1650 Words

And simply take your master’s words for truth. On words let your attention centre! Then through the safest gate you’ll enter The temple-halls of Certainty. STUDENT Yet in the word must some idea be. MEPHISTOPHELES Of course! But only shun too over-sharp a tension, For just where fails the comprehension, A word steps promptly in as deputy. With words ‘tis excellent disputing; Systems to words ‘tis easy suiting; On words ‘tis excellent believing; No word can ever lose a jot from thieving. STUDENT Pardon! With many questions I detain you. Yet must I trouble you again. Of Medicine I still would fain Hear one strong word that might explain you. Three years is but a little space. And, God! who can the field embrace? If one some index could be shown, ‘Twere easier groping fo

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