Elena's Facade Is Out

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CHRISTIAN'S POV : I had a very joyfully lunch with Ana and her team. I enjoyed it a lot. I did not like her COO. He should have a decency that the person sitting beside him is his boss not a friend. We talked on many things and I got to know more about them. It is nice to hang out with people of your age. Does my employers do the same in the cafe? I have no f*****g idea. I have missed all this in my life because Elena told me it was not all my worth. I never had friends never knew what is it to talk with them. I had no idea how does it feel to laugh over something stupid. It makes me think was I so naive. I never noticed what all lies Elena told me. I am happy that Ana fell into my life. If not for her I would be living my life with a submissive. It would have given me a release but never the happiness I feel when Ana or Phoebe enjoy themselves even if it is at my own cost. I want to be with Ana and make sure that I do not miss any other important detail of their life. I want to be with them at every step. With my girls. My baby and princess. Ana and Phoebe. Our little and cute family. I need to plan Phoebe's birthday gift too. She is excited and wants it to be the best. When we started talking about her birthday, she was jumping on her chair. She only sat silent because of Ana's glare. For her birthday hardly 10 days are left. I am going to make it the best birthday for her. This time she will cut her cake with her mommy and daddy both. GRACE'S POV : Today I got a call from Christian. He said he wants to tell us something important. I hope he met someone and is interested in pursuing a relationship with her. He was heartbroken when he got to know about that w***e and her intentions. Thank God for Elena. She protected my son from being with that w***e and I thought she was a Saint. Elena told me about her mother that she jumps from one relationship to another. Like mother like daughter. The apple does not fall far. I wish all my children are happy and never feel abandoned. I am worried for Christian because he loved the girl. He was violated by that w***e. I hate her that she destroyed my child. Mia did not believe that Ana could do something. She and Elliot thinks that all that was a lie. They do not like Elena so they sided with Ana. That is not something I taught my children. I have no idea when all did this happen. I do not like Kate sometimes. She wants everything to be the way she likes. If not she starts fussing like a spoiled child. Mia avoids her too. Mia is always like this. She hardly spent her time in Seattle. She loves New York and her friends. I know about few of them. She is spoiled too but I cannot say anything about it. She was the smallest in the house and was loved by everyone a lot especially Christian. "Carry what do you think Christian wants to talk about?" I ask Carrick while passing him an apple pie. "I have no idea, Gracie. Let's wait and hope it is good news." Carrick leans down in his chair and takes me in his lap. "Your favorite child is here." I hear the voice of Elliot and stand straight. I see that Elliot, Christian and Mia are together. When did they all become punctual? All my children come and take a seat. Their faces are giving a serious look and I hope something brutal has not happened. "Well what do you wanted to talk about?" Carrick asks Christian. He is looking at his lap as if he is ashamed of some fact. It is the face I used to see after brawling. Oh God, he did not hurt someone. This boy and his temper. "I wanted to tell everyone that the pictures Elena presented of Luke and Ana were fake. Ana never betrayed me." I cannot believe what I am hearing. I glance at everyone's face. Is is filled with different emotions. Mia and Elliot have a hopeful smile on their face and Carrick is in deep thought. "What? Why?" I cannot form a sentence. Elena is my best friend how could she destroy my child's happiness. "Elena never liked Ana and wanted her out of my life. She thought it was the best thing she was doing for me." Christian is staring at his lap. "You are f*****g delusional bro. She always had an eye for you. It was clear by the way she used to look at you." How did I never notice. "Why would she go to such length? We are missing something, aren't we Christian?" Carrick asks white his hand travels to his chin. On what next shock Christian is going to give us. Taking a deep breath he start to tell us the truth. "Yes, I am not telling you something. Elena and I had a relationship when I was 15 years old. For six years I was her s****l submissive. It started when I was fifteen. I was at her house doing yard work as punishment after I was expelled. I was young and horny, but terrified of starting anything with a girl because they'd want to touch me. Elena knew that, so on the first day I was working for her, she kissed me passionately, then slapped me hard. She repeated it for times on that day. Then she said she'd see me the next day. I didn't know what to think of it, but I returned." My heat is breaking as I am listening to him. How could Elena do this? "No!" I gasps and immediately start crying. Carrick stands and walks over to me, wrapping me in a hug. "Shh. Just listen and let him tell you his story." He is still holding me and makes me sit in a chair. He keep hold of my hand. Christian tells us about his relationship and everything till how he met Ana and she changed his views. "Was Ana your submissive?" Carrick asks Christian. Did he hurt that little girl? "No, she never was. When I forced her to sign the contract she left me and I realized her importance in my life. I knew I cannot live without her. I won her back with a normal relationship." I breathe a sign of relief. How much bad we have thought of Ana? Oh God! How will I be ever able to face her. "Were these women paid?" Carrick asked him. His voice was emotionless, and I knew he was going into his profession of all Christian had revealed to us. "No, I would provide them with a new car, and a wardrobe that they could keep once our contract was over." "Were there many?" I asked, my voice trembling. "Enough," he said bitterly. "The longest was with me for almost a year. Some of them only a few months or weeks. Elena would identify suitable young women and introduce them to me. She was just a friend and protecting me. I needed this or else I would be in jail or dead." I never knew Christian could be so naive. He has no idea about dealing with emotions. "I can't believe I let that w***e do all that to my son." I growls out, tears still trailing down my cheek. Tears are coming from Carrick's eyes too. How bad mother I am? I am a pediatrician and I did not notice the signs. CHRISTIAN'S POV : I can't do this. I cannot f*****g continue this. I cannot face them right now. Abruptly, I stand up and walk out the house. I have no idea where I'm headed but I am not stopping. I get in the car and start driving it. I do not know where I am going. After half an hour I notice I am at SMG building. I clear my face and enter the building. The elevator ride is short and the doors open to Ana's floor. I am going to her office while a blonde stops me. "Sir you cannot go in Ms. Steele's office without her permission." f**k off. I am not in the f*****g mood of listening to her nuisance. I need Ana and I don't care about any other thing. "Who the hell are you?" I ask in my Dom voice. She looks vulnerable. "I am her personal assistant, Hannah Case." She tells me and I give her a 'do I f*****g care' look. Soon enough Ana comes out of her office and looks at me. "Who is shouting?" Ana looks pissed but her face changes as soon as she sees me. "Ms. Steele, Mr. Grey was trying to barge in your office." She says while giving me a bad eye. For f**k sake I am not interested in the drama. I would be laughing at this if I was not in the current situation. "No need of it, he can come anytime in my office Ms. Case. Thank you for your help but remember it. I do not like you to disrespect my boyfriend. Is it clear Ms. Case?" Ana speaks in her CEO voice and damn I am instantly hard. She takes my hand and lead me in the office. She locks the door. I do not know what happens next but I am sitting in her seat and she in my lap. I notice that she is observing my face. She is trying to find out what is wrong? Oh baby! I wish it was simple. "What happened?" Ana asks while touching my cheek. I cannot lose you Ana. I pull her in a hug as if my life depends on it. Yes it does. "I am not going to leave you tell me what is it? Talk to me. I am never going to judge you. You might have done something wrong but you will be the same for me. You know you will by my sweet, loving Christian." After listening her words, I feel better. How does she know what to speak. She always put my broken pieces together. "How do you know what to speak?" I ask while raising a brow. I see a smile forming on her face. "Because I know what is in their?" She says while touching my heart. "I told my family the truth about Elena. I told them everything. I know they hate me. Hell, why would they love such a child. From starting I was a troublemaker for them but they kept me. I have disappointed them. I am of no good Ana. They were not happy about my anger issues, brawling. They were not happy when I drop out of Harvard. They are not happy with me because of my past. I am f****d Ana." I say pouring all emotions to her. She can heal me, she is like a drug to me. "Christian! Please stop. Listen to me." I can hear Ana but I cannot look at her. I'm too ashamed. "Christian Grey! Listen to me and I am not going to repeat it." Her voice is really scary right now. "Look at me." She is now sitting in my lap. I gradually lift my head down and stare at her face. Out of impulse, I launch myself at her and bury my face in her neck. "You are a wonderful son, you know that. They are not going to hate you. I am sure about this. Phoebe makes mistake but I can never hate her. No matter what she does. Nor can you. Parents always love their children and it is not a duty. It is love, bonding. Grace is your angel, she will understand. You used to brawl, it was a way you were letting them know of your emotions. You were opening up by revealing a shade of you. You dropped out of Harvard because you thought that was waste of time. Your parents did not like it but they are proud of your achievements. What you did with GEH. They will not hate you because of your past. They will love you. They always have and always will." I can feel her fingers making lazy circles on my neck. "Look at me." I look up and see tears pooling in her eyes. "Don't cry." I didn't even realize I was crying until she wipes the tears from my eyes. "You don't cry either." I kiss the tears that are now falling down her cheeks. "I'm just so scared. What if - " She cuts me off. "If you think about what if's, then you can never be satisfied Christian. You will always think that what if this happened. You will have heart attack and then who will be there to love me and the father to Phoebe." She says while keeping her hand on my heart. "No one." I am going to f*****g kill whoever tries to take my place with my girls. My family. We sit there wrapped in each other. I do not know how much time has passed and I do not f*****g care. Ana's phone buzzes and we see it's from Alice. She puts it on speaker. "Hey Alice" "Open your door. Phoebe is waiting with a cute pouting." She starts giggling and I am lost in it. It is my favorite sound in the world. f**k! We forgot that Ana locked the door. "Sure just a second." She gets from my lap and opens the door. We are greeted with an angry Phoebe. She ignores Ana and comes inside the office. She notices me and her face lifts up. She comes near me and I pick her up and place her in my lap. Ana brings another chair and places it beside her. "You upset, daddy?" She asks while putting a thumb on my face. Oh princess. Great your daughter has seen you crying now. I don't know what to say to her. Ana wishers something in Phoebe's ear. "Phoebe hug make you happy daddy." She says and throws her arms around my neck. Ana joins us to. How did I got so lucky to get a lovely girlfriend and daughter. "Listen to me, Christian. We need to go back and explain to them that you have changed. You're my Christian now, sweet and loving." She says while I gaze in the blue eyes that have captivated me. Ana turns towards Phoebe "Phoebe would you like to meet Elliot and Mia." She nods. I compose myself and take Phoebe in my arm and Ana is beside me. We leave grinning at each other. ANA'S POV : I am nervous to see the Grey family again. I just don't want to make a mess of it. I do not hate them neither their reaction. They had hardly seen me three or four times that too for an hour or two. Christian is driving the car and Phoebe is sitting on the backseat. She is playing Subway Surfer on my phone. I look at Christian and start playing with my fingers. "Hey, they know you did nothing wrong." Christian tries to reassure me and I pass him my smile but it does not reach my eyes. He kisses my cheek and hold my hand. Soon enough we reach his parent's house. I am being anxious and profusely sweating. Christian passes me his handkerchief and I smile at the memory associated with it. Phoebe comes and hold both of our hands. Mia is standing and notices us. She passes a lovely smile and run inside. "There is a surprise for you."Mia speaks while jumping around. She comes and sit beside Carrick. Christian gives me a kiss on my cheek. Elliot takes the pie from kitchen and starts eating it. Ever hungry. "What is the surprise?" Carrick asks while glancing at Mia. Christian has a playful smile on his face with a bit of hurt evident on his face. "Are you all ready to see your surprise?" Mia says and I am a ball of nervousness. Mia comes and get us in. Grace and Carrick are startled to see me. I do not see anger in both of their eyes. They both are looking at me with hope. Never expected? Phoebe spots Elliot and run towards her. She throw her hands in his neck. He picks her up and she squeals while Elliot swings her. "Uncle Elliot" She says while laughing. Grace and Carrick are looking at Phoebe and trying to find out who she is. Phoebe gets down from Elliot's arm and run towards Christian. She notice Grace and Carrick are looking at her. "Hey princess" Christian calls Phoebe and she run towards him. She goes in his arms. She hides in his neck. "Hey princess, there's no need to be scared" he smiles at her. "Everyone here already loves you I promise." He tucks her hair behind her ear as she looks at me worried. I take Phoebe in my arms. "They can't wait to meet you." I smile and kiss her head finally getting a little smile. "Christian." Grace chimes as I stand, making Phoebe look at me again. She is amused. "Ana!" Grace gushes as she pulls me into a hug clearly and I can't help but smile as I look down at Phoebe, and stroke her hair trying to calm her. "Everyone this is Phoebe, mine and Ana's daughter. " Christian smiles proudly looking from Phoebe to where Grace, Carrick are standing. Christian crouch down next to Phoebe. "Princess this is Grandma Grace and Nana Carrick." He says pointing to each in turn. "Aunt Mia." Phoebe sees Mia and run towards her. She starts tickling Phoebe and Phoebe repeats the same. Grace and Carrick sits beside Phoebe. "Hello Phoebe" Grace says while holding her hand. Phoebe looks a bit startled and she shakes her hand with Grace. "Hello" She smiles and blushes. "What's for dinner?" Is the first thing Elliot asks. All the tension has left from this house. That earns a chuckle from everyone. "Elliot!" Grace admonishes him. "What? I'm hungry. You know I haven't had anything since like three hours ago!" He tries to explain his life to her. Next to me, Christian is laughing his ass off just like Mia and Carrick. In less than a minute, Elliot has lifted everyone's moods using his bad sense of humor. "I still don't understand how you stay so fit even after eating so much food." Christian asks while taking Phoebe in his lap. "Jealous bro..." Elliot says whir showing off his muscles. He knows how to push Christian's buttons well. He is rewarded with Christian's 'f**k off' look. "Me hungry too." Phoebe tells us while clutching her stomach. "What would you like to eat dear?" Grace asks her. "This is wrong. You did not say no to her." Elliot whines. God, it is so confusing whether he is a child or Phoebe. "Do not act like a kid. So what do you want to eat Phoebe?" Grace scolds Elliot and we all laugh start laughing at him. "Pizza Mawgewita" Phoebe keeps her hand on her chin and thinks a bit. I should have guessed it. They all look confused and look at me for guidance. "It is Margherita, babygirl" I say while sitting beside Christian and brush Phoebe's hair. "That is not there nugget." Mia tells and Phoebe scowls at her. She is looking at all and pouting. In an instant she gives a naughty smile and I know something is going in that little head of hers. "What is the plan nugget?" Elliot asks while eating an apple. She winks at Elliot and blows a kiss to him which he catches and puts in his heart. "Daddy can you please get me a Mawgewita pizza?" She looks at Christian and gives her puppy eyes. She touches her cheek softly. Don't give up Grey! "Okay princess." Phoebe looks satisfied and shows her tounge to Mia. Elliot starts laughing as well as Grace and Carrick. "Phoebe is this the way to behave?" I say in my moomy voice. Phoebe comes near me and whispers. "Sowwy mommy" Phoebe says and run towards Christian with pleading eyes. She is daddy's girl for sure. I am happy and pass her a smile. "It's okay, but do not repeat it." Christian speaks softly and kiss her forehead. He makes her sit in his lap. We all sit and start laughing. Phoebe is sitting on her own chair. While we wait for pizza, Elliot tells some funny stories and Phoebe enjoys it. These two bond together easily. "Hello is anybody here." I hear the voice of an old woman. Holy s**t. I know this voice. It is of Elena.
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