1641 Words

I’d treat these worthy guests, with pleasure, To some from out our cellar’s treasure. SIEBEL Just treat, and let the landlord me arraign! FROSCH And if the wine be good, our praises shall be ample. But do not give too very small a sample; For, if its quality I decide, With a good mouthful I must be supplied. ALTMAYER (aside) They’re from the Rhine! I guessed as much, before. MEPHISTOPHELES Bring me a gimlet here! BRANDER What shall therewith be done? You’ve not the casks already at the door? ALTMAYER Yonder, within the landlord’s box of tools, there’s one! MEPHISTOPHELES (takes the gimlet) (To FROSCH.) Now, give me of your taste some intimation. FROSCH How do you mean? Have you so many kinds? MEPHISTOPHELES The choice is free: make up your minds. ALTMAYER (to FROSC

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