me. It makes me feel disgusting and don't you think how it affects everyone's life especially Christian and Ana's." Mia bursts into tears and leaves the room. Carrick is shocked by his daughter's outbrust. This is Karma, Carrick Grey. "I am getting the f**k out of here with my family and stay the hell away from me and my family ." Christian spew to Carrick. "I do not care whatever you do or f*****g think but do not disrespect or hurt my family. If you ever f*****g think about it, there will be hell to pay and I will forget that you are my f*****g father." Christian takes my hand and we leave the room." Let's take our daughter and leave." I go and pick our daughter. She whimpers but settles soon. When Christian see us he takes Phoebe by the hip and kisses her forehead. "I love you Phoebe. Nothing will ever change that, you know. Daddy will always love you no matter what mistakes you make. I am never going to miss any steps of your life." He wishers in her ear and held my hand. He engulfs Phoebe and hold her tightly. It looks like he is lost in his own life. We leave the house and go to hotel. As soon as we sit in the car. Christian looks at me. He cups my face. " Baby I am so sorry. I had no idea that today will go in such a way. If I knew about Carrick's intentions, I would have never brought you and Phoebe near him. Please forgive me. I never want anyone to separate me from you and our daughter. I cannot live without you and her. You both are my f*****g life. Please do not leave me." Oh fifty! Why are you so insecure. I hate to see you as a lost small boy. "Hey I am not going to leave you and let Mr. Grey want whatever he likes, it won't change a thing for me. You know that very well. Phoebe is not going away from you."
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