1663 Words

The damnéd beast—the curséd sow! To leave the kettle, and singe the Frau! Accurséd fere! (Perceiving FAUST and MEPHISTOPHELES.) What is that here? Who are you here? What want you thus? Who sneaks to us? The fire-pain Burn bone and brain! (She plunges the skimming-ladle into the caldron, and scatters flames towards FAUST, MEPHISTOPHELES, and the Animals. The Animals whimper.) MEPHISTOPHELES (reversing the brush, which he has been holding in his hand, and striding among the jars and glasses) In two! in two! There lies the brew! There lies the glass! The joke will pass, As time, foul ass! To the singing of thy crew. (As the WITCH starts back, full of wrath and horror) Ha! know’st thou me? Abomination, thou! Know’st thou, at last, thy Lord and Master? What hinders me f

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